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Heartleaf Creek you're gonna go far, kid - Printable Version

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Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Jun 28, 2016

There is a moose carcass that has been scavenged by coyotes nearby. +15 Health

RE: you're gonna go far, kid - Pip - Jul 02, 2016


The female's praise was glossed over, but Pip breathed a sigh of relief when she heard it. So she wasn't completely incompetent then. It was a fair assumption to think this was her first hunt; the Hollow wolf knew her lack of experience was painfully obvious especially since the older lady had to snap at her for nearly startling the entire herd to begin with. Knowing that the woman didn't expect her to kill the beast - it was so tall!!! How would she even reach behind its head to begin with?? - left Pip breathing easier as well, though she did wonder just how on earth the lady expected to get up there herself. She was taller, sure, but not nearly as tall as the deer.

Far too used to her aquatic prey, Pip couldn't fathom taking down an animal larger than herself. She supposed that was why there were other wolves involved in hunting large prey like this. Therefore, the sea wolf listened with rapt attention, nodding once as soon as she understood her part to play. All she had to do in the middle of that herd with those sharp hooves and antlers...weed out the one she wanted...and chase it to the lady. That was all. All she had to do. Right through the middle. Ohhh, she was going to be kicked! Worried orange eyes glanced to her companion, seeking out any words of wisdom. Was there a trick to avoiding getting killed?? But Pip saw the impatience in her elder's gaze and stood nervously. Just do it. Just go and do it, she told herself.

Carefully, Pip picked her way through the foliage around them and eased out to the very edge of the clearing. She took a bolstering breath for herself and checked to make sure it was time for her to go before plunging into the meadow full tilt for the deer the pair had agreed on initially. As hooves thundered over the land around her, shaking her through her paws, Pip let out a nervous chirp as she gave chase. The herd split far easier than she expected, practically painting her a path to the injured doe. She didn't have the voice to growl and snarl to encourage the doe onward, but her breath on the fleeing animal's heels seemed to be encouragement enough.


RE: you're gonna go far, kid - Jessie - Aug 19, 2016



The only confirmation she received was a single nod and the widowed Tainn was off to set her position. She looped around the herd silently, anticipation bubbling in her stomach. This was not just a normal hunt there was something at risk now. When Jessie was in position, she waited for the yearling to make her move. Finally, the child moved from her position and that was when Jessie sprang into action. Actively, emerald eyes scanned the rotations of the herd but she focused solely on her target. She pumped her legs to push herself faster, her smaller body giving her the speed she needed to intercept them. Indeed, the child's distraction and the deer's waning health combined proved to be enough to benefit Jessie. Enough for her to launch in for the kill.

She did not hesitant to bundle the energy into her legs and launch herself at her target a familiar voice in her mind telling her to go for the windpipe because she was so small and not as strong as others. Having hunted for so many years, it was easy to find and crush. She took no time in releasing and allowing the deer to stumble away from her thrashing. Panting from her exertion, she stayed a respectable distance away, while mentioning for the yearling to come near. Her voice was much kinder now, with their new found success when she asked her next question, ”What is your name?” It was probably something she should have asked earlier, to get the girl to become more comfortable with her. But social situations were never Jessie's forte, but the woman was always on a first name basis with any of her hunting partners.

Jessie Tainn

RE: you're gonna go far, kid - Pip - Aug 21, 2016

{ooc}No worries! <3 @Jessie {ooc}


Pip skittered away nervously as her elder made her move. It was with precise violence that the attack was made. The yearling pinned her ear's back at the unearthly scream the doe let out as her fate was sealed. Orange eyes took in the entire scene with awe. How the female leaped at the doe with such reckless abandon was beyond the sea wolf. She didn't think she could ever be that brave. Her elder released her prey and allowed it to take a few stumbling steps away before it fell and thrashed along the ground as it struggled to catch its breath.

The yearling nearly missed the cue from her hunting partner to join her considering how focused she was on the dying animal. While she'd done nothing difficult, she had helped to take it down, hadn't she? Maybe...doing a pack hunt wouldn't be so bad. If all she had to do was serve as a distraction, that could be almost fun.

Trotting to join her elder, Pip still approached with a dipped head, curved spine, and tail held nervously between her legs, though it no longer remained tucked. She stood beside her and allowed her gaze to be drawn towards the doe again until the awful question of what her name was came up. It was the part she hated most about meeting new people when she had no siblings around to answer for her.

Pip's ears fell back unhappily and she gave a pitiful little squeak that matched those she had been making when first the female came upon her. Should the woman ask if she couldn't speak, Pip would merely nod.
