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Fallen Tree Cove A Million And One Answers - Printable Version

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RE: A Million And One Answers - Moonshadow - Nov 05, 2016


OOC! Out of character comments here

At this point the dark woman thought that the conversation would be over after a few more breif words. This however was not the case as the next words that filled her ears took a sharp turn. Not one she was expecting at all. Her eyes went wide with disbelief as they met his. The only alpha?!? How could this be? What happened to Namid? Is she alright? Her head was swimming, everything was spinning around. Thankfully he stopped walking because her limbs were beginning to feel shaky. Guilt overruled her ten fold she started blaming herself. Maybe if she hadn't left she could have been there for them. No words were able to form on her lips so all she could do is stare as he continued.

As her alpha went on he answered some of the screaming questions in her head. Nothing physically had happened, Namid had stepped down. Moon remembered the night the twins were born and the horrible scream that came from Namid. So it made sense that she wouldnt be the same. The midnight woman wouldnt be able to imagine the pain she was going through. Ebony ears laid flat as a whine of sorrow left her lips. "I - Im so sorry. I hope youre doing alright" she said with concern in her voice. She couldnt fathom what he must be going through as well as his wife. He was right he couldnt run a pack on his own, no wolf can. Having Neha be his first choice didnt suprise the young woman. She was his blood, his first born but as he said she wasnt old enough yet. Which left Moon. The realization hit her full force. Her eyes widened even more if that was at all possible. Her head moved side to side in disbelief. How could she possibly lead? She didnt know the first thing of leadership. "Can I trust you to help me?" His words came to her almost in slow motion. Of course he could but she was unsure if she could help effectively with what he was asking of her. "Yes of course you can trust me to help. I want nothing more than to help this pack. But...but I dont know the first thing about leading or how to properly do so." She looked at him with fear blazing in her eyes. Fear of failing, she couldn't bare failing him or her family again. She had failed to save her birth family what if she failed this one as well? The young woman wouldnt be able to bare it if history repeated itsself.


RE: A Million And One Answers - Vespertio - Nov 11, 2016

I think this is a good point for you to fade them heading back into the territory and I'll throw up a thread calling a meeting to fill the pack in about the change in ranks. <3


Once more the molten gold hue of Vesper's eyes drifted away from the ebony features of Moonshadow to glance at the glistening surface of the lake, hiding the expression of failure that surely began to appear on his face as rounded ears flattened against his skull hearing the sorrowful whine that escaped her lips before offering up her condolences. If only he could say that he was doing alright, but the truth was he wasn't although the agouti patriarch refused to show the truth to his emotions. Showing his weakness was not something he liked to do at all and with how things were going now he had to be stronger than ever. For the pack, for his children, for Namid.

His attention soon shifted back to his companion upon hearing her next words, bringing a small sense of relief that she had agreed to step up and fill in some huge shoes for the time being despite admitting she had no idea just how to go about fulfilling this role. A gentle smile began to appear on Vesper's inky lips and another comforting nudge of his muzzle was given to her shoulder. "You have no idea how much relief this brings, but have no fear. I wouldn't throw you into this position if I didn't think you could handle it nor would I let you fail. Whenever you're unsure of something you're more than welcome to come seek me out and I'm sure Namid wouldn't mind filling you in as well." The smile on his lips grew in size a bit, his charcoal coated tail lifting to wave behind him at a decent pace.


RE: A Million And One Answers - Moonshadow - Nov 13, 2016


OOC! Alright I can do that! :)

His words were reassuring. "I wouldn't throw you into this position if I didn't think you could handle it nor would I let you fail." His belief that she would be able to handle stepping up eliminated some of the self doubt that the dark woman possessed. Maybe she could do this - or - maybe she would fail miserably and let everyone down. Her ebony ears remained flat against her head as a small smile crept on her lips. She returned his gesture by grazing her muzzle underneath his. I guess this is happening now she thought as the pair turned to go back towards the den. A rush of thoughts filled the newly ranked alpha as the realization of a pack meeting overcomes her. It was a necessary thing but speaking in front of the pack was absolutely terrifying. Most wolves would be ecstatic for this opportunity but Moon couldnt help but feel fear and sorrow. This is only temporary. It wont be long until the rightful queen reclaims her thrown. The girl assured herself. She would be absolutely crushed if anybody didnt like her because of this event. She also hoped that Namid wouldnt be mad. She would leave the issue alone for awhile before possibly seeking the former queen out. Kinda let this settle before approaching type thing.

Being pulled from her never ending thoughts the midnight pelted woman follows her now equal - how strange - back into the heart of the territory. Now was as good as ever to hold this meeting. Her body remained submissive until she menatlly kicked herself. There was no need for submission. She was now on the same level as the agouti king. She uncurled her tail to let it hang neutrally behind her and allowed her head to raise slightly. She still kept it below his ever so slightly due to the guilt that still filled her. The pair finally reached the den sight and a sigh escaped her inky lips.  Here we go.

