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Wild Cherry Orchard On her own - Printable Version

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On her own - Kashikoi - Feb 21, 2012

Turning his head to accailia he answered with a wag, "im a fairly new member of the copper rock creek pack, and what's on your mind?" he asked seeing that her smile was forced. His stare was broken by sudden actions of Naira who seemed to have noticed something. He waited for he to snap out of it when she said "deer" hearing this he started to look around keeping his other senses active. "where is the deer at naira? I could do with a meal and it looks like our friend here could too." he said this motioning to the other female. He knew it had been about a week since he ate last but he was determined to recover as soon as possible. It was a must for him to keep up his weight being small as he was.

On her own - Accailia - Feb 21, 2012

Accailia smelled it too. There was a deer nearby. She was very hungry too. Maybe these two would hunt with her, she couldn't bring it down herself. "Are you two up for a hunt? I know I could use a good meal." She was thin, her ribs showed through but you couldn't really tell with her thick fur. She needed to eat and regain her strength.

On her own - Naira - Feb 25, 2012

OOC: Sorry guys, hectic week at work. Nia's feeling a bit teacherish, so she'll come along but don't expect her to hand you all the answers, she's still full from another hunt she recently had.

It was clear to her, regardless of how content she was within her own stomach that the younger wolves would need assistance if they were going to pull down a deer and so she resigned herself to helping them. She smiled at the younger males question about where it was. He would never learn to hunt if he always had someone handing him the answers. Something she knew her brother would do without a thought.

"Ok kids, lets learn." she said with a smile. "I'm not going to tell you where they are, but I will help you once you find them. Use your nose Kashikoi, what do you smell around you?" she asked playfully, indicating the other female should do the same without giving away the answers to the smaller male. "And where..." she added as an afterthought.

She remembered playing this game as a pup. Nothing was handed over freely when she was growing up and now, seeing these youngsters and the condition they were in she was grateful for it. She was also grateful for the extra year she had spent with her family. She was still learning now she was on her own, but she was sure these youngsters had more hard earned lessons under their coats than she had, because she had been afforded the experiences through the wisdom of others older and wiser than she.

On her own - Kashikoi - Mar 07, 2012

Ooc sorry for the slow posts ive been doing exams and such

Kashi nodded to the female as she gave him the instructions. He had never played this game before now but it sounded interesting and like good practice. As he lifted his snout to the air he took a few deep breathes to get a smell of the surrounding air. He could smell the three of them most strongly as well as the pack. While seperating the smells in his head he discerned one as rabbit and one the was familiar, deer. Now that he had the smell he turned his head smelling in different directions till it was strongest.

Opening his eyes he turned to the two. "it smells like it is south east of here," smells in the general direction, "about two miles i think." after his report he looked at the older of the two to see if he was right. Looking at the other wolf it seemed that she too was smelling the air for the deer.

On her own - Naira - Mar 09, 2012

OOC: Just in case you weren't aware Kashi, check out this. Sorry for the slight power play but we need to get things moving, I want to wrap this up after the hunt if possible, then we can do another thread talking herbs if you want?

Naira's eyes narrowed in mild frustration as the young woman rose and left suddenly. It wouldn't do to have a lesson interrupted so. Turning all her attention to the young male she smiled encouragingly. "Very good. Would you like to lead the way Kashikoi and we can see what we find?" she asked the young wolf with pride in her voice. He would certainly grow to be useful to the pack, and she felt more secure knowing her brother was surrounded by competent yearlings.

She made way for the young male to take the lead and followed just a little behind his lead at a steady lope, this was after all, his hunt. They made their way through the orchard and past the lone cherry tree as the scent grew stronger and stronger, it would seem he was well on target. She waited for his signal to slow. It would be up to him what path they took to pull down their prey and whether or not they managed to eat today.

On her own - Kashikoi - Mar 09, 2012

ooc:sure sounds good and i had no idea that happened thanks

Kashikoi watched in confusion as the young female left the area without a word. How strange he thought before his mind was shook back on task by Naira's request. "I guess I'll lead." He walked past her as she made way for him and began to follow. He realized that he would be leading this hunt and it was making him slightly nervous.

He led her in the general direction that the scent had come from. They two soon ended up on the outskirts of a clearing. He motioned her to stop with an turn off his head in her direction before lowering himself into a crouch. Everyone of his senses seemed to be alert as he watched the lone deer come into view.

On her own - Naira - Mar 11, 2012

She crouched low as the deer came into view, moving up beside the younger male, whispering low so as not to startle their prey. "Now, assess each hunters strengths, then plan the course of attack. I imagine you have hunted with other adults, so think of where they put each wolf and what their roles were. You can do this..." she smiled reassuringly. Surely it wouldn't be hard for him to know that he was fast and she was strong.

On her own - Kashikoi - Mar 11, 2012

Kashi watched closely as the deer came up close to them. whispering back to Naira making sure to keep his vioce low in responce he started saying his plan, "I will be the chaser and when you see the opertunity bring it down." He waited till the deer stooped down to feed on the new sprouts of grass. Suddenly he burst out of the brush with a growl and started chase on the deer working on redirecting the terrified deer back toward Naira.

On her own - Naira - Mar 15, 2012

He was doing a good job at getting the deer back towards her. She launched from her position and ran along at its side. She bit at the animals flank, tearing what she could reach and inching her way up to the animals throat. It was within lunging distance, so with a final push she took her aim and hit hard, working her way into the animals throat as blood flooded her mouth and the deer faltered, a glancing blow to her side causing her to lose her grip but the animal couldn't go much further anyway. She had hit the artery. Shaking the pain from her flank she watched as the deer crumpled with a proud smile on her face.

On her own - Kashikoi - Mar 18, 2012

As he was chasing the wolf back to Naira he felt selcouth, he felt confident. It felt amazing to him, like a rush of energy. He started to bite at the dears flanks to turn it when he was close enough and kept watch to avoid the desperate kicks of their prey. when he felt blood strike his face he knew that she had hit an artery. Slowing to a stop he watched as the deer gave its last few desperate kicks, one of which hit Naira. "Are you alright?"