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going round the bend - Printable Version

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going round the bend - Vander - Feb 19, 2012

my bad i noticed my font didn't show up his words.

    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

The curl of lips brought a gentle whine within his throat, he did not want to test anyone's patience. He had no mind to take on either of the present men.Immediately at the same time the sound hummed his legs began to bend, and his tail tucked itself between his hocks. Even his blond head dropped significantly below both Kano's and the lead male's knowing he was at their mercy. If he wanted a home he would have to bend, and prove he was fit. He desperately wanted a home. He had no trouble being beneath others.

Keeping his tone composed, his eyes hung onto the snow. "A rank within in your pack that you see fit." The statement was short, and sweet. If he had to start at the bottom, and work his way up it wouldn't be the first time.


going round the bend - Kanosak - Feb 20, 2012

Kano had to bite back a growl when the wolf looked as if he was going to refuse to submit but then decided it may have simply been an oversight on the strangers part, and he would not move forward until his leader indicated that he should. He seemed a little on the blunt side, but sometimes that could be refreshing, unless it was stepping on someone else's toes. From his position further back he realised what an imposing wolf Ruiko was. Not that he didn't already know it but watching him in action took him back to the day he and Wille were accepted into the pack. He watched as Vander folded underneath his leaders glare, finally showing the alpha the respect he deserved. Kano visibly relaxed, settling onto his haunches. He knew he wasn't needed but it didn't hurt to stay near.

At his comment about a role Ruiko saw fit, Kano became slightly worried but kept a blank face. He had been given the rank of second by default because of his age. The stranger seemed to be a year his senior. Did that mean he would be demoted if this wolf was accepted? He had never been self conscious before. He knew it was ridiculous. Since being given the rank he had worked hard to earn it and he was sure he had done enough to not make himself that disposable. He sized up the male. He decided he liked the pale wolf much more than some he had encountered. That would be enough for now.

going round the bend - Ruiko - Mar 01, 2012


Ruiko gave a light nod to the creamy male’s words, though his stature did not become friendlier with the notion. “And what can you offer the pack in terms of skills?” It was refreshing to see an older wolf wishing to join the ranks – the pack had many yearlings and while each useful, they still had much to learn. Yet the Creek was filling its ranks swiftly, and the male soon wondered if the time came where he would have to turn away any rogue wishing to seek a home within their borders.

Casting a small glance to Kanosak, the stoical male awaited a response. Ruiko was to the point in this meeting, as he was with many of his conversations. The sooner they either accepted the male as their own, or discarded him from their borders, the better.

going round the bend - Vander - Mar 01, 2012

    i ain't seen the sunshine since i don't know when....

It probably would have been best if he had mentioned his skills before, but he didn't want to appear desperate. He was, wasn't he? He needed a pack. He craved to be of purpose, instead of uselessly wandering. This was the first time he'd been on the other side of the joining process. His face didn't change, and he quickly responded. "I can do the basics; hunt,fish, guard, and scout. Other than that I was taught to be self-sacrificing, suspicious, and the first line of defense if any trouble rose. Most recent years I've been a teacher for the younger ones," he kept himself from moving, from looking up. He didn't think he'd see any clue of he was going to be denied, or accepted he could wait for his fate to be spoken.

However, it may appear weird at his age, and with the mention of what he said hew as looking for a new home. The question of why he'd left his only pack might arise, spoken or not. The blond brute added, "If you wonder why I left my home pack, my mother's mate didn't have the pack's best interest at heart." He left out the word father, insinuating his was dead. His words were true none the less.


going round the bend - Kanosak - Mar 04, 2012

Sorry, I've been terribly muse-less this week, but the weekend always brings inspiration!

He relaxed as the other wolf listed his skills. Not as useless as some in his opinion. Had it been his decision he would accept the man, but it wasn't his place. He also seemed to care about the best interests of the pack, another point in his favour. It had been hard for the golden male to not run the last newly accepted man into their pack off their lands within minutes of him being accepted due to the disrespect he showed his family. He didn't have the same thoughts here.

His liege was always a difficult wolf to read, and it always kept the golden wolf on edge but he was a good leader, so alike in actions and carriage to his grandfather, Cannon. He knew their pack would always be strong with Ruiko at their head. He awaited his leaders decision on edge, would he be accepting this new wolf as a brother or running him off as a rogue?

going round the bend - Ruiko - Mar 24, 2012


The male offered his reasoning to Ruiko, who listened with both ears preened forward. Unreadable as always, his features did not change when the creamy male explained why he had left his original pack; as far as it concerned him, if the wolf before him was no threat to his pack, his past was none of his business.

“Very well,” he responded with a smooth tenor tone. His tail gave a small flick before arching higher, his limbs prowling forward before he rubbed his pelt against the other male’s to cast his scent upon him. The male was large – and not a yearling; two things that would prove to be beneficial to the pack at the moment, as many of their members were youthful. Still, thus far every member he had accepted to the pack seemed eager to aide them for the better of their new family, and the tawny male was grateful.

Pulling away, his gaze locked upon Kanosak. “Show him to his home, could you Kanosak?” He was going to continue patrolling the borders, and as the two males were acquainted, it seemed only fitting. With that, the large male swept away to leave the two to their own devices.