Ruins of Wildwood
Broken Timber Pines Lost and Found - Printable Version

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RE: Lost and Found - Yuka - Sep 11, 2016


He needed this to go well and when they came to a stop, Yuka followed the other man's movements in stride, pissing on the borders so that they could move on. He answered his question, response much more elaborate than his own and providing him with the information he had been seeking. Definitely not a founding member then. He had not abandoned Nina and perhaps there was a potential ally within Eirian. Yuka wouldn't find out that day though, it was still too soon. He could not risk blowing his cover, especially with his mother gone.  He did not want to keep the other man from his other duties. In Whisper Caverns, Ash always had plenty to do and while he always made time for Yuka, the man knew that the duties of an alpha were usually non-stop.

Doing his best to crack a smile, though the deformed part of his lip did not move, which was awkward all around. He finally spoke, "Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today, I appreciate it. I won't take any more of your time, sir." Nodding his head in respect towards the elder, he moved on into the pack borders. He knew that needed to proceed more carefully now. Eventually, something would have to give. He just hoped that whatever that something was would benefit him.


RE: Lost and Found - Eirian - Sep 17, 2016


Luckily it seemed the answer Eirian provided was indeed enough to sate the marred faced boy from inquiring anything else, it even stretched far enough to warrant Yuka to attempt a smile despite his facial deformities hindering it from entirely reaching its full potential. Nonetheless the copper man paid no mind to the torn flesh upon his face, meeting the young man's gaze evenly before offering a nod of his head and a small flickering smile of his own. "You're welcome, Yuka. Feel free to seek me out if you have any more questions." Nodding once more, citrus eyes watched the other depart from his side and into the pack lands before continuing onward on the route that looped around the territory boarders.

There were still plenty more trees to piss on before Eirian's patrol was done and even then his work was never truly finished. Creamy limbs continued onward, only pausing at boarder markers to lift a rear leg and freshen up his stench with that of his urine and a couple rakes of his nails threw the dirt at its base to transfer his cologne from his scent glands. Eventually the copper man finished his rounds and trudged back into familiar territory, content that the likelihood of strangers examining their boarders were slim to none. It was time to relax for a moment.


Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Sep 17, 2016

A young deer has been separated from the rest of its herd. Hunt Opportunity