Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood A New Land, A New Home? - Printable Version

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A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 17, 2012

Her sudden change of demeanour was unexpected but Kano took it in his stride. He was fairly unflappable being raised as the only male in a litter of females. He looked deeply into her eyes for the first time since meeting her and realised what an amazing colour they were. She seemed a little shaken for whatever reason so in an attempt to calm her down he said "You have quite remarkable eyes. My mother had one eye the colour of yours and he other was brown. I've never seen a wolf with two blue eyes though." He attempted to give her his most charming smile and hoped he hadn't scared her off. He thought her black coat was beautiful. He hadn't seen another black wolf since he had left his home, there were so many drab greys and startling whites. It was comforting to see black wolves existed outside his previous pack.

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 17, 2012

Rebecca's smile widened, it was easier to hide her messy feelings now, when the subject had changed. Ears rised again, tail wagging faster. "Thanks Kano. You do have extremely beatiful fur. I've never seen snything like it" she said. Why she ahd blue eyes, Reba wasn't quite sure. Dad having green, mom yellow, siblings brown, orange and yellow. Also her fur was a bit of an mystery, dad had brown, mom creamy golden, sisters were light and brother brown as well. Probably it had come furher from the bloodlines.

Shaking her body, trying to get rid of her excess feelings. Smile was wide again, honest and wide. Eyes sparkling in the more playful way, still the corner was so... Odd. Best word for that look. Simply and brutally odd.

Likcing her nose, tilting her head. Rebecca wasn't sure what to do now. Maybe it was better stay quiet... Or should she say something anyway?

A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 17, 2012

Kano attempted to shake some of the leaves and twigs loose from his fur at her comment, realising how bedraggled he must look. With a lopsided grin he said "Thanks. I have no idea where it came from...probably somewhere back on my fathers side...My grandmother was the first black wolf in her pack in generations. Her whole pack were white and light grey. They thought it was a bad omen, but I've never met a wolf with better luck." he mentioned conversationally. He cut off when he realised his grandmother didn't have much to do with anything at this point.

His stomach suddenly rumbled and he looked down in embarrassment. He had caught a rabbit like creature earlier but it had been so long since he had managed to pull down a decent sized meal. Even a small deer would be welcome at this point. "Know of anywhere that's good for hunting around here? he questioned almost hopefully, praying she would hear his silent invitation in his question. He was enjoying her company and didn't want to be alone again so soon. He had been alone for so long already.

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 17, 2012

Rebecca lightly giggled when he talked about the coat color coming from nowhere. Just like hers! What an odd situation indeed. Wondering a short moment should she say something about her family, she decided it wouldn't be necessary. Maybe later. Shaking hear ear, Reba though about good places to hunt. In her mind, every place was good. She had gotten meal wherever she had hunted. Bigger meal might be found in forests, and they were in one, so this same forest might just be a good place to hunt.

"I think this wood is good enough. I can help you, we could get a bigger meal together. Plus I haven't got a large meal in quite a long time" Reba said smiling and blinking.

A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 18, 2012

He supposed she was right. At home they had known all the game trails and the best places to ensure a successful hunt but now he was on his own, present company excluded, he would have to endure what his grandparents did and figure all that out for himself. "Now why didn't I think of that? he questioned Reba playfully, setting off in a northerly direction with his nose to the ground. As good as any at this point...

There was a lot of small prey smell but not a lot of large at this point. He guessed it must be because the trees were too close together. He lifted his head and scanned ahead, the trees only appeared to be getting closer and gnarlier on the path they were currently taking but there appeared to more light to the west so he swung in that direction.

Eventually the trees opened up enough for the worn tracks of game trails to be clear and he lowered his nose to the ground again. He could scent elk and deer. Elk would probably be a little large for the two lone wolves to pull down, as neither of them had the bulk of weight it would require to pull one down unassisted by a larger heavier wolf. He set off after the deer scent following it as it weaved between the trees. The scent was getting stronger and stronger. Finally their quarry came into sight...

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 18, 2012

Rebecca followed Kano, letting him to sniff the trails. She wasn't any star in that part of hunting, she could smell well, it wasn't that, but despite she had learned how to hutn alone, understanding the tracks was something she hadn't quite learnt. About wolves' scents, she knew what was wolf, what was female and what was male, but telling the age and wealth, specie (if not wolf leaving the trail) and a lot other that kind of things she had no idea about. Reba had tried to learn whenever she had remembered, but she wasn't yet good at it. Not at all.

Just follwoing Kanosak, notifying that they were moving to are where the trees didn't grow as close to each other. What they were after? Sniffing the trail Kano was following, but not really getting any more information than that it was prey... Her hunts were always like this, it was a surprise to her what she was following, so Reba really didn't mind the fact she had no idea.

It didn't take too long before she could see a deer. Sniffing the scent on the ground again, then the air to get the prey's scent. Okay, so that was deer... Hopefully she would remember that. "What is the plan?"

A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 18, 2012

It wasn't a particularly large deer and Kano was pretty convinced he could manoeuvre around and get a good hold on its neck if they managed to catch it sufficiently by surprise. "Give me a minute to get over there..." he motioned to a collapsed tree on the opposite side of the deer. He would need to give it a wide berth and be particularly careful where he placed his paws. "When you see me in position, try and chase it towards me, and I'll come at it from the front?" he finished with a question because either of them could come from the front, and he would cede if that was what she wanted.

It was a tactic he had often used with his pack but it was usually a much larger kill and a more brawny wolf like his uncle Solei that managed to pull it down. Now he was on his own, he would need to start working on building up some bulk, not only for hunting but just in case he was ever cornered by hostile wolves and needed to fight his way out. It wasn't something he really wanted to think about.

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 19, 2012

"That sounds good" Rebecca replied with a quick smile, mind already working with the hunt. Oh she would chase that deer right to the jaws of Kano! Humming a sad, odd song, ice blue eyes filling form concentration. Keeping no noise, Reba moved two steps away, to spot where was a perfect place to charge and spook the deer. Soon she would have a large meal again, with the help of Kanosak.

Quickly eyeing to her side, looking was Kano still there. Trying to find the place he was now.

A New Land, A New Home? - Kanosak - Jan 20, 2012

Kano was very nearly in position when the wind shifted and the deer caught his scent. It was as if the world was suddenly moving in slow motion. He let out a short frustrated growl as the deer lifted its head and he saw its powerful muscles tense as it launched itself gracefully into the woods. Too hungry to just let the meal go Kano launched himself after it and got up next to its flank, barking and gnashing his teeth in an attempt to herd it back to Reba.

With any luck she would be able to see what he was attempting and adjust to the new plan accordingly. Finally the deer spun and headed straight to the black wolf while Kano tried to trip it up by nipping at its rear legs, opening several small wounds and only barely managing to keep clear of several powerful kicks. The ground was getting more and more uneven the closer they got to Reba and it was all Kano could do to keep up. Suddenly the deer stumbled. He barked to Reba "Now!" too caught up in the chase to worry with manners. The scent of blood and fear was fresh in the air and his heart was singing with the hunt.

A New Land, A New Home? - Rebecca - Jan 20, 2012

Watching as the deer noticed Kano and as him tried to chase it to her direction, Rebecca tensed her muscels, ready to speed towards the poor deer. It would have no chance, oh no it wouldn't! Humming quietly, eyes locked to the deer. She did not hear Kanosak, all her attention was on the prey. Every single muscle movement was captured wiht her eyes, every kick and turn it made. When it stumbled she was ready for attack.

When she used ehr hind legs to get her in speed, all the sounds suddenly hit in her mind. Kano yelling 'Now', the huffing of the deer as it struggled to get up. It had only got it's legs underneath to start running again when Rebecca was already hanging on it's throat. The deer wasn't strong, but Reba was weaker and while the deer got up, it managed to take few steps, draggin Reba after it. But she had her teeth in it's throat, so soon it collapsed to ground, gasping for air. Growling, eyes shining Rebecca hold on, just wishing she could've the chance to chase it. She would've love dodging all those kicks.

When the deer's lifeless body layed on the ground, Reba opened her jaws. looking at Kano, tail wagging, grin on her face, blood on her jaws.