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Landslide - Arlette - Sep 26, 2011

She grinned from ear to ear, and her body waggled, almost shaking from urgency to prove herself. Following his instruction she struck out to a nearby bush, and burried herself in it's thick, slighty pokey branches. She closed her eyes, up for playing fair, and started counting aloud. "Wun, two, free. Wun, two, free. Wun, two, free." She repeated the numbers she knew in order, a couple times hoping she was giving him enough time to hide. Some reason she thought it would be hard for him to find, possibly because he was bigger? Maybe.. The seconds felt like an eternity, surely he was hidden now? Slowly she opened her eyes to the bright sunlight. She took a glimpse, and did not see a large silver, adn brown wolf in her direct sight. "Ready? "ere I colm!" She yelled out, and than put her nose to the ground like a bloodhound.

She took in the different scents through her nostrils. First it was very consuming, some strong, some dim, some this, and some that. Raigo, what would Raigo smell like? Oh, she should have gotten a fresh, dose of it. Oops. Hmm, well this might be a littler harder, and she was more eager to find him. Large paws lifted, and fell where she had last seen him. She thought she was smelling him, there was more strong, musky wiff to him than mom, and Elettra, though she didn't know that's what she was noticing, his male cologne. Slowly she followed that, wanting to keep track because there were other peculiar scents also wanting her attention. She weaved around the trunks where he'd stepped, and eyes to the ground just like her nose, she walked through the bush, and straight into his forelimb.

"Ooopsie," she murmed, and gently shook her head. She craned her neck to look at his face. "Got ou!" She said, giggling once in pure delight. She fell to her rump, her head titled back. "Um, can I mell ou?" She asked, hoping that sounded polite. She wanted to remember his scent better so she could find him if needed, and if they were to play this game again.

Landslide - Raigo - Oct 04, 2011


The small shrub behind which sat Raigo had particularly dense foliage near it's base, obstructing Raigo's view. Golden eyes widened and closed in an attempt to see better, and the awkward head weaved back and forth, trying to pick out the small white female. She would stand out from a mile away, but his view remained obstructed, and he was thoroughly surprised when there was a short rustling of the leaves and then a thud of something against his forelimb. Looking down, the smile on his face grew as he recognized the giggle and the happy white face. That hadn't taken her very long at all - it seemed that Arlette had developed a good sense of what it meant to track something. That trait would be more than useful when it came to hunting later, a valuable asset to the pack that had taken her in at such a young age. "Ooopsies is right," he chuckled, lowering his head to attach a kiss to her forehead.

Onto his own rump he went, following her example, though his head tilted sidewise as he looked down his nose at her. Her question made him laugh, and he nodded at her. "Of course, but only if I get to smell you too," he chuckled, extending his forepaw for her inspection. They were members of the same pack, and as much as they knew each other by sight, they knew each other by smell even more. It was their collective scents together that created the unique banner that was Grizzly Hollow. As Arlette grew up, her scent would become stronger and stronger within it. "Where are your siblings at?" He asked her after a minute, for the first time wondering why it was he had found the snow white she-wolf on her own.


Landslide - Arlette - Oct 08, 2011

Since father, and Prosper had gone missing she had learned to use her nose. Part of her was hopeful she'd find them again by scent. And another part of her simply could not ignore the impulse of what the world said through her black nostrils. There was so much information, and she had really wanted to figure out how to use it she'd started trying to find her siblings that way. She'd figured out she could find that silly squirrel by it. Often she could tell where her mother had gone, and it made her feel like she had some control over something, when often she did not have the slighest say in things.

Tail beat the ground as he touched her forward with a wet one, not upset she'd clamored into him at all. She had definately discovered a best friend, hopefully he would not mind a small shadow now and again? Shoulders slightly hunched as he laughed at he question. Whatever shame she felt evaported as he nodded his head, however, when he spoke of his requirement of sniffing her too, eyes looked up puzzled wondering why for a moment. Like most things, she shrugged it off. She didn't understand a lot, and this she just figured was one of those things as her mother would say she'd understand another day. "Oright," she agreed, standing up, mouth open in a happy smile. She sealed her lips, and leaned forward sniffing at his cream limb. His hair tickled her nose, and she giggled once more. Once she was sure she would remember she reclined back to her rump. She crinkled her nose, than straightened it as he asked about the other Lyall's. "O day sleepin," she said certain they were snoozing. She'd had a later start to the day, and had yet to fall asleep.At the mention of sleep, her little jaws stretched in a yawn. Maybe it was time for her nap.

Landslide - Raigo - Oct 12, 2011


The little she-wolf bypassed his extended paw and instead went to his side, her black nose causing a minor tickling sensation along that side. Chuckling, he lowered his own muzzle to the top of her head, breathing in deeply. He knew the scent already, but it was the exchange of information that she needed to get used to. It was a wolf thing. That was simply how they said hello, they scented each other. Her own scent was that of her mother and her siblings, the wolves she spent the most time with, but the growing individual scent was there too. And now that they had come into contact, Raigo's would become mixed with her's, and her's with his.

Sleeping was her answer, and he nodded his head wisely. Yes, that was what the young balls of fluff spent most of their time doing these days, exploring the world of their dreams rather than the world of reality. But why not? That was their right as young pups to be able to do. Eying her yawn, Rai grinned. Perhaps it was time to be a proper babysitter and return Arlette to the rest of her family. "I think you might want to be sleepin' too," he teased her, rising back up to his feet. "Let's head back, okay?" They could both use a few more hours of sleep, though his would only be a half-sleep, his sense still alert to the movements around the pack den.


Landslide - Arlette - Oct 17, 2011

Moment of learning came, and went. Though this exchanging of scent had her curious to test what her brothers, sister, and mother smelled like. She knew her mother's scent the best, maybe wondered if she'd missed something. She had a feeling her siblings were much the same too, but like Raigo there could be a mixture of a little something else. All that was to Arlette was endless possiblities. She beamed at the tall brown male, and for once wondered where Raigo had come from. Had he always been apart of Grizzly Hollow? Where was his mom, his siblings, his dad?

The child perked up at his playful tone, forgetting the questions for now. She wasn't much of a pup to disagree, and softly nodded. She did feel tired, her eyelids banging shut more than she liked. Like most children she was learning she could not prevent sleep, no matter how hard she tried to keep moving. "Oright," she said in further agreement. Shooting up to a stand, she scurried onward, stopping only to make sure the dark sorrel male was following.

Landslide - Raigo - Oct 21, 2011



Eying the young puppy, Raigo resisted the urge to loll back onto his haunches again. Arlette's eyes were beginning to droop, and he knew it was only a matter of time before the white creature fell asleep right here. Grinning at her, he nudged her rump to urge her forward. "Let's go," he said, obediently following after her, golden eyes alert on her and the area around him. She was small now, but that would eventually change. However, until that happened, it was Raigo's duty as a the Grizzly Hollow Second to keep her safe, and it was a duty he did not mind doing.
