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Thicket of Secrets Great Thickness - Printable Version

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Great Thickness - Rebecca - Nov 30, 2011

She hated herself like this. This was something she hated. When she couldn't control her feelings. Thinking she tried to take her mind away from her family and something that had contacts whit today. 'Okay, let's start mind braking organizing. Firstly, no more thinking about her past, it only made her sad and weak. Don't think about it until you can control yourslef.
Second thing: always, ALWAYS, Reb had escaped from other wolves. Mostly because they were unfriendly, but also because she couldn't stand the companion of her own kind, due the mess in her past. No, don't think about it, let's continue, let's just continue...
Third: when did she last time had friends? When did she met a nice, friendly wolf last time? Now was the chance to start a new life in new place, surrounded by new wolves. Find a family, later start a family. But that brute would be a good start. Okay, everything seems to be ready, life back on tracks, mind under control.'

Slowly Rebecca uncovered her head and looked around. But... The brute was gone. Great! absolutely fantastic! One time when she decides to stay with other wolf, he leaves! GREAT! Slowly, with anger boiling inside her, Reba stood up, shaking and growling. She couldn't stand this. Horrible, horrible her. Why did she ever care? WHy she just couldn't turn into heartless wolf? But still, Rebecca knew she wouldn't want to be like that... Never.

Anger managment is always a good thing, but Rebecca was poor in it. She got really mad only once in year or so, but when she got to that point,s he wanted to destroy everything from her way. This time her target was a tree on the edge of the clearing. Running towards it, crashing on it, biting it, eyes blinded by fury she didn't notice that the tree was dead and rotten, it couldn't stand the force of the young wolf even it wasn't much. Falling down it took other trees with it, causing great noise and covering the small clearing and ebony wolf under them.