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Secret Falls When Strangers Dance - Printable Version

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When Strangers Dance - James - Apr 14, 2014


James Slayer

He was out wandering again. Spring had brought safer conditions to travel in and new life. While the new life was wonderful it didn't apply to James. James could only be happy about safe traveling. Now that he was a lone wolf, again, he needed lands to wander. Safe places to rest if only for a night. Nothing to much to ask for. Or was it? Perhaps he would be better in a pack. Though he had already blown it with the Magnolia Glen wolves he was sure there was other packs out there. There had to be. James thought it would be impossible for there only to be one pack in these whole lands. So he was sticking to his thought and searching for more packs.

Sniffing around he found himself stumbling upon a water source. Betting it was still freezing from the winter James didn't take a drink or a swim in it. He simply took a seat admiring the scene of not frozen water. Deciding there was better things to do then simply watching water the dark male took up and off. Where he was going was a mystery, all he knew was that he probably couldn't get to far. He was still unsure if the mountain was fully safe to travel across. Perhaps he would get lucky and be able to find someone who had already tried to make a trip. Yet James couldn't say his luck was the best lately. It seemed all his luck was coming in bad doses. Hopefully spring would bring him a fresh start and better luck.


Let the forest hear our sound


RE: When Strangers Dance - Adsila - Apr 14, 2014


I don't judge people; it blurs out the center

Adsila Slayer

of my attention, my focus, myself

Padding along slowly, Adsila followed the sound of rushing water. She had spent a day or so on the mountain, and was now heading in the other direction, to see what lay at the far edges of Magnolia Glen’s borders and beyond. Spring was coming up soon, and with that she would become a yearling, and be able to fully fend for herself without others worrying over her and saying she was too young. It was only barely a month away, so she was technically not a pup anymore, but in the eyes of adults, she knew they would see her as one until her second birthday, when she would be an adult and have no one pestering her about what she was doing or where she was going.

As she came upon the water, her silvery green eyes travelled along its body of water, before reaching the source of the sound: a large mass of waterfalls. There was a low hanging cloud of mist which clung to her coat as she walked to the water’s edge. Dipping her muzzle into the water to drink, she was surprised at how cold it was, but drank her fill anyway, and when taking her muzzle out shaking her head to air-dry the wet fur around her mouth. Sighing softly and contentedly, she turned around and was about to lie down when a sudden and sharp scent of wolf hit her.

Turning her head, the Young Slayer cautiously followed the scent, and in just a few paces saw a black wolf heading somewhat in her direction. Pausing, she waited a few moments for the wolf to notice her, but when it didn’t she called out to it. “Hello?”

285 Words


RE: When Strangers Dance - James - Apr 14, 2014



James Slayer

It seemed he wasn't alone. Someone was out here with him. A younger female it seemed. Moving closer towards the dark form he smiled. "Hello to you too miss! My name is James Slayer. If I may ask, what's your name?" Wagging his tail friendly he made sure to make himself look like no harm. It wasn't like he was a harm. Honestly he didn't have a bone in his body telling him to hurt those who hadn't wronged him. Obviously this female had done nothing wrong.

Awaiting her to speak back James made himself comfortable near her. Sitting down slowly he nodded his head softly, a way of assuring her she could relax. Noticing the younger female looked almost like him he cocked his head. "You wouldn't happen to be related to the Slayers would you? Or do you know about two wolves called Shade and Shadowstorm Slayer perhaps?" It was a shot in the dark but perhaps this female knew something or maybe she was related to him in some way. Sniffing the air slightly he made sure no danger was around before proceeding in the interaction.

In an awkward sort of way he tried to get a smell off of her coat. All he could smell was the...Magnolia Glen wolves?!? Almost a bit shocked he stepped back. "I know I'm asking a lot of questions but, you're part of Magnolia Glen? I use to be with them but the winter forced me out of the lands for a bit." His head hanged down a bit upset with his choice of leaving. Though it was for the best.


Let the forest hear our sound


RE: When Strangers Dance - Adsila - Apr 14, 2014



At her call, the dark wolf moved closer towards her, smiling. He spoke in a friendly tone, telling her his name: James Slayer. Adsila froze, her silvery green eyes narrowing at the male. Did he know her, or her lineage and was just playing with her? Or was his name really that. But there must be hundreds of other wolves around out there, and at least one other family must have the same last name as her. Even so, her trust level of the male had dropped dangerously low, even though he most likely didn’t deserve it, as she could tell he was trying to make himself look as friendly as possible. But she could never be sure of what other wolves may do, and so she kept her distance, keeping her eyes on him, James he said his name was, to make sure he didn’t do anything unusual or strange.

Watching James carefully as he sat down near her, and attempting to make her feel relaxed, he cocked his head to the side as his amber eyes gazed over her body, asking a question that sent the hairs on her neck straight up. The Young Slayer tried to move away from the male as fast as she could backwards, but in her haste tripped over a paw and stumbled to the ground, staring at the dark male with wide eyes. “W-what do yo-ou kn-know of Shade?!” She stammered out, quickly hopping back to her paws with her rump pressed against a tree.

In her frightened and confused state, Adsila didn’t catch all of what the dark male had asked of her, just something about Magnolia Glen, but that only made the matter worse. Had James been spying on her? How else would he know such information about her and where she lived? Letting out a low, terrified growl, she flattened her ears against her head. “I don’t know who you are, or where you come from, but you better stay away from me before you start telling me how you know so much about my life,” She snarled out ferociously, aware that if she had to, she could fight the male. Either that or run away back to the pack where he couldn’t harm her.

376 Words


RE: When Strangers Dance - James - Apr 14, 2014

Quickly the girl seemed to panic. Freaking out a bit himself he looked around nervous. "W-what do yo-ou kn-know of Shade?!" Well that was a slightly easy question to answer. "Hey, hey, hey! Calm down a bit will ya? I wish I knew more young lady but all I do know is that Shade is supposed to be my half brother." Was the girl hiding something that made her freak out this bad? Not pondering to long on the question in his head he watched the young girl awkwardly try to move.

"Listen, if you agree to calm down we can talk civil. Okay?" Trying to calm down the tension in the air James took a few deep breaths. Yet before he could even calm himself down it seemed the young girl was back at it. Spitting words towards him like he was some type of monster. "I don’t know who you are, or where you come from, but you better stay away from me before you start telling me how you know so much about my life,"

Trying not to giggle he shot a glance towards her. "You already know who I am, James Slayer. And honestly I don't know anything about you. Yet you're acting like I do. Perhaps there is something you aren't telling me? I mean seriously though. Why are you getting all defensive about Shade? Do you even know him?" Maybe his words sounded a bit too harsh for someone still so young but he was curious. Why would the girl get defensive unless she had some sort of secret? While James wouldn't wholly force it out, he would make sure she told sooner or later.

RE: When Strangers Dance - Adsila - Apr 14, 2014



The Young Slayer could hear James trying to calm her down, but all it did was make her freeze, looking at him through narrowed eyes, distrust clearly imprinted upon her face. Her father had never mentioned anyone but his sister Shadowstorm to her and Karpos, and so she didn’t take the male’s word for the truth. He may believe it himself, but she certainly didn’t, and only until he could prove it was the truth would she believe him, maybe.

Another growl emitted from her clenched jaws as the male tried to make a deal with her that if she calmed down, they could talk it over. She could do that, but the question was would she? Adsila knew nothing but his name, and that fact that he could be related to her father, and he knew so much about her, without even asking! That rang the danger bells in her head, but she wouldn’t run, no, she would find out how much the male knew about her, and then deal with the problem.

But when he giggled at her and stated the obvious, that she already knew about him, she curled her lips slightly, revealing her canines to the male, warning him that he shouldn’t goad her with such words. She wasn’t one to be trifled with, especially when it had something to do with her. If it was anything else, her reactions would be less severe, but she told no one about her life, it was all too much painful and private to share.

A shocked expression etched itself onto her face as James questioned if she was hiding something, and why she was getting defensive about Shade, or if she even knew him. It took a few moments for her mind to process all the information before a blood curdling snarl ripped free of her muzzle, her lips curling back. Stepping forward on one paw, Adsila lowered her head slightly, looking at the dark male through slitted eyes, speaking in a low and dangerous voice.
“How dare you speak of Shade like that, when you don’t even know him!” Growling softly, as she spoke again, each word was punctuated by a single step, until she was about a wolf length away from the male. “He. Is. My. Father!”

381 Words


RE: When Strangers Dance - James - Apr 16, 2014

Quickly James listened to her growls and snarls. As much as he hated to say it, James was almost scared of the younger girl. She seemed to put up a fair fight with her tone and fiery words. While James was scared he was also impressed that someone of her age knew how to fairly stand up to older wolves. What she did said grabbed him by a forceful surprise.

“He. Is. My. Father!”

Father? How old was this half brother? Obviously old enough to bare children but that didn't give a solid answer. The word "Father" kept ringing in his ears. That meant he must be close then, especially since this child was right here in front of him. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Finally getting his apology out he moved back onto the track of this Shade Slayer. "So that means he must be close, right?" Sniffing around he tried to scent Shade hoping that he would smell somewhat like his daughter that was standing before him.

When no traces of other scents except for their two showed up he looked a little disappointed. Though he chose not to speak and let the younger child speak. Perhaps his nose had been off and Shade was around. Trying to keep his thoughts positive he spoke again, this time in a soft tone. "Again I must apologize, I had no idea Shade was your father." Thinking that situation over James wondered. If Shade was the father would that make James the uncle? Deciding not to push that decision onto the child he simply stayed quiet. Allowing the younger female to speak.

RE: When Strangers Dance - Adsila - Apr 16, 2014



Dark furred ears twitching at the dark male’s words of apology, not trusting him at all, she stared at him openly with a hateful gaze. He had first asked questions that told her he knew her, but how, she didn’t know, though she would like to find out, and then he disrespected her father. That had drawn the line for her, and so standing about a wolf length away from the male, she gave a curt nod, not accepting his apology, but not dismissing it either. She wasn’t that cold-hearted as to ignore what other wolves said, but he didn’t deserve for her to accept his apology, after all the other things he had said about her, and her father.

But at his next question, seemingly innocent, the Young Slayer took a step back, hurt showing clearly on her face. That was the one thing she didn’t want to be reminded of, or think about, never mind talk about! How did James not even know that his… half-brother was dead? Ears flattening against her head, but not in anger, no, in sadness, she bit her lip to stop a sob from escaping her muzzle. She would not show weakness in front of the wolf before her. “No…” her voice was soft a cracked with grief as she spoke, “he is dead.”

Looking down at her paws, Adsila blinked back the tears that threatened to escape, to run down her cheeks, showing the full force of her melancholy, but she didn’t let it happen. She had to be strong, for her and Karpos. It was with flattened ears that James’ words fell upon, and she lifted up her head to look at him sadly. “No, it’s not your fault for not knowing,” her voice was barely heard over the sound of the waterfall nearby. Sitting down, she felt the fight and previous anger leave her body as sadness and grief took over.

321 Words


RE: When Strangers Dance - James - Apr 16, 2014

Emotions changed quickly in the face of the young wolf before him. It seemed she went from being angered to being sad. Confusion settled into James for a few moments. Yet he was given no time to brace the words. No matter how hard he tried to cover it up an obvious look of shock, pain, and sadness took over him. "Dead. Shade. Shade's dead." He thought to himself. Even though the words made since, the situation didn't make since. What did that mean for this aging child? Was there more children? Or was this female the only one? There was many questions that he didn't bother asking. Most of his focus was drawn on soothing the sad child.

Not approaching her he slowly laid down against the ground. "I-I am," What? Sorry, upset, confused? None of the words seemed fitting. Instead he tried to give her a soft comforting look. "I may not know you, or your name, or where you're staying. But I do know that you're hurting. Hurt's not something someone young like yourself should be feeling. I don't want you feeling hurt and pain. I just want you to know that I'd be willing to do anything to help ease the pain." James wasn't sure if that was really comforting but it was the best he could do.

Trying not to break down himself he took a deep breath. Besides being sad he was feeling a hatred. A hatred towards himself for not looking for Shade sooner. Perhaps had he been quicker and more efficient with his time he could have stopped or helped Shade from dying. Though there was nothing he could do now. It was too late to go back and fix. But what might have happened if he was there? Would James been known and trusted to this young girl? Maybe even an uncle to her. He would never known what could have happened. It was all about what would happen from here.

RE: When Strangers Dance - Adsila - Apr 16, 2014

She’s all over the place @James ;~;


At her announcement that Shade was dead, expression of shock, pain and sadness fought to be the overall winner, and it surprised her. The male before her knew nothing about her father, and yet he acted like they were the closest of friends, brothers, even. But she didn’t focus on that, couldn’t, as her mind replayed the faded memories of her father, right from the beginning, all the way to when he had died. She and Karp had barely been four months old when it happened, and she missed him dearly. He had never gotten the chance to be a father, their father.

Ears twitching and silvery green eyes staring at James, she listened as the male spoke his speech, distrust still clearly etched onto her face and in her body language. Sure, she wouldn’t stop him trying to ‘help’ her, but she wouldn’t fully accept it, he was still a stranger to her, whether if he was related to her by blood or not. Her mind was a maslin of different emotions, all trying to battle each other. It was all too much for her to handle at that one moment, and she felt the need to run, run far away and never look behind her. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t leave Ace behind without telling him anything, he had protected her with his life throughout winter, and she would be forever grateful for it, and in debt. It was something that she could never repay back.

Breaking out of her thoughts, the Young Slayer sniffed once and banished the memories of her father to the back of her mind, and stared at the male before her, a glint in her eyes. “You have NO idea what I should or shouldn’t be feeling, James,” she hissed. With all her emotions going wild, the only way to calm herself down was to let her anger out on something, or someone, even if they didn’t deserve it. “Why do you want to help me so much anyways? You don’t even know me.” She growled out, unsure if she wanted to know.

350 Words
