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Rolu has been thinking of family. - Printable Version

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Rolu has been thinking of family. - Kanosak - Feb 16, 2012

Kano's guard was still up. He didn't want to mention Wille but it was common knowledge amongst the pack that they had arrived together and he knew that if he concealed the it the stranger may think her a weak spot. "I met Wille a short time after arriving here. We decided to stick together until we found a pack. Didn't take us long." he finished with a small tight smile. He had hardly seen the white she-wolf and never alone since they had arrived. With Kashi an almost constant shadow when he wasn't patrolling, and taking the time to bond with his other pack mates he felt like he was neglecting her and added her to his list of things that needed to be actioned before he left to seek training.

They were nearing the dens and the scent of other wolves criss-crossed almost inseparably the closer they got. The dens were hard to spot, but there were plenty there and many more empty. He sometimes wondered why there were so many but he imagined it was much like his family who had moved into a system of connected caves so they could all sleep sheltered. Other wolves must have lived here once. "Any other questions?" he asked, much more relaxed now he was in the heart of their territory. Only time would tell whether he would grow to like this wolf or not.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Rolu - Feb 17, 2012

Rolu walked a little behind the wolf. He listened Kanosak's story of how he got there, and was unexpected to here of another wolf that was with him. Rolu looked at the dens, they where hard to spot and many he could not count because he thought they weren't there. Even though he could see how they where well hidden, but offered shelter through weather. The smell of other wolves teased his nostrils. The scent of females also teased him more than anything.

Rolu listened to the Kanosak and turned to look at him,"What do you know of a wolf named Rhysis?" Rolu had met the wolf, but still wanted to know more about the sly beast. Rolu just couldn't wait to see him again, just to get that feeling of danger that flowed off the little wolf. Rolu shook his head sending a shiver down his back. That kid would shore become powerful at some point., like his uncle.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Kanosak - Feb 18, 2012

OOC: Sorry, muse is kinda MIA at the moment. DX

Rhysis? something about the name tickled something at the back of his mind. Maybe that was the stranger leaving his stench all around their borders? If so, maybe he would need to track down his leaders and discuss the new wolf and the lingerer... He kept a smooth face and turned back to the grey male. "No, I don't believe I have met Rhysis yet, but perhaps it is his scent testing our borders?" he asked innocently enough, after all, the new male was pack now and it would be a good test of his mettle. It wouldn't hurt to have a name to the scent.

There was almost something familiar to the scent... someone he had scented before, but it was so mingled he couldn't quite place it. Maybe he was searching for a lost sibling but as far as he knew none of his pack mates were looking for lost family members, most happy to leave them in the past. He sometimes missed his siblings, but knew they would be doing just fine without him.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Rolu - Feb 18, 2012

Rolu is a little sneaky butt head isn't he?

Rolu was surprised,"He doesn't know about Rhysis? This will make it so much easier," Rolu decided."Well that's okay, I didn't think you would. I'm pretty sure your alpha knows about him,"Rolu said innocently. Then he turned to Kanosak,"Its weird that she hasn't told you. I mean you are the second, aren't you. You should know about wolves that prowl the border. Especially if your alpha knows. I mean, I think someones holding something back here,"Rolu said again innocently. "First step, plant the seed of suspicion. Step two, turn them against each other. Step three, show them your a better alpha. Finally, take over. Its going to be hard," Rolu thought.

Rolu turned back towards the pack dens and said pityingly,"I mean he could be a threat. If she hasn't toold you everyone could be in a whole lot of danger. Its a hole in your security!" Rolu said the last part as if he cared, then turned to Kanosak."You should confront her and ask. I've only heard what I can from other lone wolves. It could be danger to the pack, and pups if your pack has any," Rolu said this as suspiciously as he could. ": Innocents is the only way you'll win this. Play cool and by the rules," Rolu thought as he waited for Kanosak's answer.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Kanosak - Feb 18, 2012

OOC: He's so moody atm! (I blame stocktake at work)

Kano was quickly losing his hard won patience. He wouldn't hesitate to knock this wolf down to the lowest rank if needed. He had seen these games before, and all the stranger had done was confirm his suspicions. He must be in a league with the prowler. He was second as was Wille, they spent most of every day patrolling with the alphas. There was no hole in their security. Nobody was allowed to cross the borders without a fight unless an alpha intervened. He almost wished Aeylen had been a few minutes later. The golden wolf was still itching for a fight. So unlike himself.

"Watch your tongue before I rip it out. There will be no dissension here, and if I hear of you spreading it, I will tear up your hide and forget to patch you back up." He said smoothly, without even a hint of growl. He let the threat hang in the open, he had a great relationship with all of his pack mates so far and doubted they wouldn't hesitate to come to him with their problems... Well maybe with the exception of Reba who would rather die of infected cougar wounds than seek his medical advise. He had fought larger wolves than this stranger, his siblings had all been larger than him, but he used their size to his advantage, making up for his lack of it with speed and cunning. He generally wasn't a fighter but something about this wolf reminded him of battles in his birth pack. Invaders who needed their throats ripped out.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Rolu - Feb 18, 2012

Rolu was not surprised by the wolf's attitude.Rolu was a pchyderm and nothing really effected him unless it included someone whom he liked or had attachments to. He nodded his head kinda of agreeing with Kanosak. There was nothing wrong with his security. If he had not been in this situation, he would have said it was as solid as a stone. But stones also had even the smallest cracks. That's how Rolu got in, that crack.

Rolu was not moved at all by the wolf. He was small enough, but he more than likely was fast, and Rolu had already tested his intelligence. Kanosak was smart, very smart. Rolu acted fast and said with precise words,"Fine with me, but when this pack falls, don't come crying to me. I have warned you and I'm not going to do it again,"Rolu turned to face Kanosak."And when you kill me, I'll be thankful, because I won't have to see the damage it will do,"Rolu said quietly so only Kanosak would hear him.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Kanosak - Feb 19, 2012

He had had enough. The wolf had just joined and he was already being insubordinate to those who ranked higher than him. Not only that but he was threatening the stability of his family. Kano lashed out without warning, mostly growls and snaps to put the other wolf in his place. There was no due cause for the disrespect he had been shown, and if he had to enforce his position physically he would.

He had tried his best to smooth things over but the male was being a bitch, acting like little more than a yearling. Time to put the dog back in his box.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Rolu - Feb 19, 2012

Rolu stepped back and lowered his head ready for what was coming to him. "YOU CROSSED THEY LINE! Oh you've done it now! Submit, lay down what ever! Now you idiot! Trying to get yourself killed!"yelled Rolu's voice in his head. Rolu submitted quickly trying to make himself small, but also baring his teeth a bit just encase. Then, his tiny voice brook out of the box Rolu had put it in,"He is going to kill you my sweat. Fight back you can beat him, your stronger now than ever. Show him!" Rolu shook his head wildly and got down on his stomach, waiting barring.

Rolu lay there building his barricade of feelings, the wall he had used so much to block of pain. He was waiting for that action. That bite to the throat, that killing blow. "No I won't die, I'll fight if I have to. If it comes down to it. If I have to.... I'll make sure I survive," said Rolu's mind voice. Rolu looked up at the angry Kanosak, waiting for it. "I'll dodge it if he goes for the throat, I will survive. This is the test, the test to stay here," Rolu decided.

Rolu has been thinking of family. - Kanosak - Feb 19, 2012

He stood over the other wolf, chin tucked to protect his own throat, ears forward tail and hackles up, teeth bared. He remained standing over the wolf for a few more seconds just for good measure before snorting in disgust and stalking away, his tail still held high. He knew he would probably need to reinforce the fact a few more times but for now he had to leave before he ripped out the new wolfs throat.


Rolu has been thinking of family. - Rolu - Feb 19, 2012

Rolu was a bit shaken by Kanosak, and relaxed when he left. Getting up he shook his fur of and looked back at the leaving Kanosak. With his encounter, Rolu had split himself from that wolf. Rolu knew he would be back to influence Rolu once more, but for now Rolu was happy. He had passed with flying colors. He chuckled when the wolf was far away enough. "Yep that wolf passed with flying colors alright. Now is the start. Now is the time I shall use," then Rolu paused mulling it over in his head,"Maybe I'll change ny mind about taking over. I mean who needs to have a new leader anyways. This pack is good on the inside and out," Rolu said.

Rolu nodded his head agreeing with himself. "It's ether live like a good kid, or take over," shaking his head he chose living like a good kid,"Well for know unless something pops up," he decided.