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Jasper Rocks Don't Pretend - Printable Version

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Don't Pretend - Arlette - Oct 30, 2011

Her only hoped seemed too torn without whatever was causing her own pain. Arlette was only a pup, but sometimes children saw what someone else might miss. Somehow she knew if Aisling helped her it meant something good. If not, well she had a new monster to fear.She prayed with her little heart to be heard. Quickly her voice seemed to do the trick, and the wolf who'd brought her here, rushed in pulling her to safety. Her own eyes hurt from both water, and her own tears that had yet to fall. She did not let Aisling out of her sight, and panted quickly trying to slow her rampant heart. First she wasnt' sure what to do, she did want her mom because she felt so horrible now after her thanatopsis. She just wanted to curl up beside her, and never leave again. She didn't dare, because she was scared if she ran Aisling would catch her, make things worse.

She had not a clue why Aisling had did what she did, because it just wasn't like her. When she heard Aisling voice, she swiftly shook her coat out, her head cocked slightly while her limbs trembled. Suddenly her teeth started chattering, and she looked into the eyes of the older girl. "Ais...lin...wh..what.ssss...wr...wronggg?" She asked, her limbs were tucked close under her body, and she knew she was trembling both from the cold, and fear. This time, she made note she would run this time if Aisling got to close for comfort.

Don't Pretend - Aisling - Oct 30, 2011

WIth nothing but strange, uncomfortable silence filling her ears, the sound of the child's chattering teeth was loud, almost over powering. Aisling glanced up, chest still heaving, desperate for breath she feared would never come. <b style="color:#388d10">"Oh no. Oh no no no," Aisling continued to mutter, her hind quarters hardly lifting off of the ground to scoot near to the child. She was cold. Aisling had to do something. But. But no. Frozen, her belly dropped to the ground, ceasing her movements. There was still a foot or two between her and the girl. Feet that the pale subordinate wouldn't fill.

Her head was placed upon the ground, eyes shut, and she shivered, ears twisted back. Nothing made sense anymore...<b style="color:#388d10">"I hurt you," Aisling said quietly, not moving. <b style="color:#388d10">"I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it. No no no." Her head tipped from side to side as if she were trying to shake it. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."


Don't Pretend - Arlette - Oct 30, 2011

She cringed slightly, afraid that scary Aisling would be back. Instead the other wolf sat down, and she breathed easy. Logicly even though the older girl had been the cause for what would be one of the most traumatic experiences of her life, Arlette wanted to help. It could have been a mere instinct, or an inherited trait. The white girl hesitated, afraid because she didn't know what to do. She felt bad, not just for herself but for Aisling.

Large ears flipped back, and she cringed at the words I hurt you. She wanted to believe the words that came next. She never thought Aisling would hurt her. What could she say? She didnt know,and clamped her lips shut. She watched the orange figure indirectly, while trying to make her body still. Once it was quiet she took a big breath, and quickly shook her coat again. It was sunny,and she felt the wartm from its rays. She had a problem. She shuffled over to the female, and touched her nose with hers. "Aiisss.lin' o okkay ow?" She asked wondering if this was a trick.

Don't Pretend - Aisling - Oct 30, 2011

Even though it would be so bad, she just wanted the silence to go away. It was so quiet, she didn't like it. But...But if it came back, what would happen to Arlette? Aisling whined, not wanting to think about that. Aisling would endure the silence. She would. She could. Slowly, her orange eyes were exposed to the forest again, and Arlette was coming towards her. Aisling whined once more, fearing that something bad might happen.

But the distance continued to be closed, and nothing happened...And then their noses touched, and still nothing happened. Aisling looked concerned, but everything was still so quiet. <b style="color:#388d10">"I-I think so. Everything is so quiet." Her breath finally slowed, and she sighed, eyes falling into sadness. <b style="color:#388d10">"Jayse will be so upset with me..." Aisling could hardly get through the sentence before her voice cracked, and she frowned deeply. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."


Don't Pretend - Arlette - Nov 02, 2011

This was metempipircal to the young pup. Eyes blinked slowly, wondering just what Aisling was waiting for. She presumed whatever monster she'd been to come back too. She tensed when the girl spoke, but realized she thought she was okay too. She shook coat once more, and her trembles were now only, on and off. She was cold, but her mind was on something else. She didn't understand what was wrong with the quiet. Shouldn't it be quiet? Little head cocked to the side, wide ears seeming bigger because now they were perked up. "Its sa..ppose.. ta be, is nn ent?" She said though she was unsure, and it was clear in her bright eyes, and voice.

The mentions of her mother's name she flinched. She wasn't sure what her mother woudl think or do, and if she could even say what had happened. She didn't get it herself. Eyes shifted to the dull dirt path, and she hunched herself into a tight, white ball. No, she did not want to talk about it. It was something she'd surpress because she didn't believe it herself. She shook her head, still making a good point not to look at Aisling.

Don't Pretend - Aisling - Nov 07, 2011

One slight whistle slipped from the pale girl, and she looked at Arlette. <b style="color:#388d10">"It--It is?" She lifted her head, and glanced around, eyes wide, and slowly rose to her paws, albeit a bit shakily, but stood up nonetheless. Her ears were moving in strange ways, as if they were trying to hear everything around her, trying to make sure that nothing had been missed. They turned left, right, back, sideways, anyway they possibly could before Aisling seemed to be pleased with the result. A wide, happy smile smeared itself onto the face of the subordinate, and she looked down at Arlette, who was now curled into a ball.

<b style="color:#388d10">"Don't be scared." Aisling said, ears now twisted back as her smile disappeared. Her eyes drifted to one side, and she sighed. <b style="color:#388d10">"I-I did a bad thing...If you want to tell your mother...Maybe you should." Everything was quiet now, but for how long would it be? Hopefully forever. Her haunches fell to the ground again, and she leaned forward slightly to poke the white ball of fluff with her nose. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."


Don't Pretend - Arlette - Nov 09, 2011

She stayed in tight ball, letting Aisling worry about if it was suppose to be quiet or not. Though she did sneek a peek at the creamy wolf when she appeared to be trying out her ears. She did not understand, but that didn't get her from trying to comprehend the whole thing. Large ears popped forward from her white head. She didn't want to be scared, but she was, and confused -very confused. Bright colored eyes stared back, she wanted to trust Aisling.

The idea of telling her mom came up. What would happen to Aisling? How would she explain it. Aisling had pushed in her the water...held her there? Forehead furrowed, and she glanced downward. She felt the small poke, but didn't move. Mom, and Elettra would not be happy to say the least. The little girl wasn't sure if it was Aisling's fault, she was here all nice like she had use to been. She gently cleared her throat, and slowly sat up. "Is monster gone?" She asked now only damp, and wanting to clarify that fact before deciding what she should do. She was concerned about what had got into Aisling, and if it was still there.

Don't Pretend - Aisling - Nov 19, 2011

Would the child understand what happened? Aisling, though young at heart and slightly in mind, hardly understood until it was all over, until there was time to think properly, without something trying to change your mind for you. Aisling wondered if explaining it somehow would fix things...Would Arlette even trust her? Her heart lurched at the though of losing the trust of the child. It wasn't her fault...But who would believe her?

Still leaned forward, she silently pleased with Arlette to let her speak or to look at her, or anything that would get the fear out of the pale subordinate. Perhaps it would have been best if she just left. Would Jayse understand? She had to...She knew about Pangur and had accepted both of them, back when Aisling had seen the imaginary bobcat as her friend and not her controller. Her eyes got hazy just as Arlette sat up, and Aisling let out a sigh, slowly nodding as she did so.

<b style="color:#388d10">"He is...The monster is gone forever," It almost pained her to say that. Her friend from the beginning, she'd always believed his words to be true and good and only in her best interests. Even when he disappeared from her sight, she still trusted him, but then they'd come here...She'd brought him here. Or had she? She could hardly remember what decisions had been her own and what had been his. But her friend...the monster was gone now. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."


Don't Pretend - Arlette - Nov 21, 2011

Question was answered with a sigh, and Arlette felt her muslces tighten in her chest by fear, because what if he was back? Then Aisling slowly began nodding, and the end of her tail could not help, but take on single sway behind her when she said he was gone forever. She noticed a hint of sadness? But she believed her, because she had yet to realize what deception and lies were not to.

Now what was Lettie suppose to do? Was she suppose to tell? Aisling would be in huge trouble! But she just got a friend back, and she didn't want her to go away, did she? She didn't want El or her mother to hurt her. It was evident, Lettie was still troubled by all of this, her face crinkled by anxiety. She was concerned if she didn't tell, that the monster could come back...and that would not be good.

Her bright eyes stared up. "IMonsters gone,..we..ffr.ends?" She asked quietly. She had to have this confirmed, after all if Aisling said no, then Lettie would know for sure what to do.

Don't Pretend - Aisling - Nov 29, 2011

The silence became less and less overwhelming as the moments ticked on, leaving what had happened in the pool behind them. Who was her friend now though? Pangur had always been there for her, even when things hadn't gotten so good. Kiche had disappeared again, and without the voice in her head telling her that he was awful, she suddenly felt a stronger pang of sadness that he was gone. Jayse was her friend, as long as she never found out about what happened here...As Arlette spoke, Aisling looked down at her, a sudden smile crawling up her muzzle. <b style="color:#388d10">"Of course we're friends, Arlette." The pale wolf's tail wagged, and it suddenly occurred to her that she had more friends than she really thought. <b style="color:#388d10">"We should get you dried off and back home though...Wouldn't want you to get s-sick." The pale subordinate rose up slowly, and though she seemed happy, there was an utterly terrified gleam in her eye. Of course he was gone, but poor Arlette. <b style="color:#388d10">"speech."