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Secluded Spring Take These Broken Wings - Printable Version

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Take These Broken Wings - Nauja - Aug 04, 2017

@Tyne @Jynx Nauja and Tyne are at the border of White Fir Notch.


It had been a slow process getting Tyne back to White Fir Notch but Nauja hadn't given up and she didn't let him give up either. She had helped him as much as she could and tried her best to make it as painless as possible but she was sure he still had pain as they crossed the terrain. It took her a lot longer to get back and hoped she wouldn't be in trouble for being gone so long. The sea wolf wasn't too worried once she explained to Emrys the situation. He seemed a fair alpha and Kind and she felt that when he saw Tyne and the condition he was in she'd be forgiven for being gone.

She worried about the state of her friend especially since it had taken so long to get back. She hoped that the infection wasn't too bad in his body and there couldn't be anything to be done for him. She trusted in her Alpha's skills and hoped that Tyne could too but she knew nothing of healing so couldn't be certain that this wasn't all for not, that even though she had gotten him to the border and to help that he wouldn't die anyway.

She'd had to push those thoughts out if her mind many times through the journey so that she could stay hopeful. She had to not only for herself but for Tyne too so that he could keep going. When they finally reached the border she helped him get into a more comfortable position before she raised her muzzle into the air and called for Emrys. Then she went to wait for her Alpha next to Tyne giving his forehead a lick in hopes to comfort him some , "He will be here soon," she told him.


RE: Take These Broken Wings - Tyne - Aug 05, 2017


@Nauja so wanna set this for maybe a week after their other thread making it May 27/28?

The trip from the cherry orchard to the borders was grueling for the tawny male. Each step was more agonizing the last. Infection coursed through his blood making it a miracle he was still alive. The pair of sea wolves had to stop frequently making the larger of the two feel bad emotionally as well as physically. He shouldn't have ever agreed to this. He should have just been selfish and gave into the pull of death. But no he couldn't, he couldn't do that to Nauja. So here he sat at the borders of yet another pack that would have to take care of him.

Grumbling to himself the Kersey man did his best to sit so that he didnt look completely helpless. By this point he lad learned to keep his moans, groans and whines silent. So as he leaned most of his weight on his good leg the older sea wolf called for her alpha. When she said that the alpha wouldn't be long Tyne gave a small dip of his head in acknowledgement. He really wish she hadn't found him. He was in no condition for any soul to see.


RE: Take These Broken Wings - Emrys - Aug 05, 2017


The morning was a crisp one with his paws getting wet from the dew as he traveled through the territory. He’d been up since before dawn going through each of his duties and even had the chance to add a nice plump rabbit to the cache. He’d left his rounds to last so that he could pick Hawthorne up from her den when he was sure she was awake. He didn't like waking her for rounds since she was still a growing pup and needed her sleep. He was on his way to Sylva's den to get Hawthorne and start the rounds with her when he heard the call, it was Nauja.

He thought it a bit strange that she was calling him from the borders since she could have just crossed them. He did recall he hadn't seen her about the territory for a while but thought she was out hunting. Perhaps she'd managed to catch something big enough she needed help with it. With that thought in mind he took off for the border, he and Hawthorne could don't rounds after he found out what Nauja needed. He made it to where she'd called from quickly and stepped out of the forest. The pale leader was surprised to see she had another wolf with her and as he drew near to greet her and welcome her home he was surprised by the state of the man. “What's going on Nauja?” He asked the dark furred she-wolf his gaze looking the man over.


RE: Take These Broken Wings - Nauja - Aug 05, 2017


Even though she knew that hadn't been that long since her call it felt like forever. She knew that it was only because she was so worried about Tyne. The longer everything took the worse he was getting, she worried that it had already been too long to save him. The Seawolf did the best she could to comfort him and let him know that they wouldn't be there much longer. Soon he would get to rest and Emrys would take care of him. She waited anxiously for the pale leader to appear and breathed a sigh of relief. With a lick to Tynes forehead she went to meet Emrys and explain that had happened. That was after all what he wanted to know.

With one look at Tyne she met Emrys’ gaze and took a deep breath before she started to explain to the leader what was going on. “I was out hunting and I found my friend Tyne, well he's actually more than that. He's my family Emrys and I was hoping we could help him. He's really sick and injured and he needs a place to go. Is there anything that we can do for him?” She asked almost pleading. She didn't think that the pale man would turn away someone in Tyne's condition but she also knew he had to think of the pack. She understood what kind of strain her friend might put on the pack, “I couldn't let him die,” she added in hopes that might help the situation.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Aug 05, 2017

Shallow water has trapped several fish in a small pond. Hunt Opportunity

RE: Take These Broken Wings - Jynx - Aug 08, 2017


A pair of vibrant golden eyes turned skywards, fixating on the gathering clouds in the distance. Yet another rainstorm was on the way, typical of this time of year. Her mind had been on many things lately. The pack was due for a meeting in the next few weeks. But more importantly, were their numbers. The dark female Ishtar hadn't been seen in quite some time, her scent all but vanished from the Notch. It was knowing this, that Jynx wondered if the girl had decided being in a pack was too much for her...too intimidating. She recalled how close Nauja and her were, as friends. Surely the sea wolf had noticed her absence too, and the leader could only imagine the pain and disappointment she was going through.

Thus far, Nauja was proving herself as a reliable and resourceful member of the pack. Far more committed and attentive than some of their other, previous members who had come and gone. So, when her scent had faded slightly from their lands for a few days, but she didn't jump to conclusions. She could be out scouting or hunting, expanding her range further beyond the reaches of home. Jynx was sure when she returned, whatever explanation she'd provide would back up the reason for her brief absence. And, just as the copper tinted female was about to head out on a lengthy patrol of the borders, Nauja's distinct howl beckoned her, and Emrys. She had returned, but was requesting the presence of her Alphas.
Something was up.

Not wasting a moment, Jynx turned and navigated her way through the trees and summer foliage, picking her way steadily towards the border. Any branches, leaves or twigs that caught on the hairs of her coat were quick to dislodge, since her pelage of winter was long gone. Nearing the site, Emrys' scent filled her nose, a clue that he had arrived before her. A thin smile came to her lips at the thought of her mate, and father of their children. He was so dutiful, so responsive and aware of the needs of those in the pack. As his white frame came into view, so did two others. The first was Nauja herself, with her dark coloring. And beside her sat a large Agouti male. Upon closer inspection with a curious squint of her eyes, she could plainly see that he was in horrendous shape. His frame was skinny from lack of nutrition, and his fur would have been striking, if not for the horrific gashes and wounds. Her nose caught the pungent reek of infection, and her ears fell flat sympathetically. As Nauja finished the last of her sentence, the Matriarch hurried over to the trio, clearly concerned. "You did the right thing by bringing him here, Nauja. We won't turn away a wolf in need. Especially not a friend of yours." Her eyes skimmed over the open wounds on Tyne's body. Who could have done this, and why? She shook her head clear. There was no time for questions. With a sense of urgency, she turned to her partner. "He has an infection raging through his body...that's not good. Tell me what you need from the infirmary and I'll get it right away."


RE: Take These Broken Wings - Tyne - Aug 09, 2017


Tyne tried to sit in a comfortable and appropriate position as the pair of sea wolves waited. Nauja said it wouldn't be long and that made him uneasy. He wished they wouldn't come at all so he could go sulk on his own and succumb to his injuries. As it were he would not be granted this for a white figure appeared and approached them. It was clear from the way he carried himself that he was the alpha. Once close enough the large tawny man made an effort to lower his head further than it was. Pain shot through his body in protest of the movement causing nothing more than a wince. Since the darker of the two was addressed he would remain silent until she was finished.

Nauja told the tale of how she found him and who he was. Her tone was near pleading which caused a surge of guilt to wash over him. The Kersey hadn't ever liked relying on other, he preferred to be the one others could rely on. Golden eyes lifted from the alphas paws to look him in the eyes. Just as he was about to open his maw to speak another arrived. Golden eyes flicked to the female who's pelt most resembled his own as he grumbled internally. Great yet someone else who can see me like this. She told Nauja that she had done the right thing and that they wouldn't turn someone away who was in need. So this must be the lead female then. Tyne shifted in his spot to get some of his weight off his injured leg. He fought the urge to whine from the movement and embarrassment. The tawny queen turned to the white king stating that he had a severe infection and asked what was needed from the infirmary. Not wanting wanting to be disrespectful the Kersey man waited until the king had finished speaking before he spoke. "I am eternally grateful for ya kindness. I swear my loyalty to you for as long as you'll have me." He voice was weak and cracked from not using it as much lately. He meant what he said, he'd actually probably still be loyal whether they wanted him or not.


RE: Take These Broken Wings - Emrys - Aug 10, 2017

Healer Dem 1/3


It was odd that Nauja had called from the border, she had not been gone long enough for the notch scent to disappear from her pelt. The mystery was solved however when he arrived at the border and found she had brought someone home with her. The stench of Infection was strong in the air causing his nostrils to flare. It was a smell he knew well, the fact that it was so strong worried him. “That's not necessary while you're in such a condition,” he told the male when he saw that he was trying to show his respect, “The gesture is appreciated,” he added giving the man a nod. Nauja spoke telling of how she had found the man, explaining what the tawny man was to her.

Emrys stepped up to his subordinate and bumped her chin with his muzzle but before he could speak his mate appeared voicing his exact thoughts. He looked back to her offering a smile as she spoke of the infection and asking what she needed to get. “Thats right the progression of the infection isn't good. You must move swiftly,” he told, “No more time should be wasted than necessary. From the infirmary I will need yarrow, wormwood, Western red cedar, and Goldenrod. We will start with that but we need to get the infection under control first.”

Emrys turned to Nauja, “Go with her in case she needs help bringing the herbs back.” He ordered before going to Tyne to look over his wounds and assess what needed to be done. “You can thank me and show your loyalty when your better but for now let's get you through this. I am sure you know the seriousness of your condition. I'm going to do whatever it takes to make you better. You must do your part too and not lose hope." It was a promise that he intended to keep to the man but he too knew how dire the situation was.


RE: Take These Broken Wings - Nauja - Aug 10, 2017


The appearance of her alpha was only a small comfort to her, she still had to explain the situation and see if she could get help for Tyne. Then if Emrys did accept him into pack lands what would they still need to don't get her fellow sea wolf on the road to recovery? There was still so much and she felt like there was so little time. She knew Tyne was getting worse and worse, would there come a moment where he couldn't be helped at all? Would Emrys take one look at him and tell her that she had gotten her friend there much too late? Then the worst thought came to her, she didn't even want to entertain it but she had to. She had to acknowledge the possibility that she may have made suffer through the journey to White Fir Notch only for him to die there.

Her gaze would go from Emrys to Tyne as she spoke and waited for the verdict to be made. The pale leader bumped her chin which was some relief, she felt it was a sign he wasn't angry with her for bringing Tyne. Before Emrys could voice his opinion the agouti alpha appeared and quickly voiced hers. After that both of her Alpha's set into motion as they decided what needed to be done. The sea wolf dipped her head to Jynx at the praise she'd been given for bringing Tyne to them.

Her gaze was on the pale alpha as she stepped toward her worried for only a moment before he spoke an order to her. She was to go with Jynx to fetch the things he'd asked for. A glance was given to Tyne in that moment before she offered a nod. Then she did go to her friend and placed a lick on his crown, "I told you nothing to worry about,” before she headed off to the infirmary.


RE: Take These Broken Wings - Jynx - Aug 15, 2017



As minute by precious minute slipped by, Jynx grew increasingly concerned for Tyne. Who knew how bad the infection really was. They couldn't take any chances by wasting time if they were to save him. A russet ear turned towards Emrys' voice to show that she was listening to his stern instructions. As Tyne spoke up, stating how grateful he was and pledging his loyalty, she gave a shake of her head, eyes soft. "Don't worry about that right now. First, we need to get you on the mend." A wolf in his condition was in no shape to perform the essential functions that came with living in a pack. She was more concerned with his own well being, and then once he was well, they could discuss his loyalty.

Turning, she followed Nauja back to the infirmary, her pace swift. "Don't worry. Your friend is in good hands, especially with two healers on call here." She assured the sea wolf. She opted not to refer to Sylva by name, who was likely elsewhere, possibly with Hawthorne. Besides, ever since she had lied to her and Emrys about the circumstances of her pregnancy, her trust and opinion of the wolf had plummeted. Given a choice, she would much rather see Emrys tend to a patient than the quirky female. 

Arriving at the infirmary, she ducked inside quickly, allowing Nauja to follow in behind her. Golden eyes darted around in the dark, her nose working to pinpoint the scents that would identify one herb from the other. Delicately she scooped up the Goldenrod, Yarrow and Western red Cedar in her jaws, taking a fair portion of each. She let Nauja fetch the rest, a glance ensuring she picked up the proper herbs. With their mouths full, there was no room to talk. Confident that she was following at her heels, Jynx exited the little den and took off back towards the borders in a hurried sprint. Sides heaving, she slowed down only when the males were in sight again. Gingerly, she placed the bundle of medicinal plants by the white healers paws. "There...I hope this is enough." She withdrew a little, to give Emrys the space he needed to work. But she was alert and on call, ready to assist in any way he may need.
