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Pedestal Rock team - Printable Version

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team - Volkan - Mar 27, 2012

[dohtml]Hello :] Maybe they can hunt a deer or something for the pack cache?[/dohtml]
The sun was falling in the sky, spilling color into Relic Lore. Vibrant pastels inked the sky, framed by the spring-green trees in the first beginnings of Spring. Their branches sprawled overhead Volkan as she slunk along, large ears alert despite the humming of crickets as evening began to settle around her. The normally carefree young wolf trod carefully but swiftly through the woods of her home, pale eyes narrowed, aware now that each shadow could be hiding the sinister face that haunted her nightly dreams.

Whether or not this made her crazy, she couldn't decide as she moved along in no particular direction; she had a reason to be suspicious, sure, but she was well inside the Creek territory, so she was safe, right? Had Aeylen's warning at the meeting been enough to incite apprehension in her packmates? At the same time, she wouldn't put anything past her wily rat of a brother. He could've lied about his name to one of the new wolves, all of whom she hadn't even met yet. How were they to know he was so dangerous? She wouldn't dream of telling them, couldn't fathom telling anyone, but...

[dohtml]"...What the—?"[/dohtml]

...Her thoughts had been interrupted by a very large rock in the middle of a clearing. Volkan stopped in her tracks. Momentarily she stared at it, her body falling still. [dohtml]"Well, how did you get here?"[/dohtml] She mused to herself, head tilting as she took it in. The rock was almost alien, as though it'd fallen from the sky, clearing out trees in the process. Its sheer presence, and the fact that she'd never even seen it before despite frequenting these woods, was enough to make her smile. Honestly, she was glad for the distraction. Drawing slowly nearer, the perplexed wolf began to circle it, her goal having been set the moment she laid eyes on it. She was going to get up there— she just had to figure out how.

team - Nina - Mar 27, 2012

An amused older wolf lay on top of the rock, her red fur shining in the sunlight. The yearn to twitch her ears in amusement tempted her more than once as she watched the younger wolf, one that she could tell was in Copper Rock Creek Pack.  Taking a quick sniff she could tell the other wolf was female, which was obviously given away by the pitch of her voice. Perking a small ear she looked at her surroundings. She had come out to see if she could have found any other herbs besides lavender or enlightened empress. They were common herbs but she needed other herbs for the pack. She hadn't really seen anything yet, but it didn't hurt to be prepared. 

The day was clear though and she thought about what the younger wolf said when she had spoken, about the rock. Well actually to the rock. It wasn't too weird and she had to admit she had done it a few times herself. Though when she thought about what the female said confusion flitted through her face before quickly being replaced by a calm one. 

"Well, since I'm new I have no knowledge of the territory yet, so I honestly can't answer your question," the voice that came out of Nina was soft and gentle as if she was just whispering. 

Though she hoped she didn't frighten the younger wolf she could help but be amused at how the wolf had not noticed her. Mainly since she was looking at the rock almost as if determining how to get on top of the rock. She was tempted to help the younger wolf, but she wanted to see if she could manage getting up on the rock. 

team - Volkan - Mar 28, 2012

Wow, how did Volkan not notice this wolf? It was as though she had just magically appeared somehow. Despite Volkan being extremely on guard due to word of Rhysis being in the area, she had somehow completely missed the random wolf who'd suddenly appeared atop the rock. This irked her, and she looked defiantly up at the wolf. [dohtml]"Yeah, you are,"[/dohtml] she responded loudly, a clear agreement that yes, this random wolf was certainly new. The curious smile that had previously existed on her mottled face gone, replaced with one of mild annoyance.

She'd found the series of steps leading to the top of the rock, and in one swift movement, nimbly leapt to the top. Now face to face with the relative stranger, Volkan stood over her, noting her appearance. The other was average-looking, not imposing, and certainly of lower status in the pack. [dohtml]"So, we've gained more females, huh? Do you hunt?"[/dohtml] She wasn't trying to be rude, but couldn't be bothered to display an obscene amount of manners at the moment— she hadn't planned on running into anyone, especially magical fairy wolves that appeared out of nowhere.

team - Nina - Mar 28, 2012

The female wolf noticed the other wolf's rudeness but ignored it focusing at the question that had been directed at her. Her muscles in her shoulders bunching up as she sat up into a sitting position so that she was eye to eye with the other wolf. Licking her small law and bringing it over her head to smooth down her fur she patiently thought out her answer. Tilting her head and looking up at the sky she was happy to see that it was clear out. With a small sigh she directed her attention back to the other wolf examining her pack mate. She was slightly larger than her and of course higher in ranking. Blinking her eyes she answered the other wolf. 

"I guess so and yes I do hunt. Herbs and animals," Nina Hervok spoke softly holding back a quite snort at her own joke for it wouldn't be lady-like. 

Nina curled her tail next to her side and corrected her posture quickly to ensure that her back wouldn't ache. Though there was some herbs for aching joints they were no use on her, for she was still young and strong. Those kind of herbs were mostly used for the elderly but occasionally with the young if they didn't have correct posture. Clearing her throat quietly she tilted her head ears pricked towards the side of her. 

team - Volkan - Apr 02, 2012

Herbs and animals. Volk tilted her head, her pale eyes still taking in the details of the other wolf as she sat up. [dohtml]"Nice,"[/dohtml] she replied, not yet overly impressed, though pleased to hear that this female apparently had skills and wasn't just another mouth to feed. Although, maybe she was all talk. But her posture was submissive enough for the wiry gray wolf's liking, so nakloV decided to back off for now, moving to explore the rest of the huge rock's surface.

[dohtml]"Herbs, huh?"[/dohtml] she continued after a moment, deciding to breach the topic after peering idly over the rock's edge. No longer content to leave her back turned to this female, she began to pace slowly back toward her again, her curiosity growing. [dohtml]"So, does that mean you're a healer?"[/dohtml] Healing was all the rage these days, apparently. Having recently returned from her adventure with kasonaK to visit arttelE, healing was actually something that had been fresh on her mind. A whole plethora of herbs and their medicinal purposes had been unveiled to her by the uniquely demanding dark she-wolf, and while Volk knew she couldn't begin to recall every single one of them, she was glad for the insight she gained into the healing process. If this female was anywhere as knowledgeable about healing as arttelE was, then the Creek wolves, she figured, were at an advantage. Three wolves with healing knowledge meant lower chances of pack members dying, right?

team - Nina - Apr 03, 2012

Watching the other wolf with interest she spoke softly, her voice as soft as the blowing wind, "Yes, I am a healer. Mentally and physically a healer, though I can hunt and fight if I need to, my main gift is healing." The she-wolf paused trying to grip for words that she could say.  She had plenty on information, she was a social person...she just didn't talk that much, which honestly didn't make sense hence the word social. The smaller female licked her paw and drew it over her ear. She was curious as to what the other wolf's abilities were but decided quickly not to ask. Nina wasn't one to pry and she wasn't going to start now. If the female had something to ask her she would answer truthfully and respectfully, but she wouldn't pry into the other wolf's business. 

Watching Volkan carefully she had to resist taking a step back as the larger female made her way back around to Nina. She still classified other wolves by their size and knew that most of her pack mates could easily take her down. Though she had to remember that they were her pack mates not her enemies. The quick image of Rhysis flashed through her mind before she was quickly brought back to reality with the soft song of a songbird. 

team - Volkan - Apr 05, 2012

Volkan nodded, her expression pleasantly blank, as she considered the other wolf's words. Okay, so she was a healer who could apparently take care of herself. Nothing wrong with that, she concluded, her initial negative feeling about her beginning to subside. True, Volk didn't like being caught off guard, but it wasn't the end of the world, either. Finally she cracked a grin, somewhat crookedly. [dohtml]"If you're a healer, you should talk to Kanosak. He and I just got a crash course on some of the local herbs from Elettra, she's a Grizzly Hollow wolf,"[/dohtml] she concluded with a shrug and brief glance behind her, in the vague direction of the Hollow's packlands miles away.

She began to circle the edge of the rock again, idly, but stopped as she remembered that she didn't yet know the other female's name. [dohtml]"I'm Volkan, by the way,"[/dohtml] she mentioned, turning back to look at the other wolf, figuring the best way to get someone's name was to offer hers in return.

team - Nina - Apr 05, 2012

The smaller female nodded her head keeping her submission clear in her stance. "I am Nina, Nina Hervok. It's a pleasure to meet another packmate." The mention of Kanosak made Nina's ears twitch and gave her the memory of trying to find where Kashikoi was. She had to find the younger wolf and talk to him again, he was one of the first wolves she had meant since arriving in the area. Turning her attention back to the female she spoke softly, "Yes, I am familiar with Kanosak, but I did not hear of your travels. I will be sure to ask him about that. I just hope he won't mind."

Nina's emerald eyes scanned the area around her with tired eyes. She hadn't gotten much sleep since arriving, in fears of the new pack. She actually feared being in the pack. Not that she showed it to the other pack members and if anyone asked she would simply just blame it on nightmares that she had been having recently. She could always result in turning to some anxiety relievers to sleep. but she could never bring herself to use the precious herbs she collected for her packmates.

team - Volkan - Apr 05, 2012

[dohtml]"He shouldn't,"[/dohtml] she responded simply, having stopped at the rock's edge, staring into the woods before her with a determined look. Up here, she could see much farther than she'd expected, despite the treetops being leafy and green in the throes of spring. Ahead, just barely through the trees, Volkan thought she saw something. She squinted.

It looked like... hooves. Four hooves, trudging slowly through the dirt. They stopped. Another set of hooves followed close behind, and then stopped. A large head bent down to the soft forest floor to graze.

[dohtml]"Hey,"[/dohtml] Volkan woofed quietly, hopefully just loud enough for Nina to hear. Exaggeratedly she motioned for the other wolf to come closer, then returned her attention to the creatures not far away, lifting her muzzle to test the air. She couldn't quite tell what they were; they'd have to get closer to find out. The one thing she did know? That she'd just become conveniently hungry.

team - Nina - Apr 05, 2012

The golden brown wolf pricked her ears as Volkan barked her name. She decided to keep her previous conversation with the wolf quite as she quickly sulked forward keeping her body low to the ground and her pawsteps light, silent. Looking towards where Volkan was looking she could just make out the small sight of hooves and the small clicking of them as well. Nina leapt down from the rock one by one currently forgetting her submission as the teams prey stood there waiting to feed them.

Looking back up at Volkan she twitched her ears in anticipation waiting for the younger female to join her. Her small paws itched to hunt, for she hadn't had a good meal upon arriving in the pack. She wouldn't pass this one up. IN the distance she couldn't determine what the animal was, they would definitely have to get closer to find out what awaited them.