Ruins of Wildwood
Hush Meadow Morning of a new life. - Printable Version

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Morning of a new life. - Linara - Nov 19, 2011


Linara... Yes, now that she thought about it, her name was quite pretty, but she never really thought of it like that. She just thought of it as just her name. As the wolf asked her about her name, she paused for a moment, thinking carefully before responding

"N-Not that I really know of... Does your name have a meaning? It really does have a nice ring to it as well!" Linara felt herself become more and more comfortable with this female. She had almost a majestic presence, and the feeling of her confidence speaking after a crying fit made Linara almost admire her.

The grin fading a bit, now comfortable with her position, she noticed Jaysyek's mimic of her movement to sit. As she spoke, Linara's face was showing attentiveness as she absorbed her words and nodded in reply. "Stay as long as you need. Linara's eyes caught the mismatched eyes again. Her mind thought of questions to start a conversation with said wolf.

"So... Jaysyek. If I am saying that correctly," She paused, thinking of something to say. "D-do you have a pack? Just wondering. I am just trying to get a feel for this new territory."


Morning of a new life. - Jaysyek - Nov 19, 2011

"Oh," she said, slightly surprised by the question in return. "Well I often go by Jayse, and it means healer. My mom sorta mixed it with a bit of her mother's so I'm not sure what else it could mean." She said, though she never knew what her grandmother's name had been, or what possibly her full name could mean. She smiled at the kind comment, she had thought her name was a bit choppy, but it was good to hear it didn't sound awful.

Ears gently swept upward, paying close attention to the words that spilled forth, why her eyes were making sure Linara's body langauge also said the same. It seemed she didn't mind, and Jayse smiled warmly. "You know your very kind, I'm glad I ran into you." She said, meeting the green eyes of the she-wolf. "I was thinking I wouldn't stop crying....till you came." She blinked, swallowing back what else she might say, if this wolf was only going to be a stranger she wasn't sure if she should share more. She might not care to hear, more so Jayse would feel guilty about it.

"Um, I do actually. I'm the leader of the pack in the Cedar Forest, north of here. It's called Grizzly Hollow," She offered, hoping it wouldn't bother the female she was a leader. She saw no harm in being honest about this because she as not capable of knavery."I don't know all of Relic Lore, but a bit of it...if you by chance wonder about something here or there."

Morning of a new life. - Linara - Nov 23, 2011


Jaysyek... A Beautiful name came with a beautiful meaning; healer. Linara swept her wolf tail around in the grass, her eyes found itself examining the wolf's smile after she complimented the wolf on her name. Linara felt good, it always felt good to compliment another wolf.

Countering Linara's compliment, she recognized Jayse's compliment as well. Linara's maw pulling up into a smile. She was glad that Lianra found! Linara was quite glad too, meeting other wolves was always exciting, but a challenge at the same time. The the other part of the compliment came. Linara smirked a bit wider and responded softly.

"Glad I could help." She said sweetly. Her ears flicked as her mind focused on the brush crepitate softly. Only for a moment did she noticed the wild life, before she turned her attention back to Jaysyek and asked her question. When the response came, she was a bit shocked. This saddened wolf was a leader of the sorts? No wonder she was crying! what pressure would be on her shoulders! A whole pack relying on her? Linara would never be able to do such a thing. Why, she can barely even hold her own in a fight! She shook her head for a moment.

"I have only really found myself in few places are this place you call Relic Lore. It's quite beautiful." The fact that this wolf was but a leader shocked her a little., but she tried not to seem too shocked, it might be a little rude.


Morning of a new life. - Jaysyek - Nov 26, 2011

She softly laughed, her smile wide at her reply."You really remind me of my little sister," she said, her own ear turning the the tussle of fauna. She ignored it, studying the green gaze of Linara wondering how far she had come. Why even she was alone now, or even what her own family was like. That was too many questions, too prying, and she did not voice them.

"It is beautiful here," she agreed, not having been to a part of the lands that was not pleasant to the eyes. "Are you managing to find game I hope?" She asked, only curious if the prey was abutment for her, or maybe if she had an easy time hunting. She looked rather well for a lone wolf, but she hated to see anyone go hungry. She couldn't help but notice her slight interest in the noise of another creature passing by. Then again, it was a good thing to stay alert, especially when you had no one to look after you.

Her shoulders felt tense, and she tried to relax them. Really she felt winded up so tight to relax any more than the sit she had. Curling her tail around her limbs, she saw the slight shock of her news. She didn't take it hard, she doubted anyone seeing her in a crying fit would think she was a leader. She doubted she looked like one any way. Looks were deceiving if anything.

A look to the sun she decided it was time to head back, she dipped her head to the wolf, "Thanks again," and headed back to Grizzly Hollow.
