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Swift River To Prove or Not To Prove - Printable Version

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To Prove or Not To Prove - Jessie - Sep 09, 2012

OOC: There is no posting order for the time being. :)

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Sun light trickled through the forest in the lands of Swift River pack. The area was warm, but not hot enough to overheat others. Everything seemed to be calm and peaceful, the wind blowing slightly, causing leaves and branches to whisper inaudible sentences back in both between the open spaces. Birds chirped in the air overhead, making themselves known to others in the area. Hoof prints were marked heavily on the ground, indicating a group of deer might have been coming through. Considering the area outside of the Scared Grove, it wasn’t shocking to find other animals coming through here until they had to go through The Wildwood. It would be the perfect time for the hunt.

Not to long ago, Jessie had met Ice, another pack member, her equal, and she had offered him information about what she wanted to do with her role within the pack. She had mentioned becoming a huntress and the two had conversed for a small time, and the white man had suggested her calling together a pack hunt. She didn’t seem to find it that hard to do so, but the fact that it could be her leading a pack hunt was nerve racking and she could easily see herself become nervous. She forced herself to take a few calm deep breathes before she lifted her head to the sky and let out a low long howl asking for pack members to come. She wasn’t sure if she had done it right, but she was ready to start a hopefully large, successful pack hunt.

Her paws shuffled on the ground slightly before she stopped and her emerald eyes scanned the ground in front of her. She was in between the borders and the denning area so it shouldn’t have been hard to be heard in any direction. Her eyes could not determine how many deer had gone by, though she knew it might have been more than five. Her tail lashed behind her quickly whilst she composed herself as she waited for any sign of her pack mates, hopefully Corinna and her other pack mates would be okay with a pack hunt. More food wasn’t always a bad thing, mainly when they had pups to think about.

To Prove or Not To Prove - Fenru - Sep 12, 2012

It was with heavy footsteps that Fenru Tainn patrolled the borders of Swift River, his parents' and family's territory. His mind, since his encounter with Angier Lyall the double-crosser, had been made up. He was going to behave like a wolf of his lineage ought to behave. He had been so caught up in his train of thought that he had almost been startled by the song that erupted from the depths of the Grove. His fur bristled and his eyes narrowed, trying to decipher the call and who had beckoned for the pack, for him. Sniffing slightly, he stopped in his tracks and completely turned around, making his way through the trees.

Who appeared before him at the end of his trail was rather unexpected. Jessie, one of the newest personalities the pack had initiated into the family. He eyed her quietly for a moment with a hard stare before it dawned on him that she held a much higher rank on the female side of the hierarchy, and that he, as a yearling, owed her a proper greeting. Lowering his ears and relaxing just slightly to show her that he held no hostility or means of challenging her proposal of a pack hunt, he stepped forward to gently nudge the bridge of his muzzle to her chin. His amber eyes gazed up at her as he kept his head and tail lowered, a question reflecting in the seemingly endless depths of his pupils.

He exhaled slowly then obediently stepped to her side and sat down, attentive to her body language, posture, and every possible gesture as they waited for other pack members to heed her request.


To Prove or Not To Prove - Aiyana - Sep 21, 2012

Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
A call from someone she didn't really know all that well broke her reverie, and blinking in the warm autumn sun, Aiyana tried to figure out the meaning of the call. Hunt? Pack? What? She was pack. But she was no good as a hunter. Sunlight filtered down and she tilted her head to the side, her black fur warming her pleasantly. The trees were turning yellow, which looked very strange, but no one had remarked on it and the time she asked about it she came to the conclusion that it was normal. And so, she didn't really care, though it was interesting to watch their change of shade from day to day.

Deciding that she might as well check out the call - and after all, Rissa was bound to do the same and then Aiy just had to be there - the black girl rose elegantly onto all four. She'd never been this large before, nor this steady, and it felt good. She was still very small compared to the rest of the pack, especially the behemoths like Fenru, Triell and Ice, but she wasn't squirrel sized anymore. Quite happy today and enjoying the frisky wind, the Tainn bounced through the Grove until she found the source. Jessie, she knew her name, but no more. A fairly average and friendly wolf, and with her was brother Fenru. Aiyana, innocent child who knew little of how to act, yipped happily to both of them and bounded over, giving their chins eager licks of greeting before turning her sharp, golden eyes to Jessie, ears perked. What would happen now?
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill

To Prove or Not To Prove - Marsh - Sep 23, 2012

He had been beaten, it seemed. Calling a hunt had been on his mind, though he had wanted to make sure that he had a target in mind beforehand. The lands were quite empty of large game, though perhaps that was his own poor luck. There had been plenty of tracks, but he was always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Jessie may have had more luck. He heard her call, ears pricking at the summons, and with a roll of his shoulders he started to lope across the territory towards her. She was third behind Corinna, a respectable rank, and had proven as capable of sticking around as her sister. That was the most important thing. Wolves had come and gone as quickly as the wind, but they finally had filled some ranks with wolves who knew how to stay still. The new Tainns were interesting, but Swift River would always be a pack for Tainns. With two generations bearing that name, how could it not? Perhaps Torla and Hotei would be present at this hunter's gathering.

Alas, they were not. When Marsh arrived, there were but three already there, and one was hardly fit for taking out anything larger than a young rabbit. Marsh lowered his head and bumped Aiyana on the rump with his nose as he approached from behind her, rumbling an affectionate greeting as he did. Afterwards, his attention turned to the white wolf and older Tainn, his tail twitching upwards in a different kind of greeting, though he reached towards Fenru to touch his nose to the yearling's cheek.

But that was all. One female, a yearling, a fresh pup, and him. The amusement in his eyes spoke it all, though had he had words, he may have seen sit to vocalise the joke. Perhaps, at least, she had some prey in mind. Even if this was it, he, Fen and Jessie were enough to bring something home.

To Prove or Not To Prove - Hotei - Sep 23, 2012

Timing this after his meeting with Borden and Idala. Plus after his first meeting with Rhysis.
I will edit it if he does not get any injuries from his previous meetings. XD


Hotei was so confused this morning. He'd woken up and found himself waaay
outside of the pack territory for some reason, and he had no idea how he'd gotten
so far out. And how come I got new wounds? Where'd they come from? He gazed
over his pelt and realized the wounds looked very much as if he'd gotten into a scuffle
with another wolf. The black male had no clue when he had gotten into a fight, and the
lack of knowlege about what he'd done the past few days really worried the friendly Tainn.

Quickly Hotei tried running back to Indru's territory. Hotei knew he shouldn't be
so far away from the pack. Luckily he was close enough to make it back before noon.
His heavy pawsteps thudded against the leaf strewn ground as the shadowy wolf tore
through the undergrowth back to the territory. The males tail wagged
after he noted the borders scent passing by him. Only then did he slow up
to catch his breath.

The howl caught his attention. The beautiful voice carried through the territory calling
other packmates to help with a hunt. Hotei sighed. He was tired already, but he had to try
and help Jessie. Plus if this was a pack hunt then there was a chance that he'd meet
with the rest of his family. It took the burned male some time before he reached
where the others were. Many members had already gotten to the meeting place
before Hotei. Lowering his head, tail, and body Hotei took his low position as he
approached the other wolves. First he greeted Jessie with a tired but kind smile plus
a bunch of tail wagging. Then he looked around at the others seeing who he should
meet first. Hotei was unsure of the other wolves ranks, so he wasn't sure of who to
properly greet. The yearling and pups he would greet lastly, but the other adults were
the ones the black Tainn would have to see to first.

Padding forward still in his low stance with a happy yet calm smile Hotei first greeted
Marsh. His tail tucked under as the dark wolf licked the seconds chin. (though he didn't
know he was the second) Then Hotei slipped over to Fenru. Just before he greeted
him Hotei paused. This wolfs scent was achingly familiar. His eyes too. Who is this?
He asked himself while licking Fenru's chin then backing away and straightening his stance.

Maybe I should introduce myself to the wolves I don't know..Yeah that's a good idea..
Hotei sat down still breathing a bit hard from his previous run then looked around at everyone.
"Hello Everyone. I'm not too sure of who you are, but my name is Hotei Tainn." He
grinned sheepishly and gave everyone a kind look over with his yellow Tainn eyes.

Theme Song

To Prove or Not To Prove - Triell - Sep 24, 2012

    If I go crazy then will you still
    call me superman?

The wolf's mind was carrying a lot lately, but that wasn't anything knew. Triell was constantly thinking, and he had to much to ever really not. A mixture of emotions, and tasks weighing on him he was ready for something to change. What he couldn't say. He had no idea what he wanted any more, and he really needed to pin something done. If he tied himself to something it would help him stay, and remember who he was. Those who did need him. Indru had became scarce again, and Triell couldn't help but wonder why. Now it was surely a habit, and it bothered him. It was not like his brother at all, yet it was. Dark tail swishing behind him in irritation, and worry he trotted long the river. Soon it would be icy, and the grounds white.

He was having thoughts to find his nieces, they could bring him out of a sour mood, and he would enjoy taking them out for another lesson. The idea would have to shift when a light call hit the air. One he had not heard before, but noted it to be a gathering for Swift River. He could not decide if it was Cali or Jessie, but had no intention to ignore the call.

Drivingh himself forward he sought her out with raised ears. He was on the edge of Swift River, closer to the mountains, dwindling on the border. It was not hard to find her, nor did it take him long. He stopped to see already a great group had answered. Marsh, Fenru, Hotei, and Aiyana? A grin raised the edge of his right cheek, and he trotted over. "Nice day for a hunt hmm Jess?" he said with a broad smile. He respectfully went to Marsh, and gave an affectionate lick to the elder's chin. Then he wandered over to Fenru to give him a playful bump of the shoulder, stopping to miss Aiyana. "Hello, young lady. You ready to learn something new?" He questioned with a spark to his gaze. It was only after waiting for her response he looked to his brother, and tipped his head. Never once did his broad smile leave his face. This was why he did not leave.


To Prove or Not To Prove - Ice - Sep 24, 2012

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
The call didn't come as a surprise to the silvery Guardian. After all, it was he who had planted the idea in Jessie's head, and he'd spent some time waiting for something to come of it. And now, that seed had taken root and grown, blossoming through the air in the shape of a gathering cry. Ice had been patrolling, and gave the root a last sniff to make sure that it was just a harmless badger having toddled past, and no bear come to eat them. Satisfied, Ice turned in the direction of home and set out on swift feet.

Once he caught sight of their bodies he gave a low woof, running his eyes across them. Jessie, of course, looking eager and alert now that she'd finally called her long-awaited hunt. Fenru, sitting next to her, watching intently. He caught a drift of Hotei's voice, saw his black shape linger, and his lips twitched, a faint growl echoing in his chest. He still didn't trust the burned male. Marsh was there, though, which soothed him, and Triell and Aiyana. Proudly the pale wolf swept in on them, greeting Fenru and Jessie with fond licks to their muzzles, and Triell with a shove of his shoulder. Aiyana was given a smile and a nip to her haunch before he finally made it to Marsh. As usual, warmth filled him at the sight of those hardened eyes framed by auburn fur and scars, glinting copper and bloody red in the sunlight. With a low keen he licked Marsh's chin before turning, brushing his silvery fur against his strong side, standing so close that their skins were nearly touching. Warmth, another heartbeat, safety - he felt it bleed into his own body, felt the steady rhythm of Marsh next to him.

He stayed there for a moment, eyes fixing on Hotei again. Much as he didn't like the black male, he couldn't just ignore him. Mournfully he tore himself from Marsh's side and it was obvious there was some kind of tension there - his tail grew stiff, step jerky, and with quiet authority he attempted to grab the male's muzzle in his own jaws, and hold it for a moment. Then, he blinked, and took a short step backwards. He looked tired, ragged, smelled of faint injuries and lingering battle. "What have you gotten yourself into?" he questioned in a low voice, suspicion lacing every syllable. Something had felt off about this wolf, and while he had, admittedly, not given Ice any cause for doubt yet, it took very little to set his mind spinning again. Though, most likely, there was a perfectly normal explanation to why he looked a bit beaten up...
.ice aesir

To Prove or Not To Prove - Jessie - Oct 07, 2012

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Not too long after her call, her family started to gather around her and she soon felt slightly more relaxed. When one she did not know quite well approached her and her mind quickly connecting the face and scent to her process of names. Fenru, one of Indru’s sons. At first it didn’t seem as though he was going to warm up to her, and her head turned slightly away, as if shamed. But before she could he approached her, giving her the warm impression that he didn’t despise her or was going to call her out for calling a hunt. When his muzzle made itself known to her chin, her nose gently pressed against his cheek in greeting. It was clear that she was happy that he had come and her small smile confirmed it as he made his way to her side. When another family member arrived she was slightly shocked to see Aiyana approach on her own. The small nips to her muzzle making her tail wag in greeting to the small pup. How were they going to manage a hunt with a pup she still had to figure out. . .but if enough members came she knew she could manage.

Her second soon arrived, her ears flicked slightly in greeting to him and head tilted slightly to the side, barely noticeable but enough to make it to the point of where she was proving her lower position to Marsh, before her emerald eyes stared into his icy ones, trying to determine what he was thinking. All she saw was amusement, not something that shocked her considering who was gathered. Hopefully more members would make their way towards them. More peace at mind was brought to her when Hotei arrived but her eyebrow arched slightly when she saw his form. Had he gotten into a fight? She gave him a brief nod in acceptance to him joining her. She had hunted with him. . .well, Burn, once before. He was not a bad acquaintance to have when it came to bringing down prey. She gave him a knowing glance, telling him that they were definitely speaking about his condition in later circumstances.

Triell arrived soon enough and she nodded respectfully at the Tainn, her eyes pleased with the gathered. She would wait slightly longer to see if anyone else would be joining them before they would start tracking more and to get on the deer before they traveled too far. She quietly observed smell of Ice traveled towards her nostrils. So another. . .that should be quite enough. When the white male approached her, she greeted him with a small nudge to his chin before she patiently waited for him to finish his greeting, but when he got to Hotei, Jessie could almost feel the tension in the air around them. Ice had become stiff and the gray female’s head turned away from the greeting fearing she would snap at her friend for the way he was acting. His question however would not be relevant to the task at paw, and for this she would interject.

With a shake of her small head she spoke, “Not now. Hunt, Ice.” Her body would then move towards the hoof prints her nose hovering over the ground, taking good long inhales of the prey that would soon be theirs. She would then back away, inviting her family to take in as much of the goodness as they could before they could continue. Her gaze swept over them, she was sure most of them were large, but she was also sure that Fenru would be easy to help her wear them down. Her eyes would then take in Aiyana and she would turn to Triell, and she called out his name. When she was sure she had gotten the male’s attention, she mentioned towards the small pup with her muzzle, her gaze completely focused. She was ready.

To Prove or Not To Prove - Hotei - Oct 09, 2012


"Oh great a hunt!" Hotei tried to sound excited but he was already tired on
his paws. However he gave everyone a smile including a nod to Ice saying
he was ready to go. There were certainly enough members here to take out a
deer. Though having the pup with them might lower their chances a bit as
the young one would only just be trying out their hunting abilities. Hotei would
make it a point to hover around the young wolf in order to help her out if she
seemed troubled while on the hunt. It was the least he could do while
being in his condition.

"I well.. I'll tell you both later what happened." Hotei whispered to Ice quickly
seeing as the white wolf had just been warned by Jessie to focus on the
hunt. Then he grinned and looked back up to the rest of the wolves who had
gathered. His tail wagged a bit seeing how many family members he had to look
after now. This time around Hotei would not abandon his family. Even the wolves
in the pack who were not Tainns. Hotei would die trying to help all of them stay
safe and out of harm. Especially Jessie... Hotei smiled a bit as he looked at her
with complete adoration in his eyes. The grayish female was so confident looking and
he felt proud for his friend and pack mate.

"So what are we going after today?" Hotei took the initiative to speak up as
no one else had yet. His eyes were glued to Jessie's green ones while he
waited for her to answer. Although he wouldn't mind sitting here and resting for a bit longer
the dark wolf wanted to make a good impression to his new family on this hunt. Maybe
even try to get the disagreeable Ice to warm up to him a little.

Theme Song

To Prove or Not To Prove - Aiyana - Oct 20, 2012

Fenrir is a slowpoke.. *grimace* xP

Aiyana Tainn
I walk upon the river
She liked Marsh. She liked Marsh in all the ways that probably seemed strange to an adult; the kind of complete adoration and devotion that only a young could offer, the kind that was so easy - too easy - to exploit and abuse, should one wish. Seeing Marsh did not make her heart flutter. Seeing Marsh only made her feel safe, as if she belonged, not just in the pack, but with him, with everyone. Marsh did not need words - neither did Aiyana, most of the time. They did not need words. They understood anyway.

Her tail, more a slave to her body than she a slave to it now, began to wag as he slipped up behind them, a happy, excited yip leaping from her mouth as she tried to nip his muzzle, too, even as a wolf as dark as Triell was slipping in. At first she thought it was her uncle, but then she saw it wasn't - it was Hotei, a relatively new member, his fur growing in weird patches and directions. Whorls had sprung up all across him and he looked really, really strange, and completely ignored Aiyana. He greeted Jessie. He greeted Marsh. He greeted Fenru. But he didn't greet Aiyana. Affronted, she gave a yip of protest and glared at him. What, was she so small he couldn't see her or something? Her eyes narrowed and her ears swept forward in a challenge. Well. His loss, really. She could imagine Rissa would've been absolutely mad if it had happened to her.

Speaking of that, where was she? As she looked around, she caught sight of the real Triell instead, who addressed her after doling out the proper greetings. Hotei's slight forgotten, her ears flickered for a few moments, before the answer came in a simple, honest “Yes,” for what else was there to say? Hot on his black heels was Ice, and she watched him curiously, batting a paw after his muzzle as he nipped her. And then, he did that thing she always found so curious: just the way Corinna and Indru used to brush against each other, winding tighter than the rest of the pack, Ice slid up against Marsh's side in that deliberate manner. As if to say, mine. It wasn't the first time she'd seen it, but she still hadn't puzzled out what it meant. Just that it meant - something. It was significant but she couldn't figure out how.

And then he was growling at Hotei and Aiyana felt a small satisfaction, even though she wondered what made the normally so placid Guardian dislike the scarred male. Jessie tried to divert the impending disaster, and Aiyana fell into a bow, stretching out her back and long legs. She'd come on a few hunts before, but never really caught anything herself - not strong or fast enough to be an asset, really. Just coming to learn the motions, get familiar with the scent and sound of prey, the pattern of bodies moving to take it down. Her golden eyes were bright, eager, ears perked and leathery nose twitching as she pinned her gaze on Jessie. Move, get on!
like it's easier than land
Love is all, from what I've heard, but my heart's learned to kill