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Lost Lake fifty-two ford - Printable Version

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fifty-two ford - Mojave - Mar 10, 2015

Open for anyone, don't hesitate! :D

A frosty breath escaped her as she came back around to the lakeshore.  Nightfall had come and she had once more, worn herself out by scaling the slopes to the elevation where the lake lied.  It was but the first place of many that she had encountered along her way and the familiarity, however fleeting, was reassuring.  This region, compared to others she had crossed, was expansive beyond what she could comprehend.  And from what higher vistas she had captured its breathtaking views from, it was largely forest.

Mojave quite liked that, but at the same time, it came as an overwhelming response to the lumpy plains and sparse woodlands she had come through.  To have come down through the mountains where she could had been wise on her part; she felt she would have been swallowed whole by the dense wilderness.  And now, with the moonlight whisking itself in and out of cloud cover, she was left alone with the sprawl of the water front to greet her.

She pondered as she slowly paced the bank.  Somewhere to bed down for the night, that was next on her list.  Weariness encompassed her body like formication; a tingling sensation danced its way along her spine.  Her warning sign that if she didn't slow down soon and actually take the time to rest, her body would submit her to that destination readily.  But there was so much to see!  She protested her want of rest, trying to gather up and use all the time inbetween breaks to see it all.

RE: fifty-two ford - Kite - Mar 10, 2015


Disoriented from the previous couple of days of entering this new whatever it was, Kite departed from all she knew for a breath of fresh air with the promise of her return. Her mind was in a fog, and it was quite clear—Kite was in heat. It was her first heat, and she was never alone; even now, she could feel her mate nearby, trailing for prospective competition... and Kite, too, would literally murder any woman who so much as looked at Mirren. But his loyalty was unmatched, and her trust in him complete, particularly after the past couple of months. If she were to ever have had doubts, that time had vanquished them. But, she never had; she couldn't imagine that she ever would.

A different, typical sort of thirst overtook her, and smelling water the tawny plains wolf moved toward a water bank she smelled nearby. In her foggy haze, Kite did not so much as look at her surroundings (she lost survival skills 101 in the first grade) (just kidding, she was travel weary herself) until after her thirst had been slaked... when she looked up and found another tawny wolf in front of her. Kite blinked and tilted her head, looking at what she saw to be a near mirror image to her. The only difference was Kite's distinct marking, and her bright eyes too perhaps. Hey, she greets, her shyness something that was all but gone. It was a thing of the past, although admittedly she did have her sheepish times.

RE: fifty-two ford - Mojave - Mar 10, 2015

what exactly am i being stolen for this time!?

From the cover ahead of her, another wolf broke through the scenery and approached the water. It was enough to give Mojave pause for a moment. It was enough to jar her alert that she was not alone, that her wandering had let her thoughts to disengage from the world around her. She blinked, tiredly, then rapidly once more as she gained a hold on things.

The wolf before her was older than she was, but she wasn't able to gauge how much. There was something about her that was perturbing and uneasy, a scent that the youthful Ostrega could not shake. It did not interest her in the way it would have a different persuastion and she faltered too long. The other wolf had raised her muzzle from the waters and spied her out, suddenly aware that she too was not alone in the midst of the wintry scene.

"Hello," she said, suddenly breathless in a world chock full of grade a plus oxygen. Her mouth left open, she continued to falter awkwardly for words that would not come.

RE: fifty-two ford - Hexamora - Mar 10, 2015

OOC: Hope you don't mind if I throw Hex into the mix.


A solid week had come and gone since the ivory woman had found herself at the borders of Fallen Tree Cove with her body worse for ware. Every little motion she took revealing the ribcage situated just beneath the thin layer of skin above them. She had been clinging on for dear life that day and succumbed to her desperation, seeking out the nearest wolf for help with a howl that luckily reached the ears of Vespertio, the pack patriarch. It had taken a bit of pushing to convince him to let her join the pack, but finally she managed to convince him to accept her. If he hadn't who knew what would have happened to her that night. To her death would have surely come for her nonexistent soul with chilling phantom fingers ready to bring her body to the ground and let the soil absorb her flesh while whispering magniloquently into the deafening ears atop her head how everything would soon be blissful, no more pangs of hunger or pain in general.

But that was then and this was now. There was no reaper whispering in her ear to kiss his lips of death. Small audits flicked briefly as her snowy form glided over the slush that began to from beneath her paws from the warming sun, mismatched eyes focusing on nothing specific as she made her way towards the lake shore. With the warming of the weather also came the heat of all female wolves of age. Hexamora was sure that she was going to be lucky this year and not have one from how poor her condition was, but lady luck wasn't smiling down at her this season. A sense of formication leaving her skin to feel like fleas were dancing just beneath the surface. Not even the large population of pine trees with their rough barked trunks could rid her pelt of its itching despite how hard she rubbed against them. All it managed to do was remove bits of her shedding winter coat, nothing else. A dip in the lake may help to sooth the rise in her body temperature and itching, even if only momentarily. A moment was enough to keep her from going insane more than she technically already was.

With an easy going lope towards the awaiting water today seemed to be going good. So far pack life wasn't as horrible as she first imagined. Laying around eating to her hearts content was heaven even if she had to do it when nobody else was looking. Once she felt eyes upon her(especially Vespertio who watched her like a hawk) it was back to pretending to be a good member of society. Suckers. Before her eyes now laid the thawing lake, its edges out to a few feet revealing chunks of broken ice due to the warming weather. But that wasn't the only thing. Along the lake stood two tawny colored shapes, wolf by the distinct canine aroma but nothing more could be discovered by scent from this distance. Instantly the fur covering her hackles and shoulder blades bristled as muscles tensed. Strangers had found their way near the borders. Then an idea suddenly flashed across her mind and caused the inky black lining of her lips to pull back forming a small smirk. What if she was to recruit these two it would help to keep that damn agouti leader off her back. "Lovely day for a visit to the lake, huh?" A sweet tone left her jowls as an innocent persona laid a cloak over her true form once she came within hearing distance of the two, continuing at her slow pace. There was no hurry in toying with these two nor did she quite have the strength just yet to try anything physical. This would be a game of pure brains and word of tongue.


RE: fifty-two ford - Kite - Mar 12, 2015

[dohtml] meheheh no nothing yet huff

Kite, naturally, was unaware of her scent given she had no idea what these changes meant; she also did not know that it made the other feel on edge, else she would have left immediately. The Tainn had no desire to make others feel that way, and perhaps the warmth she exuded might hint to that. Kite did not sense the other at a loss for words, and went on to say something else at the arrival of another. Her head turned to the pale wolf that had come upon them, and Kite's eyes fell to her instead of Mojave.

The others greeting was nice and pleasant, which put Kite at ease. She had no idea there was a territory nearby, her nose not hinting at such a thing at this proximity to it. The other wolf also smelled of pack and her lack of aggression caused Kite to believe all was well. It is, she responds, her eyes falling to the agouti Mojave. Kite herself was pretty transparent and hadn't met anyone who could ever put on a cloak. The Tainn was the worst of liars, and hated to lie regardless, so she never did. That the pale woman was putting on any mask at all was missed by the tawny Kite, who for someone normally so talkative had nothing to say. So she dipped her head and took another drink, finding the heat (damn the heat) was making her unbearably thirsty.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Mar 12, 2015

A lynx has left behind the remains of a deer. +5 Health

RE: fifty-two ford - Mojave - Mar 12, 2015

Tossing Hex in is OK with me! :D

So focused with the female in front of her, Mojave nearly missed the arrival of a paler wolf to their mix. Luckily for her, it was the older, similarity cloaked female who answered the question that hung in the air. The sudden congregation they were becoming surprised Mojave; the last time or two she had been there, she had either been alone or had gained company one-on-one. This time, she had two of those company creatures. Barring the strangely awkward scent of the one between her and the ivory canine, she offered up a wave of her tail easily.

"I guess we're all pretty thirsty today," she said at first, responding to Kite's sudden desire for the icy water. "Or is this the place to be lately? I've been checking out the forest down the mountain side for a couple of days." She spoke to them like they were old friends of hers — a complete heel-face turn from moments ago — the words so nonchalant in the open air. But it was also her attempt at probing, as the notion one of them belonged somewhere pressed into her mind. There were more than just the scent of the wilderness to lurk; Mojave could distinctly smell the others that she did not see. It was a powerful musk and one that she had not come across yet. Still wasn't as bad as their heavily drinking companion, though.

Mojave didn't have the slightest clue about birds and bees, yet.

Nor did she have a clue about a lot of other things either.

RE: fifty-two ford - Hexamora - Mar 12, 2015


So far so good as the pearl tinted woman closed the distance between the trio until she was situated at an angle proper for keeping an eye on both females without causing too much strain on herself while being able to lower her head and lap at the waters surface whenever her throat begged for relief at the same time. Today seemed like a sunday service by the lakeside and it left Hexamora to wonder if the warming temperatures would bring even more wolves to the larges source of water within this mountain area. Mojave was the first wolf to answer her question and basically verbally express the thoughts she had just had. So the lake indeed was beginning to become the hub of social interactions. A mental note to avoid the lake during the day was taken to insure she didn't run into others too often. Under the cover of night she could enjoy the solidarity of life she had come to treasure. If only her precious was with her to enjoy it as well. Poor skull was lost and buried under the snow somewhere waiting for spring to melt it away, revealing its location if something else hadn't already beat her to it and taken it for themselves.

Then the second tawny woman spoke up voicing her opinion, though her words were far shorter than the first. A simple it is being her exact words. Slinking forward until her nails touched icy edge of the water her head lowered to steal a quick lap at its surface before continuing pleasantries. Lifting her head from the waters surface icy liquid dripping along her chin hairs a small shake to her pelt followed in an attempt to keep from scratching at herself. Damn these heat cycles and persistent itching it created. "I take it you two aren't from around here then?" Hex spoke with as much curiosity as she could muster to make it seem like she actually cared. In truth she didn't give a rats behind where they came from. But for now she was content to play the nice wolf while gathering what information she could about the two before beginning a sort of recruitment plan. So far she had only learned their age, both young with one being a yearling the other just reaching the cusp of adulthood and lack of pack scent to their coats. The older of the two though had a different aroma permeating around her. There was no mistaking the throat clenching perfume of a female in heat. To a male though the scent would be intoxicating. To other females it was revolting and often brought out the inner beast that slept inside. A beast that craved dominance. Had Hexamora not been in such a watered down version of her own heat there would have been a chance that she would throw her weight around, but being weak still from a state of emaciation no such actions would be taken this spring.


RE: fifty-two ford - Kite - Mar 12, 2015

Kite lifted her head when listening to Mojave speak, lobes perking as she peered to the palest wolf of the three. She was the first to respond, and Kite righted herself, standing now. While she had thought to respond to the wolf as tawny as she, the white one responded first which was not an issue. First she turned to Mojave, shrugging. 'm not really sure. I've just arrived back here from a trip— and now she regards the other wolf, who seems in strange a state as she did... this annoyed Kite, who did not understand her internal irritation, and for the moment pushed it aside. So no, not really new. I'm returning to the Northern area. Secret Woodlands more specifically... she had to keep her word to Nina, and Kite was nothing if not a woman of her word.

That ungodly itch had her feeling stranger by the minute... Kite had every desire to stick around, to get to know the both of them—they seemed friendly enough—but she felt so out of sorts. Less patient than typical, a bit aggressive, even... She wanted Mirren in the simplest way. His presence did wonders for her mental state which was particularly strange after the passing of her sibling.

She considers going to find him, but thought it might be rude to do so then. Where are you guys from? She thinks to ask, distracting herself from her state of internal affairs.

RE: fifty-two ford - Mojave - Mar 12, 2015

And where she tried to be apart of things, it was also becoming pretty clear quickly that she was the odd man out of the group.  One of them was definitely from around there and the other, was, well, also from around there.  Sort of.  This deterred her briefly, but not discernibly.  As it were, they were so busy trying to situate themselves and state where they were from that Mojave didn't quite listen to all Kite said, because she was busy thinking up her own response.  To be apart of that inclusive crowd that may or may not existed.

"I'm not from around here.  Been on the move for a while now," she ended up saying with a shrug, as though it was no big deal.  It wasn't, right?  A thin smile crossed her features, but it was also quick to wane back to muted interest.  And in a flash of aha idea! she found she had something else to add to their conversation: "I'm Mojave, by the way."  They hadn't jumped into introductions, so it seemed fair enough that it came about.