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Lost Lake Why God? Why? - Printable Version

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Why God? Why? - Kamota - Nov 27, 2012

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(265 WORDS)

Kamota had been making his daily rounds, in fulfillment of Ash's order that besides hunting, Kamota was to check the borders once or twice a day for Tenzin or Rhysis. He noticed a few scents, but mainly Poison Path, a few stale loners scents hung in the air. He continued marking borders, looking at the lake. So many different things had happened on this territory. But his thoughts went back to Tenzin. The devil wolf had sworn vengeance. Revenge was a dish best served cold, and the mountains was a freezer. "Why is my life such a living hell that I need to watch over my back constantly, on the off chance my fallen brother is there to kill me." He wondered as he walked.

Kamota smiled a bit at a warm, familiar scent, but his smile faded when he recognized it. Another Laylani was in the lore. She was looking for him too. "Shit! Why do you hate me god? First Tenzin, now this?" He said, he hadn't heard of Namara's change yet and he didn't trust his sister to do the right thing. He watched in guard, his tail raised high and his stance tall in dominance. His eyes narrowed looking for the Laylani, his former sister. She'd still be his sister if he hadn't denounced the name Laylani.

That made him remember, he still had no idea what to call himself. Kamota wouldn't do. Without a last name, it was weird. It was like his identity being stolen. Kamota Poison? no, that could never do. Maybe Kamota Star? No, not that either.


Why God? Why? - Namara - Nov 29, 2012

Namara prowled through the sparse undergrowth of the mountainside, her broad head swinging back and forth, she was only tail-lengths from the boarder. Namara knew she shouldn't be so close to a packs boarder she could be torn to pieces, or they could try. The huge Almost grey smudge moved silently, silver eyes hard as steel... scanning. The scent was faint, but strong this was a path her brother had often traveled, though unbeknownst to her he was a very short distance away.

She froze as a faint voice floated towards her, she couldn't hope to make out its words, but she knew the scent. It was a scent that had haunted her every waking second and every dream since the day he left Kamota. Her breathing quicked and she let out three sharp yaps before regaining her composure, and Howling strong and loudly enough to shake the mountain itself, She called almost angrily for Kamota, all of her anguish and pain on her journey all of it had been for this very moment, and now, he was only feet away from her, she could smell him he just had to be here.

Why God? Why? - Kamota - Nov 29, 2012

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(300 Words)

Kamota looked at Namara as he came face to face with one of his tormentors. "I suppose that your here to try and kill me too Namara?" He asked, with his two older siblings, there was no point in trying to avoid death. He looked at Namara with sorrow in his eyes. "You think you know me. but I can assure you that you don't. I am Kamota... Kamota Will. no, Kamota Star? Anyways,. I have denounced the name Laylani. Your too close to Poison Path's borders Namara. My packmates aren't too kind to trespassers and I won't be able to protect you." He said, his eyes full of sorrows still, his position tall and with dominance. His tail erect in the air and his chest puffed out, though still no where near the size of his sister.

The last part of a warning because, even though he knew his sister did terrible things, he still loved her with all his heart. she was family, she hadn't been as mean and cruel as Tenzin. Kamota wouldn't point her to Tenzin either now that they were in the lore. Both of them together could reek havoc on the pack. It was now that Namara had a choice. She could prove she had changed and she could be nice and considerate. Or she could piss him off and prove she was the same wolf she had been when he left the family.

His stunning amber eyes stared at her, his ears perked up and his gray and light brown furs ruffled in the wind. He then scented, making sure Tenzin was not following. He'd already alerted Ash of the danger of his brother. Though the huge Guardian was not really concerned. but then again, he'd never met Tenzin. Did Namara have something to say?


Why God? Why? - Namara - Dec 01, 2012

Namara couldn't think to save her life, here she was in front of Kamota and at a loss for words, if she wanted to, she could kill him on the spot and join Tenzin. Namara knew she wouldn't do that, she couldn't not with all her heart she couldn't , this was her brother, there was not anything she could even fathom other than the words that would pass her lips. "I'm sorry." She didn't know if he would forgive her, or if she was even forgivable, but she would try.She would try her hardest and if she didn;t forgive him she would understand and leave. Namara would leave the lands of Relic Lore and never return, there would be no reason for her to be here.

"I never should have treated you the way I did, it was wrong, I'll never do it again I swear, I've ran until my pads bled, trudged through rain soaked woods, just to come and say I'm sorry." Namara knew from the bottom of her heart that what she had done was wrong, and for once in her life she was truly sorry. For all she cared at this point Tenzin could chase his own tail. Namara wouldn't go back to he wolf she used to be. So she begged to Kamota and lowered her head to a submissive position"Please Kamota, forgive me?"

Why God? Why? - Kamota - Dec 02, 2012

(I'll let PP join in now :D)
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(305 WORDS)

Kamota looked at his sister in shock, was that the least thing he expected? An apology from his former tormentor. She'd never said that before! Not to mention that she ran through the rain and snow, no matter what, her paws bled. As hard as it was to believe, it seemed as if it was the truth. "I will forgive you, but it doesn't mean I trust you now. For the matter of you ruined me childhood and unless you try to join Poison Path, you have no way to earn my trust back. so what do you plan to do now? You've found me." He said, not a rude word in his voice, more of a diplomatic stance. He really did wonder what his sister would do next. He wold for sure keep an eye on her though. Never trusting one who stabbed him in the back.

This was his lands. He had to remind himself that she was extremely close to the borders and if Ash found him, he'd be practically dead. He looked at her, emotionless eyes and all. He knew he would have to drive her away, but that is why he suggested to join to earn the trust she'd already earned back. Having his sister here would be better for him right? Together him and her could take anyone at the borders. Especially that bastard Tenzin. His former brother was living hell in a wolf.

"I have to give you credit, when I told Tenzin that I denounced the family name. He blew up in my face about how family sticks together, even though when I told him, he was already ready to kill me." He said, worried about Tenzin. Why the hell was he looking over his shoulder time and time again for Tenzin behind him, ready to kill.


Why God? Why? - Ash - Dec 02, 2012

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It seemed that Ash was finally going to be given time to relax and have his muscles. Even though the snow had fallen and most of the land was cold, Ash found that laying on his side against a cool rock relaxing. His breath was even for once, now overworking himself on the borders or building up the muscles in his shoulders by climbing the mountains. He was taking a short break, one he knew he probably shouldn’t take…but regardless he needed it. He hadn’t taken a break from anything since the meeting of Rhysis had come up, and Ash was starting to miss his past more and more. Treena was no longer here…his beautiful lost guardian, and he could do nothing to look for her, it would take away from his duties from the pack, and that would be the last thing he wanted.

It seemed, just as always, his relaxation time would not last long as a short howl filled the air, coming from the borders, and an unfamiliar howl at that. They had to be kidding him…what the hell? His light mood was still in his mind, though it had darkened slightly as he stalked forward, is haunches raised and green eyes gleaming. He approached silently through the snow, his ears pricking as his newly found pack mate and a loner stood on the borders. If Kamota so much was not doing his job he was going to- Ash’s thought got cut off as Kamota firmly told the other to step away. Many more words were exchanged, and still the female didn’t seem to be heeding the advice the new Poison Path member was giving her. Again, the warning came, and it was then that Ash decided to make his presence known.

His tail was high, ears pricked forward, and posture erect and strict. He approached Kamota, a strong growl erupting from his muzzle as his deep voice rang, “I do believe my pack mate asked you twice to back away from the borders. I suggest you do so now.” His voice was harsh and somewhat unpleasant. He had been the one who had been marking borders day and night…he was the one who came out three times a day to do so, more if someone needed to take a break. His fur was easily bristling along his spine as he looked at the other female…something looked familiar about her, but the thought died away quickly. She was too close to the borders…his pack’s borders.


Why God? Why? - Namara - Dec 05, 2012

Namara stood in shock and disbelief, was he really so willing or did he see the truth set in her eyes. She truly hadn't noticed he had denounced the family name and once he brought it to her attention the second time it boiled her blood but she kept her cool she would not be that wolf anymore. With the very faintest trace of a growl she spoke up, "Kamota, I do not wish for you to denounce our family name but I cannot stop you, Tenzin is right a family should stick together, but not just to keep your own brother as a punching bag."

For a few moments the light hued wolf stood in silence contemplating her next move, join the pack and have responsibilities, thereby further stepping in to her new found traits, or leave. She would never have to be nice or caring again and she could sleep soundly knowing Kamota was safe. But what about Tenzin? her silent thoughts were interrupted by a wolf who seemed really. really. pissed.“I do believe my pack mate asked you twice to back away from the borders. I suggest you do so now.” Namara almost smirked as she dipped her head low,"Hello there my name is Namara Laylani, Little Kamota here is my brother." fpr once it wasn't hard for her to muster up a warm glance at Kamota, she would make him into a fine warrior if this worked."In Fact I would like to join your pack if I could, I missed him dearly and would want to help him and his new found home the best I possibly can" Namara kept her head low and backed a few paces off the boarder hoping this wolf would back off and call an alpha.

Why God? Why? - Kamota - Dec 05, 2012

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As Kamota heard her voice, he was shunned. "Namara, the problem is... it's just that he wants me to keep the family name because he can use me as a punching bag. I won't have it! I swear if he shows his fur near here again I'll attack, brother or not he was o right." He said crossly, but Ash's voice interrupted hiis thoughts and he fell into a bow of submission. His tail not quite as submissive as it he were here with Tlarx or Athena, but enough to get Ash's ranking as second across to Namara.

"Greetings Ash, this is indeed my sister, she is nothing like my brother who I was explaining to you earlier." He said, elated as he heard her ask to speak to Athena about joining Poison Path. He would like her to stay, even if only to prove that he could trust her. Pack mates don't hurt pack mates! He now cut himself out of this conversation, since Ash was now the highest ranking here, it was up to him whether or not to call for Athena or even to deem her worthy of the leaders presence. He would have called for Athena, but then Ash came up. He smiled as Namara stepped more away from the borders.

He eyes Namara a bit timidly, he was concerned for one pack, last he'd seen Namara, she had been in love with dominance. How would she take to being lowest of the adult wolves? Would she try and challenge herself up to be higher then Kamota? Was he making a mistake by forgiving her, standing up for her to join the pack?


Why God? Why? - Ash - Dec 15, 2012

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As soon as he arrived he was noticed and his eyes narrowed when the first reaction he had gotten from the loner was her name. In an instant the large brute snapped his jaws once, a silencing sound, eyeing the paws that were, oh so close to his boundaries. The next words that were exchanged for him caused his sides to rise…she wanted to join Poison Path, while she was standing almost on the borders. Was she joking with him? As soon as the words left her mouth, she retreated, but still, his mood was in no situation for this female. He snorted in aggravation as his head tilted towards Kamota, listening to what he had to say. If this indeed was his sister, Ash would have much more watching to do, keeping his eye on yet another new member. Where was Ava when he needed her most.

His tail lashed angrily behind him…if he had the choice he would have chased the bitch out right then and there, but he knew he could not to so without Tlarx or Athena’s word. His words were sharp, just like the icicles that hung from short little coves that littered the area, “I will call, but if you join and I see a loner as close to the borders as you are again while you are on duty, I will have your pelt.” His words were directed at Namara, as he lifted his head to the sky and called for his alphas. Either ones presence would be appreciated as he deep song ended. It seemed he had been doing plenty of calling for others recently. And the pull to go and look for Treena in the mountains still plagued him. He wanted to oh so badly…but he simply just didn’t have the time.


Why God? Why? - Athena - Dec 16, 2012


Today, she took the time to go up to her favorite ledge up in the mountains where she usually watched the sun rise and set. She just wanted to get fresh, mountain air to clear her mind. She had been there for a while just lying and watching. It was peaceful up there. Safe and serene. If only her mind was that way. After Naira’s departure, Athena was affected dramatically. She didn’t know if she could trust the woman again. Athena’s trust was being tested with everyone and she didn’t know who was truly behind her and who was against her. Life was tough; however, Athena wasn’t going to give up that easily. She is a warrior till the day she dies.

Her fiery eyes scanned over the land below her, picking out the different locations of the packs across the Lore. She always loved this advantage of being able to see around her and not being confined to the enclosure of the forest that the other packs were susceptible to. The forest made her feel like she was trapped in a cage, but the mountains made her feel free like an eagle soaring through the air. She was the queen of the mountain even if her territory didn’t extend this far, but she liked to believe it did. However, her peaceful time alone was interrupted by an unfamiliar howl ripping through the serene silence. A deep growl rumbled through her chest. It was a loner and she sounded very close. Almost too close.

Her white body was up and charging towards the sound of the loner in a flash. However, she was careful not to injury her leg again, so she took extra time and effort to keep her weight off her right leg. Being the agile climber she was, it still didn’t take long for her to descent her mountain, but sadly she wasn’t going to be the first to arrive on the scene. Her loyal Guardian’s rumbling howl called out for her just as she was getting to the lake. Releasing a quick bark telling him she was almost there, she quickened her pace as the borders she knew by heart came into sight as well as the three bodies ahead of her.

Head and tail rose dominantly as she got closer, her pace slowing to a trot. The scars underneath her left eye reminded her how dangerous and loony loners could be. Her white body easily slid in between her Kamota and Ash, her fur mixing together with each of theirs. ”What is your business here?” The Leader asked, observing the woman before her. Her fiery eyes noticed the small scar underneath the woman’s right eye. She wasn’t sure if she too encountered the bitch, Shadowstorm, but it seemed the other woman didn’t get it as bad as she did if it was the loony loner that had given her that mark of “Justice.”