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Swift River No Other One - Printable Version

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No Other One - Indru - Nov 01, 2011


So somehow, being the idiot that I am I managed to miss this thread, despite it being on my threadlog. x_X I have no idea either, guys. I am so so sorry! I feel absolutely awful. <333333333333

A nervousness mixed with excitement and complete and utter awe settled in Indru's belly as he watched his pups — already with such distinct personalities — react to his presence. He could hear Corinna urging Fenru and Kisla, the quieter pups of the litter, on gently but he could not bring himself to take his eyes from them. Though he had not stopped loving them in his absence being back and seeing them had made it swell inside his chest leaving it fit to explode. Indru knew he would never get tired of just watching them, drinking them in, and if it wasn't for him feeling so content surrounded by the scents of his family, anger would have swelled at the wolves that had stopped him from doing so.

After the soothing urging of his mother he saw Fenru begin to scent the air, analysing his own scent as he had done theirs, and Indru held comically still so as not to frighten him, his fiery eyes angled down to still be able to see them as a grin played about his face. It was in this position though, with his head now raised, that Indru caught sight of a black male from the corner of his eye. Shock widened his eyes at the sight of his dark furred sibling and silence hung for a moment once Triell had spoken until Indru found some words. Hello, brother. Once again nerves rippled through Indru like a wave as it was Triell who, besides from Corinna and his pups, he was most desperate to be forgiven by. Triell was much more than just a younger brother to Indru, he had relied on the small, helpless puppy to get through their parent's death just as much as Triell had relied on him.

As he was staring at Triell though Indru suddenly felt heat against his foreleg and then muzzled in against his fur and in surprise he peered down, his heart soaring at the sight of his youngest son now pressed against him. Unable to resist Indru's head dropped as he pushed his dark nose against his son's back to inhale the scent that clung to his fur more deeply before licking him gently between the ears. Perhaps encouraged by Fenru as well, Kisla had also taken a step towards him and Indru held still once again, his muzzle hovering just above Fenru's head, as she sniffed at his paws curiously. Their eyes met before she too caught sight of Triell and bounded over and Indru watched amused and overjoyed at the reaction she had to his brother, pride and relief intermingling for the young male. Though he yearned to muzzle Kisla as he had done her brothers Indru knew he must be patient, he was a stranger after all, and instead turned back to Rihael with a sly grin on his face as leaned forward to try and gently nip his side in play.


No Other One - Corinna - Nov 05, 2011

OOC: I think we can do one more round and then call this thread quits? We'll have to have another one now that the pups are older.


Gone Tomorrow

Her protection was unwavering, and Corinna's head bounded back and forth as if she were watching a tennis match. Green eyes looked to Indru and then back to the young pups, and then back again. She wanted to know their reactions. She knew that Fenru and Kisla were not as forward as their brother was, but she hoped that they would at least approach their father. Her presence was there as a security blanket, a constant entity that would never leave them. But Indru would be only the first of many strangers they would have to grow accustomed to seeing. Their world, however small it was now, would soon be rapidly expanding.

The sound of a voice and the presence of a new scent caused Corinna to look up, and her tail instinctively began to wag when she saw the black coat of Triell. With a soft woof, the she-wolf called her brother-in-law over to the group, a desire echoed by Fenru's squeal of delight at the presence of his favorite uncle. But despite that squeal of delight, Fenru did not rush to Triell as he might have once, and instead took up a place next to Indru, burying his small face in the injured wolf's side.

So this was family. A wave of relief washed over Corinna as she settled down to her stomach, head resting easy on her forepaws. This was what she had been waiting for all of this time.


No Other One - Fenru - Nov 06, 2011

One more round? 8) Mmmmm'kay.

The sensation of a tongue against his temple made him glance up, an assured smile replacing any last traces of doubt that had settled on his face. Yeah, this guy, this man with blazing orange eyes (who reminded him very much of his brother), was a-okay. In light of his return, Fen realized that with Dad's presence came the feeling of security, even if the leader had yet to recover from his taxing journey home.

The youngest Tainn nuzzled the side of his face into Indru's side once more before turning his attention to the coal-pelted yearling. Kisla had joined him now and she was happily addressing his arrival. "Dad!" Fenru yapped, relaying to Uncle Triell Indru's "proper name." He stood up briefly and looked at Indru as he took interest in Rihael. "This Dad."

Their pack lands had been blanketed with a number of scents since he and his siblings had arrived, but as the weeks passed, evidence of their pack's presence in the Grove faded. The pup often wondered where they had gone; in all honesty, he missed them. While still beaming at his family around him, Fen silently told himself that Dad would be different... that he was here to stay.

No Other One - Triell - Nov 07, 2011

hope the bit about the beaver is okay Rach..
He was clearly surprised, he hadn't thought he'd waltz in on his brother's homecoming without knowing. He saw shock reflected back, but didn't understand why. None the less when his brother greeted him, Triell's tail waved, and he smiled. "Welcome home, " he managed to reply. He was soon distracted by the warm greetings of Kisla with her tiny paws upon his chest, and her welcome kiss wet on his jaw. "Hey Kisla!" He grinned happy to see her as well, and planted a lick on the top of her crown. He met the green eyes of his niece, but Fenru was quick to address this wolf was Dad, not Indru. Triell softly chuckled, "Hey Dad,"he said, wanting to indulge his nephew, but he looked to Indru when he said this wondering how it might affect him.

Of coarse he remembered his kill, and softly pulled from the little girl. He lowered his head, and quietly whispered in her ear,"Should we take this to Dad?" He pointed to the beaver, hoping it might encourage her to see him. He winked playfully, then grabbed at the beaver waiting for her to take a hold of it too. When he thought she'd taken it, he most carefully and slowly with her help walked the distance to the little gathering, letting it fall by Indru's side. He grinned at the three pups, and father for a moment. Then his gaze shifted to Cori who appeared more relaxed then she had in a long time. Triell could not blame her, she had been run ragged.

He too felt much better too, things seemed to be okay now that they were all together. Right then he forgot about the time difference, and Indru didn't look so worn out in the presence of his children. He looked happy to be home, and Triell was glad he was back.

No Other One - Rihael - Nov 13, 2011

Being nipped by Dad, Hael didn't feel the least bit uncomfortable; it felt right, and the kid giggled shamelessly, dodging the move a little too late and having to nip at the spot on his side himself after regaining his balance, rather unsuccessfully. He looked up to see Triell and Kisla approaching with a kill; he rushed over, then trotted alongside them back to Dad, as though they'd needed an escort. His tail whirred behind him. He hadn't been this happy, this full of energy, in a long time! And for Rihael, that was saying something.

He circled behind Dad, pausing momentarily to sniff at the tip of his tail before arriving at the kill and nudging it toward him. Yeah, sure, he personally hadn't brought it, but it might as well be a gift from all of them, right? Anyway, Dad needed to see that they were all glad to have him home, not just Kisla and Triell. As in, he couldn't let them have the spotlight all to themselves!

No Other One - Kisla - Nov 23, 2011


Bowing her head slightly to graciously (and perhaps a bit greedily) accept Triell’s kiss, the girl pushed off her uncle’s chest, her forepaws hitting the ground with a light thud. Beaming up at the dark wolf who she had missed dearly and was a familiar face, the babe tucked herself behind his forelimb, pushing her muzzle at the undersides of his chest as she wove beneath him much like a kitten would.

Her eyes traipsed back to Indru once more, noting that both ‘Hael and Fenru were by his side now, so accepting and excited for his return. More shy around males, Kisla blinked as Triell addressed her, canting her muzzle slightly as the black male whispered to her ear. Casting one more uncertain glance to the large wolf with fiery orange eyes, Kisla gave a nod before gently taking hold of the beaver. Salivating as her teeth clamped to meat, she refrained from piercing the flesh as she walked with Triell, unknowing that he was moving slow to allow her to set the pace. Once the beaver was placed by Indru’s side, Kisla still remained pressing lightly to Triell, though her eyes blinked up at her father now. Rihael nosed the meal toward the injured wolf, and the tiny girl gave a wag of her tail. “S’for you,” she trilled, waiting anxiously for him to accept the gift.

No Other One - Indru - Nov 24, 2011


Content washed over Indru in waves as he surveyed his family—he had already known that he missed them but it was only now, when he was back with them, that he realised by how much. He gave Triell at a nod at thanks at his welcome home, a smile lighting his face as his tail gave a quick wave in response, his brother had been one of the many he had been most eager to see again. Thanks, he answered in a pleased drawl, it's good to be home. Really good. He glanced at Corinna again, his tongue lolling out briefly in contentment as he met her eyes with his own, before his gaze drifted back to his children once again. A tired laugh escaped Indru at Fenru's correction and then at Triell's, his brother playing along, but from Indru's point of view the title was just as effective if it were reversed, his younger brother was just like a son now.

He watched, his tail waving behind him, as Kisla assisted Triell with the prey and brought it towards him, smiling as he watched Hael rush forward to help—or at least take some of the claim. As the pups presented it at his feet he watched them all adoringly, unable to take his eyes of any of them—particularly Kisla who by being the most wary had kept her distance from him the furthest out of the three. Indru ducked his head again so that he was closer to her height to reply hoping that it would intimidate her less, thank you, Kisla. The Tainn kept his voice soft, as amicable and friendly as he could make it and he was in awe at his daughter before him, she was beautiful already and he could only imagine her grown. Tentatively, but unable to resist, he moved forward slowly so not to startle her and gently washed his tongue over the crown of her head, drinking in her scent as she did so. Thanks all of you, and with his more comfortable sons he nipped their cheeks affectionately in thanks, glancing at Triell and smiling in thanks for the real hunter of this prize.
