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Oh Baby Baby - Printable Version

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Oh Baby Baby - Aponi - Apr 01, 2014


The girl sat on the paper covered bed with her bare feet dangling over the edge, the gown gaped at the back uncomfortably as Aponi stared at her phone. 13 days since she should have gotten her period.....13 days. She had texted Karpos telling him to meet her here and nothing else, oh how she regretted that night now.

RE: Oh Baby Baby - Karpos - Apr 01, 2014

[dohtml]Karpos had run over as soon as he got the text. Concern through him flowed through him because no reason was given. He had brought his throwing knives just in case. He arrived. "Poni." He whispered with his eyes wide. What was wrong?[/dohtml]

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Apr 01, 2014

There is a deer that was killed by a lynx nearby. +10 Health

RE: Oh Baby Baby - Aponi - Apr 01, 2014

Karpos came through the door of her room and at first she was silent, just glaring at him from her spot on the cot and then she flung herself at him. Not in a romantic, oh I need you and I miss you way, in a I'm about to rip your throat out you dumbass-asswipe kind of way. "I though you said you had protection," she shrieked in an almost inaudible tone.

RE: Oh Baby Baby - Karpos - Apr 01, 2014

Karpos' eyes widened as she shrieked.... What the hell is she talking about? He wondered. "I did Aponi.." He said as he tried to push her back, his knives clattered to the floor on purpose. She was going to kill him and he didn't even realize why. What a clueless bastard.

RE: Oh Baby Baby - Aponi - Apr 01, 2014

The teen shoved hard against Karpos' chest, trying to knock him over and keep him close enough to keep hitting all at the same time. It wasn't working very well, the girl was practically seeing red. "You think I'm stupid? How would I be knocked up if you had been using protection you son of a bitch?! She lunged at him again, trying once more to knock him over.

RE: Oh Baby Baby - Karpos - Apr 01, 2014

valar dohaeris.

karpos slayer

all men must serve.

Karpos hissed and his eyes narrowed. He pushed her back and yelled. "Maybe it wasn't me." He challenged her who always was walking around and dressed in a promiscuous manner.


RE: Oh Baby Baby - Aponi - Apr 01, 2014

Maybe it wasn't me. Those would be his last words she would make sure of it. Taking a step back she hissed, fangs showing now she crouched. Slowly, over pronouncing her words she gave him one last chance, "Are.You.Calling.Me.A.SLUT?!" She shrieked, she knew soon the nurses would be here if they kept making so much noise but she didn't care. No one insulted Aponi Aquila to her face and got out alive.

RE: Oh Baby Baby - Karpos - Apr 01, 2014

valar dohaeris.

karpos slayer

all men must serve.

He hissed again as she tried to kill him even more. "Poni, how many other men have you dragged into bed when you're drunk?" He asked accusingly. "I liked you. I've always liked you a lot and tried to get you to feel the same way and I did what you asked. Maybe it... failed or something. I don't know." He said trying to calm her down after he realized what he had just said. He slid the knives away from them with his foot as he tried to fend off from the tempered Aponi. His eyes were wide. Did I really just call the girl I love a slut? He asked himself. He hoped the nurses would arrive soon.


RE: Oh Baby Baby - Aponi - Apr 01, 2014

She said it before she could even stop herself, something that she had never told anyone, her slut facade was just that, a facade. "None okay! You were the first!" Aponi stopped attacking him now and stepped back eyes comically wide as she covered her mouth with her hand. Shit what did she just do? Spinning away so he wouldn't see her face she pointed at the door, "Leave. Now," it wasn't a request.