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Bramble Falls Lone Wolf - Printable Version

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Lone Wolf - Lupus - Feb 17, 2012

The Huson Bay's ears perked as he noticed the two preparing to fight, but the female seemed to evade it. His yellow gaze widened as she made his presence known, ears twisting back his lip cureled upward slightly, preparing to fight, but she seemed friendly, and the other wolf hadn't turned yet. Lupus sighed and leapt down from his perch high a-top the cliff side. Landing lightly on his paws his gaze shifted into the distance. Staring at the other male, but he shook his presence away and returned focus to the female....What was her name again? Was it Accailia? Tail twitching as he scrammbled through his mind for words he prepared to speak.

"I am Sol." He only let out his last name, he had no intention of fully intorducing himself. "I gueess..It's nice to meet you too." He wasn't sure exaactly what to say.

Lone Wolf - Triell - Feb 18, 2012

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Another growl started to rumble in chest when her wet tongue brushed along his chin, but it died as soon as it had began. "Alright," he said, letting his tail slowly fall back. He hoped she would think things out in the future. Someone might not take her apology, and he was afraid what it could cost her. He sighed, when she ran past toward the falls wondering what had caught her eye, or if she was merely playing some other kind of game .He turned just in time to see a cream male who looked ragged from his travels. He didn't seem to like how he had gone unspotted. The Tainn became wary of his intent. What could he do? He was tempted to leave, but decided he might hang around and see what became of this new company.

Tensly shifting, his bright eyes took his surroundings in making sure there was no one else, while Accailia introduced herself. His black nostrils twitched, and it seemed the wolf was not much older than himself. Catching her stare, he turned more around letting his eyes intake the one named Sol. "Hey," he said, his tone warmer than it'd been seconds okay, but he too wasn't sure what to say. He shifted his limbs out of habit, letting his eyes linger to the girl before directing to Sol. "You just passing through?"


Lone Wolf - Accailia - Feb 18, 2012

Sol seemed disappointed that Accailia had seen him, but she wasn't sure why. He didn't seem very friendly as he spoke to her and Accailia backed up a bit. She wanted to be sure she was able to run if he attacked. "Are you new to Relic Lore Sol?"

Accailia shifted her gaze between Triell and Sol. Neither one seemed to enjoy each others presence and she really hoped there wouldn't be a fight. She was surprised that Triell had decided to stay, she was happy he did though.

Lone Wolf - Lupus - Feb 18, 2012

His tail twitched slightly, the males yellow gaze shifing away from the other wolves greeting. His ears perked at his question though, "Well.." he paused with thought. "I think i'll be staying...I was...sort-of, well, kicked out of my old pack." his ears twisted back for a few seconds as a wry grin appeared for seconds.

Shifting his focus back to the she-wolf his ears perked again, "Yes, I think i've been roaming around here for a few days now." A gust of wind ruffled his cream pelts and the Hudson Bays chin lifted to the sky. A sigh escaped his jowls, "Don't like the cold to much...Do you?" his attention returned to the other male. Lupus figured it was rude to ignore his initial greeting so he derected this uestion to him.

Lone Wolf - Triell - Feb 20, 2012

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

Kicked out? Triell did his best to keep his face from betraying any emotion, because he was a little surprised. Most loners were a little more tight mouthed than that. When his bright eyes noticed his twisted grin he didn't seem bothered by disclosing this information. Perhaps he was happy to have left? His dark brows creased slightly as his mind began to fill with question, but he didn't pry. It wasn't like he was here to share, or receive anyone's life story. He did not look to Accailia, but walked to stand a little closer not to be rude to either of his new company.

His eyes were inquisitive, the yearling seeming to wistful or something? The young Tainn couldn't guess. Did he miss home instead? His thoughts were interrupted when his yellow eyes shifted his way. "Erm, no, not really. I much rather have it warm, though the sun easily keeps my black coat cozy all year round," he said, his voice much warmer than it had been. There was even a grin teasing at the side of his face. "So, can I help ya two out? I've lived here most my life, and might be able to help." His tail brushed the air behind him, letting his attention carry between the two.


Lone Wolf - Lupus - Feb 20, 2012

The hudson bay's tail flicked to the side slowly as he awaited his responce. Lupus was actually very intrigued in what he would have to say:Even though his glazed over stare seemed blank and bored. Shifting his weight evenly across his four large paws, his long, lean legs stretching as he did so. Attention returning to the wolf his ears perked high a top his flat forehead as his question was answered, head slanting off to the side he nodded in agreement.

Blinking his yellow oculars the wolf became distant-finding himself staring at the pool of water behind the other two cainines. Letting his jawline dip slightly, Lupus pick tounge slipped from his jowls and rub against his leathery, black lips. Padding forward he slipped past the male-Lupus still haddn't caught his name...His sore cracked padding still numb from the icy particles that laid scattered about. When he reached the edge where the snowy ground turned to icy water, Lupus's head dipped, large ears flicked backward cautiously listening to any movments from behind. Lapping up the cold substance his head lifted rather quickly, even if he was pretty sure neither of them would attack the hudson bay decided to be safe. Turning around on a swivel he was again faceing them when the next words came.

Short, transparent whiskers twitching thoughts clicked through his mind. A warm place to sleep and the best hunting spots in this place could be useful, but how far should I pry? The last thing he wanted was to be a pest or sound demanding, but shelter and food was kind-of vital. The wolfs head tilted, gaze drifting to Accailia first, maybe she would ask his question. Squared head returning to its original relaxed place he left it up to her for a few seconds as he went silent. I think I've seen a few decent places to sleep, but I havn't caught a glimps of a morceau since I got here, maybe prey doesn't thrive here like back home...He had gone quiet for a while before shaking his pelt out slightly; the naturally bushy fur puffing up more. Coughing once to break the silent crisp air his lips parted, "You know of any decent spots to hunt?" he asked softly, trying not to seem rude or needy. Head tilting he quietly waited.

Lone Wolf - Accailia - Feb 20, 2012

Sol was clearly someone who preferred to be left alone. He seemed to pay almost no attention the Accailia and Triell. He walked past them to get a drink and turned to face them again. Accailia wasn't sure what she thought of Sol. Something about him just seemed....odd, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

She moved closer to Triell, feeling a little uneasy. Accailia couldn't pinpoint what was making her so uneasy. She didn't know Sol but he kind of reminded her of someone. Again, she didn't know who. Her ears flattened against her head as she stared at Sol, trying to figure it out.

Lone Wolf - Triell - Feb 23, 2012

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

He tried to gauge Sol's reaction. There was not much to note, he looked like his mind was else where and Triell had to keep himself from becoming frustrated. If he didn't care what he had to say, maybe he'd state his goodbyes, and part ways. There was better things to do than try to help those who didn't care of it. As for Accailia he wasn't sure if she'd want to follow him or not. She might stay, and talk to her new company, that wouldn't bother him. He had enough on his plate. He leaned his body to give the creamy wolf room when Sol passed to get a drink. He naturally turned to watch him to make sure he wasn't up to anything either. It was in the moment Accailia moved closer to him, and he exchanged a quiet look. Surely she couldn't be afraid of the other yearling? He did his best to not move away from the popping of his space bubble.

What Triell said next seemed to get the loner's attention. Though he appeared to be trying not to seem to eager for it. A dim smile, he stepped past Accailia. "I do. There are beavers along this creek if you keep following it, and to the northwest there is a field where all sorts of critters hide in the brush, and dine off the blackberries there or a cherry orchard," he said tilting his muzzle in the direction where he should best start. "But I recommend if you both want shelter, and food you join a pack. Winter is not yet over."


Lone Wolf - Lupus - Feb 23, 2012

Lupus stare was now anything, but blank, his attention was derected to the male. Ears resting forward. The hudson Bay had already forgotten the twos name, but at this point it didn't seem to matter. Yellow eyes following the female as she moved before drifting back to the male. His head tilted as he awaited the answer to his question. Tail swaying slightly behind him, he was hoping to go off and hunt for a while after their conversation was over. Blinking his oculars, a worn smile made its reappearence on the surface of his muzzle, black lips pulled back gentely.

As he spoke Lupus glanced up stream, beavers? There was nothing called beavers where he lived...Of corse their was little water at the pack of towering trees-just a few ponds every here and there. A questioning glance came up as he returned his sun-like stare to the wolf. Head jerking off to the side as he listened and watched him make an exaple of where to go, he nodded quietly at the words. Sigh slipping from his throat, Lupus turned his head to glance around behind him when more sounds came. Returning his short-attention span to the male a scowl quietly pulled at his face, wishing to be aloud to the surface;a strained look crossed his face at the suggestion of again joining a pack. Holding away a rude comment that came to mind and his disgusted look Lupus only aloud a few well-thought through words out. "I...Umm..Well, I don't know if I am ready to join another pack yet. Maybe after a little while..Out here though." his gaze diverted from the two. Gluing to the icy ground as he awaited the twos responce.

Lone Wolf - Accailia - Feb 23, 2012

Triell seemed happy to be able to move past Accailia. She had probably gotten too close for comfort for him. She listened as the two males spoke to each other. Triell suggested joining a pack. Would a pack even accept her? She did want to join a pack she just wasn't sure if she could.

She was a little hungry so maybe the two wolves would be interested in hunting with her. "Would you two want to hunt? We could get something better if we hunt together." Lupus didn't seem the least bit interested in her or Triell. For some reason he still reminded her of someone and she felt uneasy around him. Accailia tried to shake the feeling but she couldn't. It was his eyes, bright yellow orbs. She couldn't pinpoint where she had seen them before though. Accailia stepped forward a little but still kept her distance. She stood next to Triell, a little behind him so her shoulder was even with his side. Her ears were flattened against her head which was lowered slightly.