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Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Nov 30, 2011


The touch of the other only grew the protective feelings within her breast, and it made her want to bring the other back to her home... A sigh slipped from her lips before she watched the other. "You are welcome to ....remain with me until you find a permanent home with a pack.." Vlarindara shifted her tail back and forth slightly, watching the other a few moments. "My....den is in Riddle Heighs - near the southernmost part of the valley..Perhaps you can find shelter over the winter months - if you've ...not found a pack by then? At least.. together, we would have a better chance."


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Dec 01, 2011

Rebecca watched at Vlarindara. How friendly can wolf be? She seemed very altruistic, but still somehow stiff, like she wouldn't be like that for a long time... Probably Reba was just imagening. Warm feelings flowed in her, no one ahd ever been this kind to her, after she lost her family. She had met few friendly wolves, but always, always they had had their own lives that they didn't want Rebecca in... Finally understanding how lonely she had been in the apst two years, tears started to come back. Fighting against them she smiled happily. "It would be very nice, but I don't want to be load to you." looking the white one keeping her head low she wished that she could spent more time with her new idol.

To Rebecca, living and surviving alone was normal, in the ned she had never experienced the easier life in pack or with mate. To her, the last words of Vlarindara "together, we would have a better chance", were something she couldn't quite understand. But if she said it, it was true.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Dec 05, 2011


Vlarindara chuckled, shifting and moving around the carcass of the deer before stopping a few steps from Rebecca. "It's getting colder.. can't you feel it? Winter is coming - and with it.. wolves who live alone like us have worse chances of living through it. The more eyes... the more ears.. the more wolves.. the better their chances. Alone, neither of us would have managed to down a meal such as this.. This - could easily feed you.. or I..or both of us for a few days.." She shifted, lifting her head and glancing around warily, unsure if the smell of a fresh kill would...attract others to their location.

"You wouldn't be a load on me...but we would lean on each other to make it through the winter months." She wasn't sure if Rebecca would understand.. but the white female had been alone long enough to know that as the winter drew on - she'd have less chance to make it through.. Anyone who had no home or pack would.. So.. perhaps she'd be able to convince the younger female to join her.. Shatter had wandered somewhere- and Vlar was alone again. .. Yet neither pack of Relic Lore would take her. It was up to her to find the means to survive - and if she could help others do the same.. then she saw no issue in it..


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Dec 07, 2011

Thoughtful look flashed in rebecca's blue eyes. She had only lived over one winter, as a pup who didn't yet know exactly what 'death' means, even she ahd faced it many times. "I've never thought it that way. I didn't think winter was any different from summer... Just colder, and there was snow. I didn't know that death was a possibility. I thought that I must survive, I didn't count in the possibility that I might fail..." Thinking about her new discovery Reba also decided that to make sure that she would stay alive, it would be much better to stick with this white lady. And anyway, she liked her.

Not thinking any furhter Rebecca told her decision to Vlarindara: "If you're sure about that, I'd love to come with you". if she could help the other and herself in the process, why not? Wagging her tail she smiled to Vlar. Reba was eager to get to know her better, of course without being too pushy. "I don't yet even know your name, either do you I think. I'm Rebecca, Reba for short. What's you're name?"

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Dec 16, 2011


OOC: Sorry this took so long to reply to.. D: BAD KATS... Thought I'd replied but never hit the button..xD

The female smiled softly, lowering her head to take a chunk out of their kill - doing her best to fill her stomach before they left this place. "Vlarindara..or..Vlar for short." She chuckled warmly, turning to give the other female a gentle dip of her muzzle. "Obviously.. you..wouldn't be tied to me - so should you find a pack to live with, I won't take offense." She did hope the young femme would find her own home - after all...Vlarindara might not be welcome but that didn't mean that Reba wasn't. "There are two packs that I know of - that you may run into..Grizzly Hollow to the west, and Swift River.. to the north."


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Dec 16, 2011

OOC: It's totally okay :)
Sorry for short reply, I need to start cleaning my room... <->

Rebecca smiled when Vlar touched her, and turned to take small slice of meat. She nearly choke to it when Vlar mentioned the two packs of Relic Lore. Swallowing it quickly she shook her body and answered: "I've already messed up with them. Grizzly Hollow will kill me without hesitation and I don't think it would be much better in Swift river either..." Reba smiled little saddly, slight bitterness in her eyes. Her situation with the apcks might be poor, but she was still happy with her life. Looking warmly Vlarindara,s he thought where she had received those scars. It would be rude to ask... But she wanted to know. Desperately.

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Dec 16, 2011



A low growl touched her throat as she lifted her head, watching Rebecca with her left eye. "It appears that Grizzly hollow has changed then. When I was their second - we turned few away.." She felt anger rising in her breast, and the hackles of her neck. "When did you run into them, may I ask? Grizzly Hollow.." If Borden had returned and sent her away - the white female knew she'd have a few ...words for him next she saw the male..


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Dec 16, 2011

"Over week ago. I've stayed underground after that... Healing my wounds." Rebecca said smiling shallowly. She ahd been their second? Wow. A friendly wolf like that in such and evil pack? But then, she said they had changed... Maybe they weren't as evil in that time? When Vlarindara was there...

Lost. She had lsot something. She was sure. One memory that wasn't where it suppoused to be. It had nothing to do with Vlarindara, neither Grizzly Hollow, but something much earlier... Vlarindara was like Sara, and Sara brought her mind someone else... but she couldn't remember who... The young wolves, pups in Grizzly Hollow... Something to do with it. Messy.

"Have you eaten?"

Tempting Fate - Vlarindara - Dec 24, 2011


OOC: Sorry it took me so long to reply. D:

Such a terrible thing to hear - as she'd run into Borden longer than a week ago. A sigh slid from her lips as she finally finished her last mouthful of the deer..gulping it down eagerly. "Just finished... Whenever you're done - we can.. head back to my den? At least to give you an idea of where shelter is.. so you can return to it."

The white lady slid her tail back and forth before offering a gentle smile towards her ..possible new companion. She didn't want to scare the female off... but she didn't want to stick around much longer. Out in the open with a fresh kill - she wasn't capable of fighting another for food.


Tempting Fate - Rebecca - Dec 24, 2011

Rebecca wagged her tail and smiled. "That sounds like a good idea". Her knowledge wasn't enough to amke her be afraid of other predators and scavengers, but she was eager to move on. She would follow Vlarindara where ever she would lead her.

[Will follow Vlarindara when she leaves, so exit?]