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rolling in the deep - Printable Version

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rolling in the deep - Chulyin - Oct 16, 2013

@Chulyin, you fell into a body of water. - Sunny — Current Temperature: 46° F/8° C

The fall chill was beginning to creep in. Well, not creep. Sort of plummet. He loved it. The chilly breeze that bustled his dark fur. He found keeping warm quite easy so long as the sun was out, and today the sun was out. The bright late morning light settled over him, his dark fur absorbing the energy it provided, keeping him toasty. At the top of the mountain, it was probably much colder than below, but he found little desire to descend today. Though it was only fall, he feared the threat of snow and being closed off from his family. Not to say that keeping to the top of the mountain would save him from that fate, but there was less variety of climb when you were already at the top of the mountain. He wandered south, towards old pack lands. He couldn't quite recall their name now, though their scent was still catching on the air, though faint.

He was interested in seeing the lake without the possibility of running into any strangers. He'd never really had interaction with the wolves at the other end of the mountain, but he couldn't help but wonder what their relationship with Nomad's Pass had been. The distance was sizable, but who knew. He kept up a reasonable pace until the large body of water was visible and then he slowed, catching his breath with an even walk until he was at the edge. Ears cocked curiously, before he bent down and lapped up the clear water. It was cold, almost colder than the air. Not frozen yet, though he would be interested in seeing that. Looking up again, he took in the landscape, sniffing out the air. There certainly was no one else here. At least no large groups of wolves. Naira and Mapplethorpe were aware of this already, no doubt, but he'd poke around a bit more, just to be sure.

Taking a deep breath of clear mountain air, he bent down once more to take another drink of water when a sudden dizzy spell came over him. Trying to catch himself, he leaned too far forward, tipping right into the freezing water. It was a little overwhelming, to say the least, and he was in a bit of a fuzzy state for a second, hanging, lifeless, in the water. Suddenly realizing what had occurred, he beat against the water, his head sudden above the surface. The man gasped for air, every inch of him shaking as he paddled blindly, trying to find where the shore was. He had no fear of drowning, but he certainly wasn't interested in turning into a wolfcicle. <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: rolling in the deep - Narcissa - Oct 16, 2013


<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">

A calm heart beat adamantly within her chest, bringing her forth to the land of the Lost Lake. A place that briefly reminded her of her own Queen, the beautiful Elettra who Narcissa would do anything to protect and cherish. The woman was remarkable and someone that the wood nymph would follow endlessly and without question; but how long would that be? Her constant desire to move, wander and disappear—to cause chaos physically, socially and mentally—was beginning to surface and she had to feel the power of self again. A feeling that had long since disappear since she had succumbed to the ideal life of a pack member.

It wasn’t until she heard the soft thrum of another’s heartbeat and the soft breath that she turned her head to view a man moving towards the Lake. If she could have swooned she would have for he had to be the most handsome knight she had seen within the Lore so far, battling tones of the deepest blacks with a stature that described a heavy strength. As she drew closer and begun to get faint hints of his scent, he disappeared with a splash. For a second she hesitated but the next thing she knew she was bolting in his direction. “I’m here!” she shouted, looking at him as he surfaced in the water with his nose held to the sky, “can you hear me?”

Again, she did her best to let her voice be heard. To some it was most unlike her to aid a stranger that was none of her business and not under her care but she felt drawn to the stranger. The chaos of it all, she wanted it to build within her chest—a will to be the savior. “If you can hear me, swim to your LEFT!” she hoped he could hear her through the rustle of water around him for she wasn’t so sure she had any other ideas.


RE: rolling in the deep - Chulyin - Oct 16, 2013

His mind told him to calm down, though his body didn't seem to want to heed it. Only when he heard a voice, did he cease the shock-induced thrashing, a resounding "STOP" ringing in his mind, his own brain finally having enough of the nonsense his body had been causing. His chest heaved, keeping the ripples going in the water, and he still paddled, each paw like a pinion, keeping the greater machine afloat. Amber eyes sought out the wolf on the shore which was further away than he'd thought, though that was probably due to his panic. But with the shore and her helpful voice within range now, he could make his way safely to shore. For a moment, though, he allowed himself to paddle calmly, catching his breath, composing himself. Clearly that breath he'd taken earlier had been far too heavy for his mind to handle. Especially after he'd been earthbound for so long. The altitude took a bit of getting used to.

His golden eyes descended, catching the woman's green ones, and he began to paddle forward, his legs aching. It had been foolish, to thrash about like that in the water. He probably would have drowned if not for the distraction that the woman presented. When he reached shore, his forelegs hooked the earth, holding himself on the edge while his hindpaws occasionally paddled below the water. <b style="color:#a51919">"Thank you, miss." The man breathed quietly, eyes on her paws, as he didn't desire to crane his neck up so far. <b style="color:#a51919">"I hope I did not cause you too much panic." He went on, before grunting as he hauled himself up to the shore, making a half circle around the woman so that he could shake off. The air was not so cool and kind now, not with the water saturating his coat. <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: rolling in the deep - Narcissa - Oct 16, 2013


not feelin' too awesome so i apologize if this is crummy ._.

<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">

With eyes wide with the chaos written in the others’ face, she stayed as still as she possible could to direct him to the nearest safe position. The shore here was not too tall from the water so climbing upon it wouldn’t be too hard to handle, she felt sure. As the inky male began to wade towards her location upon the shore, she lingered upon the edge, ready to jump into the fray should he be cast into the water once more. One could never be too sure about water as each was different than the other regarding shape, size and the contents.

Finally the moonlit boy had reached the shore, clenching on like his last meal before looking to her paws upon the ground with a thankful voice. “You’re welcome,” she answered, proud that she had been able to do something… good for a change. It wasn’t like her to really help others in times of need but with a man that handsome she couldn’t let it go to waste! “None that I can’t handle,” she answered with a grin as she watched him circle around her and shake off his coat. Surely he was cold now but there was very little she could do… no, that was a lie.

“Come, lay with me. I’ll warm you up.” She insisted while positioning herself upon the ground and beckoning for him to join her so that the chill of water against the thrusting air would not cause him sickness and because her body heat could easily cure his ailments.


RE: rolling in the deep - Chulyin - Oct 16, 2013

He quietly cursed the freezing air now, dreading the long journey back to Nomad's Pass. He could not truly blame himself for this folly, however. How was he to have known that such a heaving breath would have rendered him dizzy? All he knew was that this woman had saved him quite a bit of exhaustion and for that, he was very thankful. He shook off once, and then once more, his muscles tightening as he put as much force into the motion as possible, trying to rid himself of as much water as he could. He hoped as well that he wouldn't accidentally spatter the woman, though he'd made an effort to keep his distance from her as well as stand at her back (though she had likely turned about by now).

When he'd shaken off to his content, he turned his eyes upon the woman again, glancing over her with a cautious eye. His nose twitched to catch her scent. It was not unlike the scent of the woman and her son that he'd met some time ago. Elettra was her name, and Skoll her son. The pack, Willow Ridge, as far as he could recall. It had been a short, but packed encounter. It had been hard not to remember the rambunctious child. His eyes followed her as she lowered herself to the earth, offering him warmth. He gave her a single blink. Was this truly a good idea? He was still rather damp and he didn't wish to soak this woman and risk her health as well.

<b style="color:#a51919">"I would not want to risk your health." He answered, though approached her anyway, settling down to his belly a few inches from her. There was no contact, but perhaps the simple fact that they were sitting so close would result in some transfer of heat. <b style="color:#a51919">"Willow Ridge?" Chulyin asked simply, giving his head a slight nod, as though to indicate he smelled it on her. But just because she smelled of them, did not necessarily imply that she was still part of them. <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: rolling in the deep - Narcissa - Oct 16, 2013


<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">

Narcissa smiled as she watched him shake of the remnants of the water’s grasp, occasionally flinging in her direction though never quite reaching her except for a stray that splattered just at her hindquarter. It was no big deal, though. It was simply water and she could live with the slight dampness, it was him that she was more concerned about and it seemed that he was concerned for her. “Oh come now,” she swung her paw out, “don’t be shy. I won’t bite.” At least, she wouldn’t for now. He was a stranger and for this, she had to be extra careful for now she simply wanted his presence. She would not take no for an answer when she wished for something.

A small hint of a surprise lit her expression as she narrowed her eyes and turned her head, “yes, how do you know the scent?” Obviously he must have known someone from her pack or had passed by not too long ago to memorize the very scent he carried. Nevertheless, it saved her from having to explain where she was from and likely who might have led there if he knew of the Queen’s place. “I’m Narcissa, by the way.” Better late than never were introductions, and this way he might feel pressured to tell her his own name so that they would not suffer any social imbalances. To leave the Lake now and not to gather his name would be most unfair and certainly very rude.


RE: rolling in the deep - Chulyin - Oct 16, 2013

Her insistence drew him slightly closer, enough that he still felt as though it would not cause either of them any sort of mental or physical discomfort. The woman's insistence drove his chivalry mad, so he would meet her more than half way. <b style="color:#a51919">"I met your leader, Elettra, and her son, Skoll." He answered, rolling his shoulders absently, as though to fluff his fur. <b style="color:#a51919">"He'd been quite enamored by a mouse." He recalled the entire encounter. The child had been quite disobedient, and from the way his mother reacted, perhaps it was not such a rare occurrence. He didn't think much of it, however. Children were children. When he was old enough, perhaps things would be different. His mother seemed quite hardened, so hopefully her restraint would wear off on him.

He gave no hint of his opinion of the woman, at least to this green-eyed stranger. Not to say that he had a negative opinion of the woman, but it was not his place to put any sort of judgement on a stranger, especially in front of one of her subordinates. <b style="color:#a51919">"Chulyin, miss. Why so far from home, Narcissa?" He moved forward, begrudgingly bestowing upon her questions. He would have loved to investigate the woods by the lake or even head home, but until he dried a bit, any endeavor would have been a foolish endeavor. Her company was pleasant, to say the least, as she had greatly assisted him, but in the end, she was a stranger from a foreign pack. What use were they to each other? <b style="color:#a51919">


RE: rolling in the deep - Narcissa - Oct 16, 2013


<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">

Ah, so he had met the favored Elettra. The woman that somehow still held Narcissa within the Ridge regardless of her will to venture. It was tough on her paws to be chained to a specific pack with the same wolves day in and day out, but she was granted opportunity. For that, she was quite thankful. So being out this far was certainly a luxury that she could not pass up. “I have not yet personally met all of Elettra’s children,” she mentioned with a shrug as he scooted closer to her though not so far as to be considered intimate (how unfortunate). Well, Narcissa would just give up on that. If he didn’t want to be close to the wood nymph, then that would simply have to do.

Narcissa, even after having one child of her own through a lust for chaos, still had very little to know about having children. She had had the whole pack to raise the child before leaving just before Nikoleta had turned one, so parenting was still quite as foreign to her as it had been then. “I am a scout for the Ridge, privileged to go wherever it is I wish so long as I have gathered information, whereabouts of packs, or gathered a loner looking for a pack. Might I ask what pack you have come from?” It seemed he smelled of one—one that was also on Naira the day that she had absent-mindedly trespassed on Willow Ridge—but she could not place it for the time being.


RE: rolling in the deep - Chulyin - Oct 17, 2013

Slowly, the man laid his head down upon his paws, though his eyes were still raised to watch Narcissa. It was an interesting name. Narcissa. He dedicated it to memory like he did most things. He smiled slightly at her comment, withholding another opinion. Something about how she wasn't really missing out on anything. <b style="color:#a51919">"Children." Was all the man could muster, the smile fading as quickly as it had appeared. On occasion, he thought about children. Naira's children were a few that he still needed to associate himself with. He desired to be a good uncle and it was very hard when the little buggers were so hard to find. But his own? He didn't dare let the thought linger. It left a heavy feeling in his chest, a mixture of desire and betrayal. He let the thought drift away, his ears flicking absently.

<b style="color:#a51919">"I am a guardian of these lands." Was all he could give her. He'd taken the oath and promised Mapplethorpe. The Pass's lands would not be easily found out. He moved on quickly. <b style="color:#a51919">"It seems as though we're both fit for our duties, then." Lifting his head, he gave it a slight shake. <b style="color:#a51919">


ahh shitty reply, sorry.

RE: rolling in the deep - Narcissa - Oct 17, 2013



<b style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px; color:#6B3815;">

For the time being this was a nice, pleasant conversation. Albeit one that she wished was a little more personal and stuff, but she could get away with just idle conversation with a dash of personal. Besides, it was best that she was with him than a whole crowd of people; otherwise she’d be a mess that stayed absolutely quiet. Large gatherings simply weren’t her most comfortable position so she preferred simple one-on-one equations. “You imply that you do not like, or am I guessing incorrectly?” It was likely a wrong assumption but when most spoke of children by saying ‘children’ it simply meant that they did not have any of their own and thus, misunderstood. Before having Nikoleta, she would have spit at the idea of having children with a man she did not truly love but she did love her daughter moreso than anyone and would not have traded her for anything.

Oh now he was a guardian? It simply seemed to suit him quite well and left her feeling all the more interested in him. Hook line and sink, he was baiting her like a fish but if he pulled the pole out of the water at the wrong time—she’d be gone. “It would seem that we are Chulyin,” her mind raced for a second a she wondered about him and the finer details of his life, again re-touching on the already asked question: “you never answered what pack you are from, though?” She needed to know if he was going to know hers.
