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Ghastly Woods Musing Amusing - Printable Version

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Musing Amusing - Rebecca - Nov 29, 2011

That didn't do too good. Really didn't. Thirst had forced Rebecca to drink from suspicious spring. It smelled funny, listened funny and tasted funny. Now, still sitting on side of it, Reba had hiccup and horrible laughing need. Even a simplest falling leaf caused her to laugh high and hard. Sitting and trying to breathe calmly she giggled to the pain she felt in her stomach. Too much laughing. She would never drink from that spring again.

Feeling dizzy and amused Reba sit, suffered from her hiccup and laughed. Not being able to calm down she laughed and laughed, sometimes, giggling and resting, then laughing again for the most common things. Was this being drunken or what? Slowly and twitching Rebecca started to walk away, keeping horrible noise while moving through the woods. Only to notice that she ended back to the spring. Laughing she sat down.

Musing Amusing - Dove - Dec 03, 2011

Dove was trodding warily through the woods, trying to find her way out. She was growing more frightened by the minute, strange noises and scents disrupting her. Suddenly she paused to check her whereabouts, when she heard a faint giggle fit. Tilting her head, she strained her neck, ears perked, to hear the noise again. When she didn't hear it after a few minutes, she shook her head.

I'm losing my mind out here, she thought as she began to think again. Moving forward, she thought she could make out a sort of spring up ahead. Suddenly another giggle reached her ears, startling her. With a jump, she scurried behind a tree and sat there, blue eyes wide with fear and worry. When she heard the laughter continued, she realized the other wolf must have been laughing at something else, because for a long time nothin had leapt out at her.

Slowly and cautiously, Dove craned her neck and peered past the tree and undergrowth, only to see a wolf sitting by the spring, nearly giggling her head off. She realized the other she-wolf seemed to be unable to stop laughing, but nonetheless, Dove felt a pang of terror in her heart. Her curiosity said 'investigate', but her thoughts yelled 'run'.

Musing Amusing - Rebecca - Dec 04, 2011

Rebecca smelled it. Wolf. Fae. Laughing. She tried to concentrate her eyes to the direction she thought the wolf was. Giggling while she thought the possibility that there was another wolf. How funny is that? Laughing, gasping for air, getting tired, hiccups. What did she laugh for? She couldn't remember. That again made her laugh. Crazy days indeed. Her entire body, every muscle were tired, but she just couldn't stop. Looking to the sky, in the tree tops, pretty much anywhere she laughed and giggled. Then her eyes spotted the spring next to her. Had it been there before? Her laughter turned hard, almost like it had been trying to pull her inner organs out. This was too much for her body, laughing stopped and hiccup took over.

Due the laughing and unhealthy water her stomach pushed everything out. Throwing up Rebecca stepped back. When the water now was out from her body, her brains started slowly, very slowly feel brighter. Still giggling she layed down. Exhausted, happy in that crazy way, but alive. Eyes wanted to close, she struggled to keep them open. Was there something she should be worried about? If there was, she couldn't remember it. Trying to stay awake she giggled and yawned.

Musing Amusing - Dove - Dec 04, 2011

Dove cringed when she heard the other wolf regurgitate. I wonder what's wrong? Is that water making her laugh so hard? She shook her head again. No way! Water can't possibly do that! She thought, glancing at the spring. Then again, she hadn't tasted the water. But she wasn't going to in any case. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she turned and began to walk, stepping lightly as to not make any noise.

She had barely moved at all when her pad made contact with a twig and it snapped. Yelping loudly, her tail curled between her legs as she darted off through the undergrowth, sending up pebbles and dirt behind her. Her ears lay flat against her head, since she knew the other wolf will have noticed such a ruckus.

Musing Amusing - Rebecca - Dec 04, 2011

Her tired mind barely registered the noises from the woods. Head quickly went up, ears too. Yelping, had someone hurt herself? Sniffing, fae. She had smelled it before? Where? Feeling dizzy Rebecca tried to stood up. Opening her mouth she tried to call for the wolf, tell that she wouldn't hurt her even in she could, but she didn't make it before her tired, shaky legs gave up. Standing too close to the spring she splashed straight in there. Not knowing which way was up, she swallowed great amounts the water, before finally breaking the surface. Swimming to shore she ahd worse hiccup than ever, eyes went black as she tried to stay concious. Draggin herself up to the solid ground she threw up again, her body trying to get rid of the water in her stomach.

Everything spinned. Weird. Everything moved and shook. Earthquake? No, it couldn't be. Everything went black, Reba passed out.

Musing Amusing - Dove - Dec 04, 2011

After hearing a splash, she skidded to a hault. The other wolf had been kind of loopy last time Dove checked; What if she had fallen into the spring? Her body slightly twitched to the side as she prepared to turn back, though she wasn't too sure if she should. Perhaps the wolf was fine and wouldn't need her help at all. Then again, what if the wolf had somehow drowned? Passed out? Something? Mustering all of her courage, she turned and raced back the other way, seeing the spring come into view.

Then she noticed it, the wolf's. body laying motionless on the ground, her pelt matted with water. Dove hurried over to her side and stared, motionless for a few minutes. Sitting down, she wondered what she should do. Obviously the wolf was passed out, and the water wouldn't do her much good. She whimpered and nudged the black she-wolf's side, trying to wake her up. "H-Hello? Hey, a-are you okay?"

Musing Amusing - Rebecca - Dec 04, 2011

Something... She felt something. Slowly opening her eyes she saw the world still spinning. Once more she threw up, water coming out. Okay, was the stomach now empty. Looking around, world hold still. Great. Excellent actually. Then she saw the white female. Who was she? Opening her mouth, trying to say something. No words came out, only coughing. Little water from her lungs fianlly out, breathing felt easier. Rising her head she shocked how tired she felt herself, even keeping head up was too much, shaking she had to put it back down. Watching to the other wolf she managed to greet her with one, quiet word: "Hi."

Brains still working slowly, at least not laughing anymore, she tried to think. The other didn't look very threatning to her, but hse wasn't sure about what she saw anymore. Closing her eyes she took deep breathes, wishing that the white fae wouldn't be aggressive. She ahd no strength to protect herself...

Musing Amusing - Dove - Dec 04, 2011

She sighed in relief as the female awoke. Tired, but at least she was alive. At the word 'hello', she nodded a shy greeting herself, icy blue eyes flashing with concern. Glancing around, she wondered what she should do. The female was tired and wet. Perhaps she still had to expel of some water? Amd if not, the least she needed was warmth and to regain her strength. "Eat grass if you need to regurgitate more. Just relax for a minute or two." She informed.

Her gaze rested upon a small carcass, a few collops still attached. She winced but padded over and grabbed the limp body in her jaws, then returned and set it beside the she-wolf. "If you're hungry you can eat this," She murmured lightly, still nervous.

Musing Amusing - Rebecca - Dec 04, 2011

Rebecca stared the collop, then the kind fae. She seemed nervous, just like Reba herself. Slowly she grabbed the meat and swallowed it. If there was any more water in her, she didn't feel it. Brains started to work again, crystal clear thoughts swiping all over them. Not feeling anywhere near strong, Rebecca managed to puul herself to sitting position before looking the female again. Why she was so kind? It was nice, but easier to her would just kill her and eat. That would be cannibalism...

"Thanks" Reba said slowly and carefully, trying to find out the mood of the female.

Musing Amusing - Dove - Dec 04, 2011

Slightly smiling as the faw ate them managed to sit up, Dove felt a bit happier. Her courage seemed to fade however as the fae got better, a weird sense of fear coursing through her veins again. "No p-problem," She stammered. Glancing at the forest to the side, she wondered if it'd be wisest to flee and get away. "W-Well, um, i-it's nice to see you're alright. I-I guess I'll be on my way," She said slowly as she turned. She took one misstep and jumped, taking off for the trees before the fae could say anything. Mentally hitting herself for acting so jumpy, she just kept running.