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Riddle Heights Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Printable Version

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Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Valiant - Apr 02, 2012

It was almost time. He had been searching for the dark male for weeks but it would seem he had nellaF off the face of the earth. There was no sign of him at the creek pack, he had been ignoring, or simply hadn't been receiving the messages he was leaving at the Wildwood. So it was with great suspicion that he had made his way to Swift River, home of the bitch his young companion had taken a liking to.

What met him there was even more irritating. The scent of his ally was faint, accompanied by anehtA and that one heading away from the lands. What had eventuated that he wasn't aware of? He could feel a bad mood coming on, one to rival the younger wolfs fits and he suppressed a growl, deciding to head to the mountain in search of anehtA, it seemed to be a favourite place of hers. Perhaps she could give him answers.

He knew he shouldn't be roaming so far from the pack, but who cared? He had only joined them to help their plan take form and now? Now he couldn't find the young male who was his partner in crime. The further he wandered the wilder his imagination became. There had been something in the females scent that screamed to the very core of his being. It had always been a sign to run. Far, far away.

What had he done?

He had been the one to push them together, and now... what now? sisyhR was doing the honourable thing rather than what made sense? He couldn't stomach the thought. It made him sick... But then where did that leave him? Lore dictated that the lead pair were the ones to have pups... so that meant...

He had been double crossed.

Miles disappeared under white paws as the frustrated male made his way across the heights. Left to his own thoughts was a dangerous state for the not so bright wolf to endure. He didn't know how to feel... Disappointed? Angry? Betrayed?

A snort escaped his mouth as he continued to power on. Having pretty much traversed the rest of the land, he knew this was the only place left for them to hide. He wanted answers.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Rhysis - Apr 02, 2012

He might act the responsible adult, but sometimes sisyhR needed to feel his youth. This morning for example, he was sunbathing upon a ridge in the heights. Soaking up the warm sun whilst he laid on his back, paws in the air and warming his soft belly. The subtle silver fur that lined his stomach glistened in the bright light and though the air was chilly, the sun felt good upon his dark skin. With his eyes closed and the world shut out for the time being, he simply lay there, relaxed, calm... Wait a second...

He took a deep inhale. Something upon the breeze was familiar. It was subtle at first, just a gentle waft but after another whiff the scent was more prominent. Instantly, the young male rolled over and pushed himself self to stand. The ridge he had been bathing on was well hidden, it dropped slightly from the main height, unless you looked over the edge you’d never see it, that was why he had dropped his guard so freely. Now though, with the scent of the familiar silver wolf on the air, he was tense.

There was no reason for tnailaV to travel this way, especially not from the pack he had joined which is appeared he was still a member of, the stench of the Hollow wolves was prominent with his own odour. Slowly, he lifted his head to peek over the top of the drop, with his ears laid back so that he would be harder to spot. It was then his eyes caught sight of the grey male as he ran across the heights. He had known it was him just from the smell, but seeing him made it all the more real. He was here for a reason, and he looked pissed.

With a silent snort, he pulled himself up onto the level ridge and ensured he moved away from the edge. tnailaV had ran past him as he had peeked out and now he saw the rear of the fluffy male. He wasn’t going to be a coward and run- his morals wouldn’t let him. He had to do the honourable thing and tell him the truth. ”I’m here.” he said, loud enough so that he would heard but not quite a shout. With his head held high in dominance, he braced himself for whatever was about to happen. He deserved it, whatever he got- he had used this wolf and it was only a matter of time before he would have to pay for that. He believed in karma, that all of his actions would come back to bite him in the ass one day. Today seemed to be one of those days.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Valiant - Apr 02, 2012

So wrapped in his own thoughts he almost didn't hear the clear southern drawl, pointing out the dark wolfs location. Taking a moment to slow and look around, he finally spotted the younger male. His stance told him all he needed to know and the silver wolfs head dropped to protect his throat out of instinct. He should have seen it coming.

"Actually, I wasn't looking for you this time. Got so used to you not showing up I thought I'd go looking for anehtA instead..." taking on a slightly more sarcastic tone he added, "But actually, now you've decided to show your face... What the Fuck is going on? That smell's usually the first sign to run mate, but not with the bitch in tow..." He knew he was poking at delicate subjects for some but to be perfectly honest, his mood was so rotten he simply didn't care.

Come what may, he had his stance set. He was after answers but he was willing to walk away with a fight. He had joined a pack for this guy, done all the legwork, found anehtA, and this was what ended up happening? He could have spent the season enjoying all it had to offer, instead he had forced himself to be on his best behaviour, minus one small transgression but that had been for sisyhR's sake more than him truly, how did the young wolf put it? following his dick? It would seem in this case the tables had been turned.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Rhysis - Apr 02, 2012

I wish we could have Val in the pack. :c They were such good bros. <3

anehtA? What did he want with the little wolf. Probably to convince her to come with him, give her the tnailaV charm then dump her later as he did all the others. Before he wouldn’t have cared, but that little wolf was now their second and he had come to find her company pleasing, easy. She wasn’t going to be dragged away any time soon. He kept himself calm, though his hackles threatened to bristle at his tone. He had been expecting worse, a full on attack but if he wanted to shout then that was fine too, sisyhR would answer as was expected of him. He even restrained himself from launching at the wolf as he referred to ariaN in such a way. Any other female, fine, but not his ariaN.

He did feel bad. Even guilty for the way things had happened. It was never his intention, he had been gathering the other wolves ready for their pack but when ariaN had nellaF pregnant, though it was hardly an accident, everything had changed so quickly even he had trouble keeping up.

”Not all of us run from our responsibilities.” was all he bothered to say on the matter. It was none of his business why he had run with ariaN, why he had taken anehtA or even what he was doing here. He would give tnailaV answers, but nothing more. He’d even offer the guy a place in his pack, he was a fearsome fighter but he worried that he’d end up terrorizing all of the females... plus he doubted ariaN would appreciate seeing his face again. Still, that didn’t mean this all had to end so badly.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Valiant - Apr 05, 2012

A small smirk crossed his face at the younger wolfs remark. He was right, Valiant chose to run. Not that he wasn't capable of raising pups, but because he simply didn't care about the females that were carrying them. He had seen the way things were going that night near the rock, he still bore a few pretty scars from the encounter but he didn't mind, it simply added another story to woo the ladies with. He brought this on.

His entire disposition relaxed as he finally took a moment to sit. His paws screaming in relief as he did so. "Don't suppose you made it out without making enemies then ay?" he had to fight back a chuckle. It seemed wherever the younger wolf went he made enemies. He didn't need to be another line in the dirt. A small disappointed shake moved his head. Hawke had vanished, Rhysis had his pack, and while he would have been all for joining, his choice of woman was... well he simply couldn't do it, and with pups on the way? He might be a fool but he didn't have a stress induced death wish.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Rhysis - Apr 06, 2012

A smirk. Oh Valiant, you should not be so easy to manipulate. Rhysis almost felt bad for the forgiveness that was evident in his body as it relaxed. Honestly. He should rip Rhysis to pieces and be done with it. He needed to grow a back bone, stand up to the younger male and run free from him whilst he could. But Valiant, Valiant you soppy git. Instead he sat, and wanted to joke with him as if nothing had happened between them. As if everything was just fine. If that is what he wanted to do, then so be it. Rhysis wasn’t going to antagonise him into a fight; he didn’t have time or energy for an encounter.

Instead, he smirked back and nodded. ”Mate, you have no idea.” And just like that, they seemed to fall back into their routine. As if nothing had happened. As if Rhysis hadn’t stabbed him in the back. Of course, Valiant might be playing his own game, but Rhysis didn’t think him clever enough for that. ”I have the entire pack of River wolves after me. I have the Creek wolves ordered to kill me on sight. Plus a few loners along the way who have decided to try and eat me. Honestly mate, I think your the only wolf who doesn’t want me dead, yet has the most reason to.” he said, half joking, half serious. The threat was real enough and he had to be careful. He didn’t have a death wish, he didn’t wish to die and leave Naira. He knew full well he wasn’t going to heaven so he’d never see her again... but still, one could only laugh about his situation, else you’d go mad.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Valiant - Apr 06, 2012

He expected as much. That was two of three other packs out for his head and another smile passed his handsome face. "And ruin everyone else's fun? There's far more entertainment in keeping you alive mate..." He could be simply foolish, but in the scheme of things, he wasn't really a pack wolf at heart and his loyalties were few. And he did plan on keeping the younger wolf alive.

He was happy to continue on as things had been, but he couldn't join a pack with the tawny woman at its head. Not only because he didn't care for pups, but because he doubted she would allow him to stay and he wouldn't put his friend through the nagging and bitching that came with making a female angry. Lord knew he'd had enough of it himself the last few months, and now she just up and vanished. "So whats the plan then?" he questioned with a raised brow. He didn't much care to spend any more time than he had to at the hollow. He could see himself spending far more time traipsing the heights and rises leading up to the mountain. He may not like the bitch, but if Rhysis asked it, he would scout out any that were headed their way, and happily give him the heads up.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Rhysis - Apr 07, 2012

The plan? Now that was the question. For once in his life, Rhysis wasn’t sure which direction he was heading in. The Poison wolves weren’t strong enough to run into war, for now their best path was to stay hidden, stay quiet and out of site. They were tucked into the corner of the world, where not many travelled. Of course, they needed more members but recruiting would be the way forward there. Privacy was their best weapon for the time being, no matter how irritating it might be for a wolf who liked to stay away from the shadows.
He could only shrug at Valiant in response, before he too took a seat, cautious still, but more relaxed. ”For once... I don’t have one. Unless you have a magic weapon to wipe two packs off the face of the earth?” he asked though expected no answer.

It was simply frustrating. He wanted to run head first into the battle, take down those who wanted to harm him. For now, the river wolves weren’t an issue. Yes, they would probably want revenge for leaving their ranks, the ultimate betrayal, but the pack which posed the most thread to him personally was the Creek wolves, with his sister actively asking them to have him killed. Whilst he wasn’t afraid of death, he didn’t want to leave Naira alone in the world, defenceless without him. ”Honestly mate. I need an army on my side if I’m gonna last another year.” he said, half joking, half wishing something like that would exist for him to just take and use.


”Unless...” he gave the silver male a sideways glance then. It was obvious the cogs in his mind were ticking over. What if Valiant did achieve his own pack? What if he founded his own pack... surely two packs could work together, a strong alliance like their own, for protection. Valiant wouldn’t be welcome with the Poison wolves. Naira would see him skinned but a silent partner... a silent pack to help protect her. ”Unless you get your arse in gear. Rally your own pack, your own strength and we can be allies. Just think Valiant, your own pack to do with as you please without me telling you what to do, but I’ll be there if you need my help. We can work together, live close... two packs together, separate but as one.” Suddenly excitement tinged his voice.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Valiant - Apr 07, 2012

Shame really. He was looking forward to being a leader and all the perks that came with it. But really, after watching the way it stressed Jayse, did he really want to put himself through it? He snorted at Rhysis’ question about a magic weapon. If only, although if he could find the girl he may just be able to throw Hawke at them. Maybe they’d be too busy killing themselves to come after them? His internal musings were so amusing that he felt the need to voice them. ”I’d throw Hawke at ‘em if I could find her.” The worry was long gone from his voice. She was just a girl, nothing to get hung up over.

It was the first time he’d ever heard the younger wolf get truly excited and he began to wonder if it was the girl rubbing off on him or if he really was just that desperate for help, but it did give him something to keep himself occupied. Yeah. He was sure with his charms he’d be able to rustle up a few supporters, but a leading lady with Hawke gone would be slightly more of an issue. ”I guess I’d just need to find the right girl...” Truthfully he was grateful for the new lack of need for him to settle on just one female but if he was going to do this, he’d have to get a wiggle on.

Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Rhysis - Apr 07, 2012

”Maybe you don’t need to find a girl... or supporters. Maybe there is a pack sitting there, waiting for you.” he said with a quirked brow. Oh yes, his ideas were growing by the minute. At first a pack, but that took time to setup- what if he could just take a pack, surely that would be easier? ”Didn’t you say the males of your pack are at each other’s throats? Maybe striking after their little fight, a battle to take over their pack would be a quicker way to go?” he said with a smug grin at his thoughts.

”Just think Valiant. Walking in, taking out the lead male and in return, you have a pack with land, members and history.” Oh yes, the plan was simple to say but much harder to do in reality. It would fall to Valiant to choose his path, but Rhysis would be willing to help him along the way. He’d do anything to protect his female... lie, steal, cheat; elements of his everyday life. With no conscience on the matters, he would quite happily bend the rules to get what he wanted and would have no issue in helping Valiant rise to the top... or if not, he would help throw a female his way. He didn’t have to like her, Valiant didn’t seem to like females any way so it didn’t matter who they were. So long as they would do as they were told, what harm could it do?

"What do you think?" he then asked, looking the other male in the eyes.