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Chanting Chase Partake of the blood - Printable Version

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RE: Partake of the blood - Kova - Oct 28, 2015


Kova felt his already tense body stiffen further as a second wolf entered the scene. He stood his ground very aware of the fact that Draven was with them though his presence still gave them the advantage in numbers if things got bad.

Calm down Kova, thing's aren't dangerous yet. We just all met up coincidentally.. That's it.... Kova tried to force himself to calm down as his eyes trained in on the other dark wolf that loped closer to them. He recognized Bane's scent and sight almost as soon as Bane recognized him, and almost immediately all of Kova's tension drained away. His tail loosened falling downwards a bit before wagging erratically behind his back almost hitting Calanthe square in the face. Forgetting about Unitas momentarily Kova greeted his old pup sitter and mentor with a whines, a wide grin, and enthusiastic chin licking.  “Draven this is Bane! He used to be in the pack and taught me all about guarding.” Kova tossed the introduction to Draven with an inviting tone before he was distracted by the dark Hervok's throat clearing. He turns to regard the dark wolf a little less seriously now though a friendly half smile stays plastered upon his muzzle.

His smile turned into a frown as soon as Unitas brought up Noble. Kova's tail stopped waving as he sighed and listened to the dark Hervok male. Funny he can remember her name... Kova thinks while listening to Unitas speak about his missing sister. As soon as the curse word rang out Kova plastered a snarl onto his face in warning. “Watch your words...” He then gestured to Draven with a jerk of his head then kept a steely, annoyed glare on Unitas. It was bad enough the black wolf was talking about his lost sister as if she had been the one deserting him and his pack, but he also added the nasty word that Kova heard rarely if ever at all.

As he thought of what to say in answer to Tas, Kova watched the look on the Hervok youths face turn into an odd greedy looking one. With a snort Kova decides to keep the other wolf in the dark about his sister's well being.

“Why do you ask about Noble? It's not like she's your friend or anything.” Kova kept the growl out of his smooth voice while speaking to Unitas. His eyes flashed to Bane wondering if he could do anything about his annoying pack mate.


RE: Partake of the blood - Calanthe - Nov 12, 2015


The appearance of a second strange wolf had Calanthe even more on edge, but that tension vanished almost immediately as she watched Kova race forward to meet the newest newcomer. Hearing the silver yearling explain himself and introduce Bane relieved the last of Calanthe's doubts about this stranger; if he was a former pack member, surely he couldn't be here to do them any harm.

Her good mood dissipated like morning mist as Unitas spoke up again. His coarse language put the pale woman immediately back on edge, and she lowered her head just a touch in restrained outrage. Did he speak that way around any child, or was he making an exception now because Draven wasn't one of his own pack mates? In any event, it was a good thing Kova stepped in before she had the chance to do the same. She wouldn't have outright attacked him, but Kova was gentler in his handling of the brute than she would have been.

She wasn't sure she liked the way Unitas mentioned Nobel, either. She didn't know the girl at all, but it was enough to the Quickfoot woman that Noble was Kova's sister - enough to make the missing wolf a Crest wolf, no matter what had befallen her or where she was now. The look in Unitas' eyes made her wish she could go scrub herself against some wet river rocks, and neither his gaze nor his words had even been directed to her - nor had that better change any time soon!


RE: Partake of the blood - Draven - Nov 12, 2015


Draven still wasn't entirely happy about not seeing what was going on, but his mood lightened somewhat when a second wolf came on the scene. With Kova darting over to greet the other man - Bane - and Calanthe straightening up to watch the two, Draven was able to edge a little away from Calanthe again and give himself a clear view of the action. He grinned at Bane, his tail wagging behind him in greeting. If Kova thought he was a good wolf, Draven was okay believing it, too.

Unitas' comment was like shattering a thin sheet of ice; Draven hadn't ever heard that word before, not that he could remember, but clearly Kova and Cal thought it was a bad word for him to hear. He wanted to ask what it meant, but before he could Calanthe stepped in front of him again and Kova was telling Unitas off.

Tired of being left out, Draven danced away from Calanthe and trotted a bit towards Bane. If Unitas wasn't friendly, fine. They had two pack wolves here who would keep him away from Draven and Bane would probably knock him around, too - and Draven wanted to meet Bane for himself!

"Hi, Bane!" he greeted the larger wolf. "You used to live on the Crest, too? Why'd you leave?"
