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The Wildwood Grey Days - Printable Version

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Grey Days - Rhysis - Feb 11, 2012

I'd say that's up to you. There aren't many here so old so it's quite unique and charming, but if you're hoping to have her meet a mate etc then maybe knocking a few years off might help?

Rhysis heard the cough, but paid no heed. He wasn't charitable in any way and he wasn't going to open his doors to a stranger. He was comfortable around wolves he knew, let alone those who were unknown to him and the very thought of physical contact, even just an accidental bump of the shoulder brought shivers down his spine. No, he wasn't going to budge here. He'd given her directions and there was little more that he was going to offer.

"Suit yourself." was all he said as he turned to leave. He wasn't going to go out of his way to pry into her business. Were she a pack wolf or a wolf with information or even some value to benefit him, things may have been different but he felt no need to turn on the charm at this point.

Grey Days - Nina - Feb 12, 2012

((Nina is now 3 years of age!))

Nina growled and leapt at the younger wolf. She wasn't going down without a fight. She needed shelter, and of she had to kill this wolf to get that she would. As her muscles flexed underneath her thick winter oat she snarled. Aiming for USO throat Nina's new look transformed. From sweet and gentle to dangerously beautiful and deadly.

"You made the wrong move child!" Nina's harsh voice cut through the the snowstorm.

Grey Days - Rhysis - Feb 12, 2012


Rhysis had been turning to leave when the female dove for him. His ears caught her movements and from the corner of the eye she dove for him. She hadn't a chance to catch his throat and as she dove forwards he kicked off from his hind legs and thrust himself forwards out of the way. He turned as his front paws dug into the ground and swung his rear around to face her head on. His head lowered, teeth bared and hackles rose as he snarled.

"Why the fuck are there so many crazy females in this place?!" his tones were dark as he hissed his words between his teeth. With his defenses up he was a fearsome sight; a trained warrior from birth he wasn't going to go down easily. He had the advantage here, the other wolf was thin from lack of food, her cough must mean she was ill - she'd be no match for him if she wanted to travel down this path. "You really wanna take me on? Got a death wish or something?" he snarled, his last warning before he'd attack if she didn't take her leave now. In truth, he couldn't be bothered with a fight. He needed to be without an injury during weather like this. The warrior in him screamed to attack but his clever mind could only see the benefits of walking away from this with his energy in tact.

Grey Days - Nina - Feb 12, 2012

Nina snarled and leapt back baring her fangs at the wolf. She had more experience when it came to fighting and she knew that she could beat the wolf.

"When you need shelter and aren't welcomes the only choice you have is to beat the other wolf for their territory!" Nina replied and quickly added, "Watch your language. That is very rude."

The goodness and rule following Nina was rising up to the challenge. She didn't like it when Wolves cursed. It proved they were just as filthy as they looked. Nina felt like it was her job to make sure that they could change and become better wolves. Taking a steady, sure step forward she looked him in the eyes, "I suggest you let me stay. An injury in this weather would be rather fatal don't you think?

Grey Days - Rhysis - Feb 12, 2012

ooc: I'm sorry but if you read their history your wolf was "born a loner" and couldn't possibly win in this fight, Rhysis was born and trained to fight from a young age so he'd have better skills. Her build is smaller, she is a medium and Rhysis is a very large wolf, and you've said she is starved and sick which would mean she couldn't put up much of a fight. If you wish to have them fight I don't mind but I don't want to engage in a fight where it's played out unfairly which is what I can see happening as you're not keeping things realistic. If it were to result in a character death it would most likely be your characters based on these facts so I'd ask you to just consider that before we proceed. :)

"The only way you're staying is if you die on that spot. I'll give you one more warning... leave or die." he snarled in response. From his battle ready position he took in all the notes needed; her height and weight were smaller then him. She seemed sickly and hungry, meaning she'd lack a lot of energy. Her adrenaline may kick in from desperation but with her fragile condition she wouldn't be much of a fight... still, she'd make a meal once her blood had spilled upon the floor, he was certain.

He gave a final warning snarl and took a step forward towards her, closing the distance between them, parted his jaws to bare his teeth whilst his grey eyes narrowed. With ears flattened to his skull, hackes raised and his muscles bunched ready to strike, he was as protected and prepared as he could be. It looked like the warrior within him was going to win this time around.

Grey Days - Nina - Feb 12, 2012

((She doesn't have to not be a loner to not be trained for this. Also, she is I'll. She may think whatever she wants. I know my wolf's history. She may be thinking many things that aren't true. For example: the exile. :) ))

Nina snarled and backed off slightly. She wasn't going to let this we get the best of Werner. She wasn't that stupid. Growling at the other wolf slightly she finally spoke.

"Very well child. This will come back to bite you dog!" Nina said in a soft gentle voice.

Turning away from the wolf, she blind away leaving her scent trail behind her. As her fur flew in the wind she snarled jumping into a near by branch. Scanning the area she looked for dead prey for any shelter that may be left. She wasn't going to give up. That was totally against her way of living.

Grey Days - Rhysis - Feb 12, 2012

I'm not saying you don't know her history, but if it hasn't been written down in her profile I can only go on what I've read on her profile. I just didn't want to end up injuring/killing your character without fair warning is all, with her condition she wouldn't have won in which case would have resulted in her death which I'm sure you didn't want, but if you did want to have a fight perhaps when she is part of a pack and fit and healthy we can do it then. And whilst she might be thinking these things, those are the bits I read so that's all I have to go off- if it were truely in her mind she would be thinking the truth but saying a lie; else it gets very confusing!
I'll wrap this up here though. Don't forget to go and claim your LP on the Maintenance board. :)

Rhysis snorted in response but he didn't drop his poise until she had dissapeared into the blizzard. With a snort he elevated his head slightly and tested the air with his nose; she was leaving. He back tracked a few steps, walking backwards carefully to ensure she wasn't going to lunge out from the thick snow to attack him but when he was sure the coast was clear and turned and ran for the shelter of his home. Cold and wet from the snow, and officially against all females for the rest of his life, he laid down within his log and watched the snow fall as he had before.
