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Arbol Rosado sick of love - Printable Version

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sick of love - Jaysyek - Feb 23, 2012

    You're clearly disturbed, all you want is allegiance.

"Ignorance is a poor excuse. How would you feel if I walked into your den? Then I stated I had no idea it was yours even though my nose told me you were there," she answered, a hint of anger to the under current of her tone. She would not feel sorry for her, it wasn't like her borders had not been marked. She specifically wove her scent among the hollow, warning any they were close enough. Beyond that was a pack who claimed the ground. Sure, maybe Rebecca hadn't been raised in those ways, but Jaysyek was not about to let her trespassing slide. She hadn't even tried to offer an apology or make amends. Surely Rebecca had to have somewhere she would hate some ignorant stranger to walk in. Wasn't it just a common curtsy if it didn't belong to you, you left it alone? It had to be one of the first lessons in life.

A snort, her banner struck the air with a harsh flick. She was losing her patience, and didn't trust herself not to harm the younger wolf. She rather not have to explain anything to Ruiko, or cause a rift between them. It was something she certainly could do with out. Part of her really didn't wish to cause this wolf harm, despite everything. That was probably why she was a wolf whose soul suffered so much. She was much to willing to overlook things, give that second chance, and think better of what she'd been given or shown. A rough sigh, she met the blue eyes with a hard stare. "I'm glad you've learned better, this time I won't take it from your hide, but be wary for any other strikes against the hollow and you'll see me personally." It was a warning because the leader hoped it would not come to that. If so she wouldn't hesitate to act. Lifting her crown, she marched past her, "Tell Ruiko congratulations for me, if you would," and with that she parted ways.
