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guns & horses - Triell - Nov 12, 2011

He caught the gentle acknowldgement from his brother, and wished that things were different, much like they use to be. He let his thoughts disband, knowing now was not the time or the place. Though he was unsure if he would ever settle things between them. He tried not to think, he tried to let himself go blank.

Slowly it worked, he felt the cool air around him, heard the sounds of arriving paws. The young male remained sitting rather plainly as the other Swift River wolves arrived. He did not look to either Ruiko, or Marsh. His bright eyes seemed to linger to the leading pair, though not staring directly at them either. Indru did not cause him rankle, but he wasn't sure if the feeling was entirely mutual. He checked himself, and decided to look at the eager pups. He managed to smile knowing how exciting it must be. When Indru called attention, he face grew sober and he listened to the instructions.

Boar. That was new, and so he took in upon him to take this seriously. He knew they were fierce prey indeed, and was glad he was paired with Marsh. If anything he would be able to focus on the task at hand, and he knew Marsh's attention wouldn't be elsewhere. He gave a single nod of his understanding, once Indru took lead he followed feeling his already racing pulse beat even faster.

guns & horses - Rihael - Nov 13, 2011

[dohtml]Jumping in with Tara's okay; assuming Hael was played along with the pups. Sorry guys, been really sick recently...[/dohtml]
Rihael had been obediently following his mother and siblings to the hunt, aware that he would be allowed only to watch, and slightly annoyed at that fact— to him, he was large enough, and had already spent hours stalking and catching various insects, so why shouldn't he be allowed to help? But part of him knew that the pack made pretty much nothing but rational decisions, so he had decided to resign himself to taking in all that he could. He was eager to learn despite his stubbornness, and so he followed closely at his family's heels, waiting for the others to arrive.

" to get you guys your front row seats!" Hael resisted the urge to huff, wondering how close they'd actually be sitting. Hopefully they could be right up on the action; how was he supposed to learn from a "safe" distance? Anyway, he tried to follow first in line behind Dad, to make sure he was able to get the prime real estate. Whatever a boar was, the eldest Tainn pup was going to learn the best way to take it down, whether or not it meant shoving his siblings out of the way when the time came.

[dohtml](He's such a brat now. xD)[/dohtml]

guns & horses - Kinis - Nov 13, 2011

The majority of the pack turned up, and Kinis was glad for the children's sake. He had not missed Indru's adjustment, and Kinis felt a pang of guilt that he had failed to show the right level of respect. He put it down to wanting to go back to bed, but knew it to be a poor excuse. Ears flickering back slightly, he tried not to dwell on it, more keenly aware that it may have been a further sign of his eagerness to get out of Swift River again.

He was able to relax some more as Ruiko appeared and took a seat next to him, mirroring Triell on his other side. It was difficult to be on edge with his two favourite siblings so close by. Kinis was aware of the tensions between Ruiko and the pack's Second, though was privately pleased that his brother had never challenged for the position; to take up that role was to lodge himself further in Swift River, and Kinis was sure that it would be much harder to extract his brother should that happen. As Indru went on to explain just what they were targeting - and he was right, Kinis had never hunted boar before - he was further pleased by being paired with Ruiko. It was a shame that they wouldn't have much opportunity to talk; there were a number of issues that Kinis had been building up, keeping hidden, and he sorely craved the opportunity to get it all off his chest.

He glanced once over the pups, excited on their behalf, easily recalling what it was like to witness his first serious hunt. When Indru demanded it, Kinis was ready to move out.

guns & horses - Marsh - Nov 13, 2011

Then Ruiko did turn up, and though Marsh tensed slightly, Indru's brother was able to dip his muzzle. That was enough for Marsh, who let his gaze linger on the large wolf for a moment longer before returning his attention to his leaders. Despite there being so many words, Marsh did his best to follow, understanding at least that Indru confirmed his suspicions regarding the boar. Eyes narrowing with the effort to absorb so much verbal information, the copper male was only able to cope by tuning out those parts which were not directly relevant to himself, so to better get his teeth into those which were. He had hunted pig before, both in a group and on his own, though the latter wasn't an experience he fancied repeating. From what he could gather, Indru's method was sensible and straightforward, and Marsh was pleased with his partner. Glancing at Triell, the boy he was rather fond of, Marsh was somewhat alarmed to see him looking quite so distant. Triell hadn't been as jovial lately as he used to be in childhood, his body language and eyes practically screamed it, but Marsh had never been inclined to either ask about it or understand it. Would it affect the boy's performance? Just in case Triell was particularly distracted today, Marsh made the conscious decision to keep Triell from harm as much as he possibly could. Boars could be dangerous, and oblivious as to the nature or reason of Triell's mood, it was better to be safe than sorry.

Triell's generation might have been more independent than Corinna's children, but they were no less the fruit of Swift River, and Marsh had finally and totally dedicated himself to their protection.

Once the children were safely led away, Marsh smoothly stood, coming in line next to Triell. Offering a wag of the tail and pressing his nose briefly into the black wolf's cheek, Marsh smiled, wanting to ensure that his hunting partner would be all right.

guns & horses - Ruiko - Nov 14, 2011


Settling himself beside Kinis, Ruiko noted Triell did not even cast a glance his way in welcome. Unaware of what he possibly could have done to offend his brother, the tawny wolf felt fit to ignore it, not willing to spiral himself further in to the potential Swift River drama. His return had been to help hunt and care for Corinna and the kids, and if his siblings were going to make him more aware than he already was that he longer belonged here, all the easier to once more move on. He had left this place before for the very same reason.

Indru wasted no time in explaining the details of the hunt, and pleased that he had been partnered with Kinis for such an interesting experience for them all, Ruiko cast his younger brother a sideways glance before nudging his muzzle to the yearling's cheek. The two rarely had time spent together now.

Indru began to explain a scenario familiar to him, but one that he had not visited in quite some time. Lifting his eyes to regard the side of Indru's face just beyond his brother's own sight so as to not challenge him, the regal wolf listened to his sibling's plan of action, offering a nod in return as the leader ended his directions for the moment. A sow to the front was going to be rough, and yet Ruiko looked forward to the bruises he would receive from this. It was a welcoming way to burn off energy and frustration.

guns & horses - Kisla - Nov 14, 2011


Unable to sit still for long, all thoughts of attempting to be patient were cast aside as her paws began to thrum against the ground, her own small body practically humming with excitement. Of course, at Indru's words of just having them sit and watch, Kisla's ears drooped slightly, a light pout forming across her features. Her father cast this sudden mood aside as he gave her a playful nip, and Kisla batted a paw back to him, practically beaming at being able to witness her parents in action at the hunt!

Her brother was still brooding at only having the opportunity to watch, and after Indru had explained to the gathered pack what their tasks were and how he hoped the event to unfold, Kisla followed him eagerly. Casting a playful nip to 'Hael's heels, the girl plodded contentedly after her father.

guns & horses - Corinna - Nov 14, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

It was if the pack had been traveling together, for it seemed to take no time at all before others began arriving, their familiar bodies providing comfort to the she-wolf. Corinna was nervous enough about bringing the young ones to a pack hunt, although she knew full well that it was long past time for them to do so. As the answer to her question left Indru's mouth, though, the leader went numb. Boar? For their first hunt? Head turned and looked instinctively at her offspring. They were growing up, to be sure, but the wild pigs were far too unpredictable. And as Indru's plan unfolded, her anxiety grew. There were no adults to spare to keep an eye on the youths. She herself would be busy helping Indru take down one of the sows. Green eyes cast a wary glance at her mate, and she shook her head quietly from side to side. What was he thinking?

But as the pack gathered and set off after Indru, she could do nothing but follow behind her three children. Falling into step behind Kisla, she routinely checked over her shoulder to ensure that the rest of the pack was following. This was how it would should be, and surely the three youngsters would stay put if she told them to.


guns & horses - Indru - Nov 14, 2011


Thanks for replying on time again guys. Now this is the hunting round, each person feel free to pp your respective boar, but remember they won't be an easy prey so don't give your wolf a too easy time of it. ;) Here is my super amazing drawing of the boar hunt.


No objections were made to his strategy and so Indru headed towards the location he had scouted for the pups to watch at a safe distance. Every so often he would pause and check the direction of the wind and to halt the pups before they got too noisy or rambunctious. Excitement was bound to be high, yet it would not pay for them to forget themselves in it, they could cost the pack their meal, or worse, get themselves or a member injured. A slight incline just south of the boar den and just before the forest opened into a small clearing was where Indru had chosen to rest the pups, the shrubbery would hide them from sight and the wind, still in their favour, would hide the rest of them. With a flick of his head he indicated to the pups to nestle themselves in and low to the ground, nudging them gently with his nose if any of them were not quiet positioned appropriately. You're not to move until we call or come to get you, and Indru's tone had a sternness in it he had not yet used with the pups, but it was vital they followed instruction. Leaving here could endanger you, and us, as we would have to protect you. If you want to keep your pack safe, you have to remain here, hidden. But pay attention, one day it might be you hunting boar. Then, giving each a brief lick between their ears he moved aside for Corinna, stern instruction from two parents would only make the rule more important.

Without a word Indru started down the other side of the incline expecting the others to follow, at the the moment the forest still sheltered them but even so the leaders posture had changed as he adopted a slow, easy prowl, his large frame held low to the ground as he stalked forward. Pausing at the edges of the clearing it was possible to see the three sow's rooting in the ground that they had turned muddy and Indru turned to Corinna first, a flick of his head indicating the furthest to the west was theirs, and then repeated the same sharp indication with each pair in turn; Ruiko taking the next and Marsh and Triell the furthest east. With the varied positions of the boars it required positioning and as Indru skulked along the treeline to head further west he expected his pack would do the same with their respective boars.

When in position himself fiery eyes sought of the leaders of each sow and when seeing a confirmatory response gave a look towards Corinna looking for the same confirmation. Indru's body was unmoving as he lay in his crouch but suddenly his haunches tensed and the large wolf launched himself forward from the undergrowth, planning that Ruiko and Marsh would be do the same. The sow saw him almost immediately and a throaty snarl ripped from his chest and his teeth flashed as she began to squeal in defiance in return. Quickly they clashed, and Indru slid himself to the side, feeling a tusk scrape along his shoulder and narrowly avoiding piercing any skin. As fast as he could the leader dived for the boar's throat but was rebuffed and his muzzle knocked aside as the board began to spin and instead Indru gripped hold of her nape, tugging at the fur their viciously before she managed to shake him off once more, a deep bubbling growl now coming from her. He had the sow's full attention and briefly he looked for Corinna but before he could find her the sow charged and he had to leap to the side once more to avoid her teeth, snarling at the female boar in anger as he did so. Desperately he wanted to look behind him and check on his packmates but he knew to do so would be beyond reckless and instead he launched an attack once more, his muzzle dropping to the dangerous height required to reach her throat, hoping that Corinna's oncoming surprise attack would make this one more fruitful.


guns & horses - Corinna - Nov 16, 2011


Gone Tomorrow

The clearing that Indru had chosen for the hunt made Corinna nervous, and as her green eyes moved back and forth from wolf to wolf, her anxiety only grew. The shrubs were the only thing separating her young ones from the wild boars, and who knew what would happen if one of the intended prey broke through the adult wolves? She watched with some satisfaction as Indru nestled the pups into the ground, noting the way he told them to stay put. But as he turned his attention to the others, she stepped up, her green eyes losing the motherly affection that had graced them since the birth of the three wolves. Fur along her back perked up and wrinkles formed on her muzzle as her lips lifted, powerful teeth semi-bared. "Do not move from this spot unless you're in danger," the voice was stern, laced with the traces of a growl. Her message was clear - there was no mistaking that discipline would occur if any of the three let themselves go in the thrill of the hunt. Relaxing, she approached them, applying a nip of affection to each of their heads.

Turning her attention to the task at hand, she followed Indru down the incline, her body lowered to the ground as she stalked forward. Crouched low to the ground, the female moved as close as she could without betraying their position. The group scattered, each hunting pair moving in their respective direction so as to take out their boar. She and Indru continued moving and as she saw his head nod, she dipped her's only slightly in response. Muscles tensing, she lowered herself to the ground in preparation for the leap that would come. Breathing in deeply, she waited only a second before throwing herself forward. Indru's leap had distracted the sow, and as they danced about, Corinna charged forward. Teeth fully bared now, she jumped for the boar's underbelly, but the sow moved in response to Indru's charge. Dazed, Corinna shook herself, ignoring the pain in her shoulder - the sow had inadvertently kicked her while turning. But she wouldn't let that stop her, and the second charge found it's mark. Teeth clenched intot he side of the boar, near the stomach, and she held on, sinking the sharp weapons into the soft flesh, the growls and squeals of the hunters and the hunted like thunder in her ears.


guns & horses - Fenru - Nov 17, 2011

At first Fenru had been excited, but now with the hunt at its peak he started to grow anxious. His nerves began to fray as Dad firmly instructed him and his siblings to not move from this very spot. His tail wriggled but a simple touch from Indru's nose made it curl closely to Fen's body. Indru took care to make sure Fen's head wasn't visible above the hedge that blocked them from view. The pup ducked down, silent and anxious as the leader licked the top of his head and allowed his mate to enforce his command.

Corinna also strictly told them not to move unless they found themselves in danger. The youngest Tainn managed a slight nod and as the adults stalked away, he peered through the brush, picking out now what boars really looked like. They were hideous! Bristly hair stood up from their spines, four stocky little legs shifted as they grazed, and a black whip-like tail swayed to and fro behind them. Their snouts were unlike anything that he had ever seen before... angular and blocky with two sharp teeth that protruded from their mouths! They were also making these strange grunting sounds, almost like they were growling and hiccuping at the same time. It was unnerving. Could Mum, Dad, and the uncles really bring one of those down?

Without warning, the forest fell quiet... so quiet, in fact, that at the sound of Indru's snarl, the pup jumped. He stared out into the clearing, watching as his parents and uncles, in turn, carried out their attacks.