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Whisper Marsh halcyon and on and on - Printable Version

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halcyon and on and on - Lugh - Apr 03, 2014

@Minka @Ryka Trix I was just antsy for more threads and Ghost offered. You're welcome to pop Ryka in when ya get a chance


Lugh wandered through forest with his gaze cast up to the piney boughs, eyes alight like a child in a candy store. Instead of sugary confections, it was new green tips appearing on the trees, the birds flitting through the branches, the flowers fighting their way up through the lingering snowbanks that had the male so enraptured. He nearly felt like dancing, and indeed, a little hop had worked its way into the quick gait of his long, thin limbs.

He and Ryka had first stopped by the lake to the south, where he'd noticed sign of wolves in the area. Where there were wolves, he was sure packs would follow. He had split off from Ryka with a promise to howl if he found something, or meet back at the lake if he didn't. While he probably should have been, he wasn't particularly worried about losing track of each other. There was no point in worrying about something if it hadn't happened yet. He just figured that if they split up, they'd be able to cover more ground and have a better chance of finding a pack that would take the two in.

With his head all the way up in the clouds, Lugh hardly noticed when the ground grew steadily swampier, making a loud slurp each time he lifted a paw. He could see some cattails up ahead, which was an exciting prospect to the herbalist. The roots were good for wounds, and if one were so inclined the shoots could be eaten... but he wasn't that hungry, not yet at least. Lugh wasn't sure where he'd stash them, but he could figure that out later. Muck clung to his creamy paws and shot out in all directions as he ran faster, excited by the prospect of investigating the reeds closer.. Suddenly, he yipped and stopped in his tracks. He hadn't expected the icy sting of his paw as he stepped into the frigid pond, but then laughed at how distracted he'd been. "Good thing there aren't any cliffs about!" he chuckled to himself.


RE: halcyon and on and on - Minka - Apr 03, 2014


A warmth had returned to the meadow and with it a new soundtrack of dripping water, bird song and the rustling of branches as they began to sprout. With the new weather the alpha had seen a return of prey, it seemed as if winter was finally going to release them. It was enough to ease Minka's worry enough that she would leave the territory, even if only for an hour or two at a time. @Tokino had been doting, making sure she had food to eat, that she was safe but sometimes the woman just needed time alone to think. Their plan would be put into action in just a few short weeks, and then everything would be different and the rusty fae found herself travelling the Southern areas as if to memorize them. These were the lands that had built her, taught her she was more than just a runt, and now she had outgrown them.

Minka walked the edge of the clearing in the tree line gazing on from a distance, she knew better than to get much closer this time of year. While ice was still present it would be thin and not hold her regular weight, much less her added weight from her pregnancy. It had been with delight that she had watched over time her stomach swell and felt the first stirrings of life within her. This would be the spring that she would call herself a mother, start a new chapter in her life. The alpha turned her muzzle to nuzzle her side affectionately, though she could only feel movements internally, they weren't strong enough to be felt through her abdomen.

It had been during this private moment that a voice reached her ears, instantly the tawny appendages flicked towards the sound. Raising her golden eyes she watched on as a wolf around her age moved onto the ice of the marsh and her heart quickened. Stepping forward so she could be seen she called out, "Be careful! The ice is very thin!" Why it had been nearly a year ago Minka had pulled that older fae from the marsh when she had fallen through, and Malia... A shudder ran along the woman's spine as she thought of the poor red pup thrashing in the water as she tried in vain the get out. While she loved to swim she had come to fear ice, it had taken too many.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet


RE: halcyon and on and on - Ryka - Apr 04, 2014


She hadn't been separated from him for too long. Only a couple of hours. For Ryka, splitting apart for short periods of time like this was perfectly normal. As much as she enjoyed Lugh's company, there were times when her more adventurous, independent side called her away. She liked to have her moments of peace and solitude, but never for long. Extended periods of isolation would eventually get to the she wolf, sending her emotions tumbling downhill. Unpleasant memories were brought back, thoughts of the days when she was just a lone soul with no family to call her own. She couldn't bear it...not after such a tragic, heavy loss. In all the time they had been together, the two friends had always found their way back to one anothers side. Lugh wouldn't just go on his merry way without her. He had proved to be a loyal friend even after their tightly knit pack had vanished.

Ever since her arrival here in this rich new land, the Tiaroth female had stuck to a relatively small area. It wasn't that she didn't want to go out and explore. Quite the opposite. She was underfed and weary, and so she devoted much of her time to searching for what miniscule snacks she could find and then resting afterwards. Once back up to speed, she'd resume her usual habits, no doubt. Today, Ryka was taking a break. She was on a small mission of sorts. To scout the lands surrounding that of the lagoon and take note of the packs in the area. She wasn't going to get too close to any borders today...she only wanted a general idea of what the wolf population here in the Lore was like. From what her nose told her, it was abundant. If she was lucky, she'd bump into a member of a pack, from whom she could attain some information from.

Throughout the hours that she had spent hopping from one landmark to the next, she had came across nothing. There was no shortage of fresh scents belonging to pack wolves, all of which were distinguished, criss crossing along in varying paths through unclaimed patches of land. From what she could gather, there were at least two distinct packs nearby. One to the Northwest and another towards the East. Eager to relay the news to Lugh, she turned back and followed his scent trail. It wasn't easy, with the tantalizing scent of some distant deer permeating the air, paired with the fresh snow melt. But she managed, her paws squelching nosily as she slipped into muddy, wet terrain. The marsh was almost like a candy store in what it offered in it's variety of plants. Once spring was in full swing, she'd have to come back here. Watching her step, Ryka kept to the edge of the waters, where the ground was a little more solid. The ice at this time of year was extremely was no place for a fully grown adult wolf to go playing around. Just as she was about to divert away, further inland, a familiar voice, followed by another, caught her attention. Pushing her way through some thick blades of tall grass, she spotted Lugh skidding out on the pond, and another tawny figure not far away. "Lugh, what are you doing? That ice isn't safe! Turn back now!" She warned, darting around to the left where it was safer, the ice a little thicker. The last thing she needed was a disaster on her hands.


RE: halcyon and on and on - Lugh - Apr 05, 2014


The ice squeaked and squealed under Lugh's small paws as he tiptoed closer towards a strand of reeds. He gingerly reached his muzzle out towards one of the younger, brighter green sprouts. He had his jaws open and poised to snatch one when a he heard a shout come from somewhere behind him. His mouth snapped shut with an audible clack as he twisted his head back over his shoulder to see who in the world was yelling at him. His mind first jumped to Ryka, but of course the voice wasn't quite right to be hers, and finally he did spot a brown and red female standing on the banks. Another wolf, that wasn't him or Ryka! It must have been weeks since they'd come across another wolf. His tail waved a quick pace at his hocks and he grinned at the lady. "It's alright! I'm as careful as ever," He assured her, not terribly concerned about crashing through the thin layer.

He was about to turn back and just quickly grab the plant he'd been going after when he actually did hear Ryka's voice this time. His pale yellow eyes scanned over the shoreline, seeing his friend similarly standing on the ice. His ears flicked downward and he licked his own nose like a naughty child who'd been caught up to something he should't be. Ryka was a voice of reason for the intrepid male, and while he could usually dismiss a stranger's warnings, hers held more weight. Leaving the cattails behind, he carefully walked closer to her and the shore. "I could say the same to you! You could've jus' waited on land, you know," He said to her with a wink.

Now on thicker ice over shallows, he stopped to stand next to Ryka. He nosed her shoulder, his ears still apologetically folded. "Sorry if I scared ya. But looks like we've finally got company," He said quietly enough for just Ryka's to hear. He pointed his nose towards Minka, for the first time noticing her swollen belly. "'Gratulations, lass!" He called towards her, loud enough to cover the distance between them.


RE: halcyon and on and on - Minka - Apr 07, 2014


It's alright! I'm as careful as ever she supposed the words were supposed to comfort her but still she watched with baited breath. Then another wolf came out and onto the ice, albeit to scold the male but still. Minka's stomach clenched as she watched the scene, sure that someone was going into the marsh and released a breath she didn't know she had been holding as the male moved onto safer grounds. Even though the footing would be more solid there the expectant mother would be happier once they both had their feet back on the earth. Anxiously her claws stirred the mud beneath her, causing an awful squelching sound as the soil spread between her toes.

The alpha was taken aback at the male's call to her, and it took her a moment to realize that he was talking about her swollen belly. A heat spread up her neck and a joyous smile crossed her maw, besides Inali no one had congratulated the woman. @Tokino had in his own way she supposed, making sure she was eating and safe and was getting enough rest but never in so many words. Carefully Minka made her way down the slope, choosing each step with care as the hill was covered in loose mud that could give way beneath her weight. This carefulness was new to her, something that had come along with her pregnancy, she knew that nothing was more important, especially time, than the life growing within her.

After a few moments the tawny she wolf made it to the banks of the marsh but she moved no further, choosing instead to stand her ground. Two adult wolves would be pushing the limits of the ice as it was, yet alone another expecting adult. This territory was neutral, there was no need to demand dominance or respect here and so her tail wagged slowly behind her. It was nice to meet someone who didn't expect something from her, or look at her like she was personally bringing a plague into the pack. It was with a smile on her face that she called out, "I'm Minka Lagina, may I ask what I should call the two of you?" The pair smelled strongly of each other but of no one else, not even of territories around here, loners obviously but could they be new to these parts? Why it had been nearly a year ago that Minka herself had wandered into the Wildwood.

fate hasn't finished
with you yet


RE: halcyon and on and on - Ryka - Apr 08, 2014


Nervously, she stood in place on the ice of the pond, which she knew could collapse beneath her weight at any minute. However, she was far more concerned about Lugh, who didn't seem to have a care in the world. While it was all well and good that he wanted to reach the freshly sprouted reeds for supplies, this situation was simply too risky. The tawny woman had good reason to be concerned, and Lugh's reply to her cautionary words sparked a flicker of annoyance. Proceeding to step further out onto to the ice, Ryka was fully prepared to drag his scrawny hide back to solid ground herself, should he not comply. Luckily, her words seemed to hit home as he turned to acknowledge her.

Regarding him with a completely straight face, his little pout did would do him no favors. Only when he began moving towards her and off of the thin ice, did she allow her muscles to relax. Once back by her side, she turned, bumping her shoulder against his own in the process. Gently, she tipped her head up to mouth at one of his ears softly. It was an expression of both annoyance and affection at the same time. Seeing the pair like this, one could easily believe Lugh was her brother. They sure acted enough like siblings from time to time. However, no one could replace her litter mate. "Maybe, but at least I was wise enough not to go out onto thin ice. You'll have plenty of time to get all the cattails you want once the snow melts." She hated winter. She truly did. The sooner the damned snow and the freezing temperatures were gone, the better.

"Don't worry about it Lugh. I noticed...if it wasn't for her I might not have spotted you."
She then glanced in the other woman's direction with an appreciative smile. No longer at a distance, Minka was now coming their way, perhaps to check up on them. With keen azure eyes, Ryka was easily able to spot the slight bulge in her tummy. She was to be a wonderful! New life was always something to be celebrated, without a doubt. Lugh though, took her by surprise with his enthusiasm. At first Ryka wanted to caution him, for pregnant females could be quite unpredictable. Not all of them would appreciate having their pregnancy so obviously pointed out. Yet Minka seemed thrilled, delighted...much to her relief. On her own behalf, Ryka would remain silent about the subject, letting the look within her eyes do the talking. Judging from the fact that she refused to leave the safety of the bank, the Tiaroth could sense her nervousness. Whether it was for them or herself, she wasn't sure. So with a nudge to her friends shoulder, she encouraged him to move off the ice. With a gentle, short little leap, all four paws found solid earth once again. "Who, us? Why we're just tourists...we are new to the area." She began light heartedly, tail twitching in the faintest of wags. "I am Ryka Tiaroth, and this here is my friend and traveling buddy, Lugh Whelan."


RE: halcyon and on and on - Lugh - Apr 14, 2014


Lugh noticed Ryka didn't seem too happy at his stunt, but her nip to his ear reassured him that she wasn't too irked. He ducked his head, removing his ear from her grasp as he nudged the bridge of his nose under her chin as his golden tail waved happily by his hocks. Despite being roughly the same age, Ryka almost seemed like one of his older siblings or cousins, gently keeping him in line. If it wasn't for her wisdom he wasn't sure he would have made it through end winter on his own. He had to agree with her logic, Spring would be here soon, bringing all sorts of fresh flora for him to collect.

He watched as Minka carefully picked her way down the slope towards them, and moved off the ice with a hop, the frozen surface creaking at the loss of weight. Lugh dipped his head as Ryka did the honors of introducing them both. "With any luck we won't be tourists for too much longer, though. It seems this land is somewhat more promising than those we've passed through so far." Lugh added with a crooked grin. Minka was the first wolf they'd come across in Relic Lore, but likely only one of many. While on their travels they had come across several of the grumpy sort that would bite first and ask questions later, and Minka was a refreshingly friendly face.


RE: halcyon and on and on - Minka - Apr 15, 2014


The golden eyes watched the exchange between the two with amusement, perhaps they were siblings? By their appearance they seemed to be about the same age but the female had definitely taken charge of the situation so she could possibly be older. Minka's mind had changed with her role as alpha, it was second nature of her now to take in and gain any knowledge she could by the appearance of a stranger. Both seemed well fed enough and given that they were loners that meant at least one of them was a descent enough hunter. The need to get closer to the reeds reminded her faintly of Simaea on their first meeting, going out of her way to pull out plants so she could examine them and store them, a healer perhaps? The gears within the alpha's head were turning, they both seemed polite and well mannered, if they were searching for a pack they could become a valuable asset to her and Tokino's in the future.

All of this happened within a mere moment as the two moved off the ice and their next words solidified her decision, she would attempt to court them to become subordinates of hers. Smiling with a glow that had accompanied the pups growing in her belly she responded, "It is a pleasure to meet you both." Minka was silent for a moment, how did this go? She was used to wolves finding their way to the borders and asking to join not the other way around, everything she thought to say sounded wrong. Finally she cleared her throat before beginning, "Forgive me for sounding forward but if the two of you are searching for a pack to join my mate and I will be leaving our current pack in a few short weeks to found one of our own. You are welcome to join us if you would like." Her claws dug into the ground below her again, her words sounded foolish to her own ears why would they join a wolf they did not know? Then again wolves often joined packs where they knew no one, after all, she had.

Vinyonga @DA & - Table by PuppyThief

RE: halcyon and on and on - Ryka - Apr 19, 2014


Her patience with Lugh was impressive. In general, Ryka's tolerance level tended to vary, depending on her mood and who it was she might be dealing with. Since the small tawny male was a close friend...much like a brother, he could afford to test her limits. Standing by his side in a clear statement of kinship, she took a glance at Lugh. "You're does seem quite promising here. I was just out trying to see if I could get an idea of how many packs are in the area." With Minka speaking again, the russet female now had her full attention. Seeing such a warm, friendly smile on her face was reassuring. It helped Ryka relax, who as of late, had the tendency to be reserved around most strangers. At least here she was getting off to a good start. "Thank you. It's a pleasure to get such a warm welcome."

During the brief period of silence, she sensed that something was up. Her gut feeling told her so. Minka was after all, a pack wolf, the scent of her kin a prominent odor not to be forgotten. Not only that, but she held herself like an Alpha...confident, yet lacking the arrogance she had seen within so many leaders during her travels. Her words were intriguing. So she currently lead a pack, yet she was seeking to branch out and form her own with her mate? While curious about her motives, Ryka couldn't fault her for such desires. The rise of a new pack, forged with strong bonds, was always a joyous event. After having lost both of her own former packs, she was all for new beginnings. However, the past was why her formerly friendly facial features grew stoic. Flicking her ears back like two satellite dishes, she slowly eased onto her haunches in silent deliberation.

"Your offer is tempting...and most generous." She began slowly, carefully. The tip of her tail flicked slowly back and forth. Lugh, who was by her side, was almost forgotten. "This is rather sudden for us, so I'm curious. If it wouldn't be too much to ask, what are your plans for this pack? What will be it's core values?" She pressed. Here was where her caution began to show. She had already lost her true family, and had fate had struck again. Not only that, but while traveling, none of the packs she had come across seemed like a good enough fit for her. Lugh may not be so picky, but she wasn't about to commit unless she was sure her next home would be her last.


RE: halcyon and on and on - Lugh - Apr 19, 2014


It wasn't often that fortune just dropped opportunities in Lugh's lap like that, and he was ready to open his big mouth and spout out that of course he would join in and help this lady in her quest. The dyad needed a pack, and Minka's fledgling family seemed as good as any. "A few short weeks", the female had said, which meant they would have to wait, but it might take them twice that to even run across another pack. Furthermore, Lugh fondly remembered the days of helping care for his younger siblings and cousins, and the opportunity to pup-sit was an exciting one for him.

His tail flailed to the sides with excitement of finally finding the pack they'd been seeking, but what he saw from his sidelong glance towards Ryka gave him pause. His tail slowed, now hesitant at what Ryka had to say to the offer. She didn't look as overjoyed as he did at the prospect, though that wasn't entirely surprising, it took a lot more to get her excited than it did him. Lugh hadn't even thought to press for more information, but was glad that Ryka had. If it wasn't for her, Lugh would probably be wasting away back with those wretched swamp wolves.

Lugh owed his loyalty first and foremost to Ryka, and if she wasn't comfortable with something, he wouldn't be either. "Not too forward, no! But my answer rests with Ryka's." His lips took an apologetic turn, ears crumpled back and his tawny head tilted slightly as he watched Minka for her answer.
