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The Wildwood The Woods and Their Beauty - Printable Version

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The Woods and Their Beauty - Wille - Jan 18, 2012

Wille stood up and stretched along with him. "The real question is: Can you keep up with me? I happen to be very fast." She teased playfully. As they were stretching, Wille thought was it was like to be in a pack. She had always dreamed to be in one, ever since she was little. She would ask her dad, which she missed so much, Why is there no other wolves around us? Her siblings would laugh as Mother scolded them and Daddy answered. Well, its too dangerous. They don't like us anymore. She had always tried to figure out what that meant, but both of her parents died before she could ask. She shook out of her trance. She stared at Kano and smiled like nothing happened.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Kanosak - Jan 18, 2012

Kanosak chuckled at the challenge in her comment. He was quite fast himself but he knew his slightly larger size would be a drawback and would probably mean he would be tailing the smaller wolf for the majority of their run, but he had also built up amazing stamina during his travels.

He crouched low, muscles bunched, ready to launch himself into the race he turned to the wolf at his side with a reckless grin. "Ready?"

The Woods and Their Beauty - Wille - Jan 18, 2012

Willie looked back at him with a grin. She had to be fast. She had to beat him. It was just her to be natrually competitive during her best ability, speed. She was a small wolf which would give her an advantage. BUt he probaly had more stamina then her. She would wear out easily and lose. So she would go steady. She couldn't believe herself. She had been planning for a friendly race. Eh, too late. "Go." She bounded forward then stopped to look through the dust to see if he was coming. She tilted her head, then bounded back.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Kanosak - Jan 18, 2012

Kano smiled at the competitive glint in her eye, and waited for her to call a start to the race. When she said go, he waited a fraction of a second to give her the lead, but she took off much faster than he had anticipated. He pushed himself harder than he had in a very long time and gradually began to gain on her until he was even with her flank, but he would have to fall back if he stood any hope of outlasting her. His heart thundered in his chest, matching pace with the rhythm of his paws on the compact earth. He hadn't felt so alive in a long time and couldn't keep the smile off his face, his tongue lolling in and out of his mouth with each stride he took.

He began to lengthen his strides to more of a lope while still maintaining speed, it was something he had learned while trying to escape from hostile packs, it required a lot less effort on his part and he was slowly but surely catching up to her, but he couldn't shake the feeling she was slowing down on purpose.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Wille - Jan 18, 2012

Willie felt like she was alate. She bounded forward placing two paws in front of the other carefully, trying not to fall. There was alot of small ditches that she easily twist her ankle in. Sure, she had a head start but she was tiring easily from the quick burst in the beginning. She began slowing down and glanced behind her. Kano was on her tail, literally. He was racing in front of her and soon ahead. Her heart was racing alongside, taking quick beats. She couldn't give up. She raced forward catching up to him, and strided forward.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Kanosak - Jan 18, 2012

They were matching each other stride for stride and Kano felt alate. He deliberately made sure not to pull ahead or fall behind. This was one of the feelings he had missed most. Running with another wolf at his side.

Eventually the pair slowed and Kano laughed as his heart slowed. He playfully bumped agains Wille's side and then flopped on the ground and rolled onto his back, tongue hanging from his mouth while he attempted to relieve the annoying itch between his shoulders. "You're the first wolf to keep up with me since my sister Aniu..." he said breathlessly, enjoying the afterglow of a good race.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Wille - Jan 18, 2012

Wille laughed as she collapsed next to him. When he spoke of his sister, she immediately remembered the twins and her older sister. "I used to race with my twin brothers and they always beat me. I happened to be very slow and always lose. Those little rascals...." she chuckled remembering Cylde and Angelo and their always chuckling faces. Good times. She rolled around the floor and jumped up in a playful position. She grinned.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Kanosak - Jan 18, 2012

Kano quickly rolled over, his front legs attached firmly to the ground while his rear end popped up, his tail held high like a flag as he growled playfully. He couldn't imagine her ever being slow. What had started as a normal boring day had blossomed into a day full of laughter and play and his heart rejoiced for the company he had stumbled across by chance.

Turning serious for a moment he paused and cocked his head to the side. "Are you looking for a pack to join? We could maybe look together... For a little while anyway... You know, until you get sick of me..." He added jokingly. It would also mean an extra wolf to help hunt, something he would never turn down. He was sick of living on rodents and rabbits.

The Woods and Their Beauty - Wille - Jan 18, 2012

(Got to sleep now, sorry for short one: my mom forced me to)

She stood up straight as she considered his proposal, then she grinned. "Sure! That would be fun. And I think I wouldn't get sick of an playful wolf like you!"

The Woods and Their Beauty - Kanosak - Jan 18, 2012

(OOC: Fair enough, sleep well!)

Kano pranced with joy. It was one small victory to convince someone to hang around and find a pack with him, and at least this way, if they were both accepted into the same pack, there would be at least one familiar face to make the transition easier for both of them.