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Black Thorn Downs New Beginning - Printable Version

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New Beginning - Kaela - Oct 15, 2017




Word Count: 210

This was certainly… different, to say the least. It was nice to no longer be bound to the confines of a pack and its rules, and Kaela slipped into her normal routine like she hadn’t missed a day. But some things had to change. She couldn’t just wake up and start moving on a whim; she had to think about Zilas. She assumed they were not as used to the loner lifestyle, and felt like she had to move slower and rest more to keep him from getting too tired and homesick.

Today was no different. They woke up, and Kaela led the way, heading northeast. She wasn’t sure just what they were looking for, but she knew that Zilas would alert her if she was going the completely wrong direction. At least, she thought he would. Not like she really cared if they found the girl or not, but she might as well pretend she cared until such a time as he owed her.

Hunger gnawed at her stomach; so far they hadn’t managed to come across any good prey larger than a rabbit, but as the monochrome woman slowed that afternoon, she smelled something promising. “Zilas,” she murmured, stopping and sniffing the air. “Up for a little exercise?”

"Speech" Thought


RE: New Beginning - Ainashi - Oct 16, 2017

A lone wolf, they were a lone wolf, but now alone? It was an odd thing but not necessarily a bad thing. Kaela had been right, they be capable of starting fresh our here. To begin again with a clean slate. Or at least they would once they found Sylva, but what would they do once the found her? Oh well, the pale ghost would worry about that later, likely she would not want them around. Why would she? They likely ruined everything. And while Kaela had been moving northeast the direction they needed to go to get to the notch they were starting to doubt that they find any clues there. Why would she? Gent kicked them out, which was fully understandable. And Sylva had mated with them, oh had it been anybody ells the dark man might have let the small medic stay and she not hate them.

Though at the moment they were moving again, the trees of the thicket had been laid behind them and the open fields stretched out around them. The pale ghost looked around, should they tell here that they wanted to stop by the notch? she had said she liked to avoid packs, but at this pace, they reach it sometime tomorrow. They wondered if she be okay with it, she said she help but how far was she willing to go to help them? Sylva wasn't something she knew, at least they did not think so. The afternoon brought hunger again, even with their place as lowest a pack still provided a decent meal. But now on their own such luxury was not a thing. They managed to catch rabbits but such prey did not fill any wolf. Kaela's soft murmur caught their attention and their ears peaked, as they walked up beside her. Nose drills flaring just a bit as their jaws parted slightly to get a hint of what she found. A grin on their lips as their tongue licked over the side of their muzzle. "Without a doubt" they responded, food was always a good thing. Besides if they could sleep with a full belly tonight they most certainly weren't complaining.    

"Talking" IT.


RE: New Beginning - Kaela - Oct 16, 2017




Hunt Post 1/3

Word Count: 205

Zilas was quick to agree to a hunt; Kaela would have been surprised if he hadn’t. She grinned as she turned her eyes to the pair before her. “We’ll go around, and aim for the legs.” She said, then headed off to circle around the deer.

She was moving slower since she was trying to be quiet and keep low. Finally, she was into position. The doe seemed to have noticed something, as her head was suddenly in the air. The fawn continued to eat while her mother looked around, body quivering and still except for the rotation of her head as she scoped the area.

Kaela couldn’t wait anymore; she hoped Zilas was ready. The monochrome woman charged forward with a cheerful snarl, jaws snapping towards the doe’s injured leg. As soon as she moved, the deer bolted. Kaela’s teeth created a sharp click in the air as they closed just short of their target.

Oh good, a chase!

Kill kill kill kill kill! The voices screamed inside her head, urging her forward. She wasn’t even aware of Zilas, or if they had joined her. She was focused on the hunt, on the kill. A smile curled around her snarl as she gave pursuit.

"Speech" Thought


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Oct 16, 2017

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health

RE: New Beginning - Ainashi - Oct 24, 2017

The pail ghost just nodded their head as the Kaela told them the plan and headed off, they to moved. Body crouched low their pale white fur did not give them much cover in the still bright green grass. Though soon they crouched fully eyes locked on the doe and her offspring, they saw I too, the slight lif of its lig, and a civer to the limb. A weak spot. The pale ghost allowed their tongue to flash over their leps for just a second before the Doe suddenly rose to her full height. 

The pale Ghost froze in his spot ears pulled back and body ready to move, she seemed to search the area. Then a flash of silver brought things to a move as the doe bolted with her fawn. Kaela's cheerful snarls brought even them in a better mood as they to dashed from their spot, Teeth aiming for the weakened leg. They managed to reach the leg though got no hold of her indtead their sharp teeth pulled though skin the iron taste off blood exploded in their mouth. 

With the doe still runign for her life they spent no timr worring for their fiald attmept and keept runing keeping pace with Kaela and pushing forth to gain another opening. A low rumbling snarl left their inky lips as the rush of the hunt took over. They enjoyed this, the ruthlessness of the hunter. 

"Talking" IT.


RE: New Beginning - Kaela - Oct 24, 2017




Hunt Post 2/3

Word Count: 136

Her heart pounded in her ears, and she was focused solely on the hunt. The world could end around her, and she wouldn’t notice. All Kaela cared about was the doe fleeing before her. So close…

Then there was the sudden scent of blood. Its tang stung her nose and riled her up further. It was then that she became aware of Zilas. Mine! The voices shrieked as she snarled, though she didn’t dare give up the pursuit to punish the intruder just yet.

The new injury to her already hurt foot caused the doe to slow her pace. The creature kept up a valiant effort to continue her flight, but the monochrome woman knew it would be to no avail. We have you!

She put on a new burst of speed. This meal was hers!

"Speech" Thought
