Ruins of Wildwood
The Wildwood Who is there? - Printable Version

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Who is there? - Yela - Feb 24, 2012

-um i think we should just do a fastfoward. the thread may not be long enough

Yela nodded and followed Hartt. As they walked Yela listened to Hartt. She nodded acknowledging Hartt's words.Yela kept glancing around this time listening to everything. Yela hopped they were not going in circles, and was about to ask when Hartt turned to her.

Yela thought that Hartt was going to say something, but then the she-wolf turned. Yela looked after Hartt and watched her go over to a log. She watched as Hartt started to dig. Yela was gong to help, but then turned her back to Hartt to be a look out. After a while Yela turned around as Hartt finished. Yela walked up to Hartt and licked her cheek before crawling into the dug out hollow. Turning herself around she yawned.

"Its warm in here Hartt. Thanks again," Yela said. She turned her head up at Hartt and grinned waiting for Hartt to say something or at least acknowledge Yela's words.

Who is there? - Hartt - Feb 24, 2012

Hartt smiled when Yela licked her cheek. She playfully tugged Yela's ear as she walked into the den. She was happy to have a friend. "You're welcome Yela." She smiled and wagged her tail.

Hartt laid down, space still seperating the two she-wolves, and curled up as she rested her head on her paws. It was really warm in the den and would be easy to fall asleep in. Hartt yawned as she looked back at Yela one last time before her eyes slowly closed and she drifted off to sleep.

OOC: I'll let you start the morning off. Sorry it's short.

Who is there? - Yela - Feb 24, 2012

OOC: Okay doka, Na its allright i have my moments too. Sorry its so long. lol
Current Temperature: 56° F/13° C, morning, clrear skies

Yela looked back at the Hartt before resting here head. Then she closed her eyes, waiting for sleep to take her.

Yela was running through the trees. She glanced behind her looking for the monster. Where was it. Yela rolled over in her sleep covering the space left between them.Yela ran on hoping she had lost it. Then, a cliff apeared ahead of her as the mist drew in. Turning around she glanced tring to see through the mist. Green eyes appeared and the monster slamed into her. Yela feel screaming, an evil laugh following her to her death.

Yela woke with a start. Panting she looked over at the still sleeping she-wolf beside her, well maybe. "She looks asleep," Yela thought. She shook her head in an etemt to get ride of the dream that still clogged her mind. Yela crawled out of the hollow they had dug the night before, and into the morning sun. Breathing in the fresh scents of morning she looked for any sign of prey. A splater of water hit the female's nose. Looking up she saw the tree above her with snow still hoplesily clinging to the bark. Rising on her hind legs she grabbed the branch and slide her mouth over it, gathering the water and snow.

Yela turned around waiting for Hartt to appear from the den. Standing in the rays of light, that came through the trees, she warmed her pelt.

Who is there? - Hartt - Feb 25, 2012

Hartt woke and looked over to see Yela was gone, nothing she didn't expect. Others usually did leave her behind, she didn't even know her family. This was nothing new to her. She yawned as she stretched. Hartt crawled out of the den and saw Yela, warming her pelt in the sun. Hartt smiled. "So she had stayed after all." Now this was new to Hartt. Yela had actually been waiting for her. She wagged her tail happily and licked Yela's cheek. "Good morning Yela."

Her stomach rumbled, hunger beginning to effect her. "Would you like to go hunting for something to eat?" She smelled deer nearby. With the two of them they could easily take down a deer for their meal.

Who is there? - Yela - Feb 25, 2012

OOC: Sorry its so short.

Yela had heard Hartt come out of the den. She turned to Hartt and nodded at Hartt she was hungry. She didn't know exactly what was around. She didn't even know this land that well."So whats around here anyways?" Yela asked. She turned to Hartt with a grin and yipped like a pup.

Yela felt like her usual self again. Even with the nightmare still lingering on the edges of her thoughts she was excited. Circling Hartt she asked,"So where is the best place to hunt?" Stopping in front of Hartt she tugged on her ear and shoved Hartt playfully.

Who is there? - Hartt - Feb 25, 2012

Hartt sat down as she spoke. "Well, there are rabbits, fish, beaver, deer, and so on. My favorite is deer though." A big smile grew on her face. "I'm sure the two of us can bring one down." She wagged her tail and led Yela through the trees, looking for a scent.

Finally she picked up the scent of a doe. Hartt motioned Yela forward to make sure she caught the scent too. She took off in the direction the scent was coming from and slowed down as she got closer. Hartt crouched low to the ground, trying to keep the doe from spotting her as she crept closer. She made sure she stayed downwind and looked over at Yela, letting her attack first since she was older.

Who is there? - Yela - Feb 25, 2012

Yela looked at her with a smile. Food sounded so good, she couldn't remember the taste of deer it had been so long. The last time she remembered having deer was with Romain and Susku.The thought of Susku brought back the dream and her plumit to her death. She nodded and started after Hartt.

Yela had caught the scent faster than even she had thought. Yela decided that it must have been the conditions in which today was. She sprinted close to Hartt as they neared there target. Yela crouched next to Hartt seeing what she would do. When Hartt glanced at her she nodded. Slowly she circled the doe in the bushes, making no sound. Not even the bushes moved as she slinked around. Yela was going to attack and push the deer towards Hartt. She hoped Hartt would understand what she was doing.

Yela was close to the deer now and then she took her chance. Leaping form her hideout she sprung at the deer. Snapping her jaws she went for the doe's throat. The deer reared kicking out with her sharp, deadly hooves. Glancing at Hartt she hoped the female would attack soon. As she cleared the hooves she leaped for the throat again, this time backing the deer up in Hartt's direction.

Who is there? - Hartt - Feb 25, 2012

Hartt watched as Yela made her way around the doe. When she leapt forward and started backing the deer up towards Hartt she took the chance to attack. Hartt jumped forward and went for the doe's hind leg. She bit down and pulled, bringing its leg out from under it. Hartt smiled as it fell to the ground and bit one of its front legs before it could lash out and try to kick Yela again. She bit down harder, tightened her grip and waited for Yela to go for the throat.

OOC: Sorry it's so short, I've got to get to class.

Who is there? - Yela - Feb 26, 2012

Yela watched as Hartt cleanly attacked. There was no mess ups at all, and she felt as surge of pride. When the deer fell, Yela was ready. Jumping forward she planted her canines into the doe's throat. The mass under her struggled, but soon went still. Collecting her self she crouched down and took a bite out of the doe. Sweat blood rushed into the she-wolf's mouth. Knowing her right as the older female she had already dug in.

Yela grunted letting Hartt know it was okay to eat. Yela had no thoughts of making herself seem like an alpha. But like her royal blood line the thought of being an alpha alwaysed teased the edges of her mind. Yela shook the feeling of and concentrated on the present. Feeling like a good howl with Hartt she lifted her red muzzle to the evening sky and howled. Yela howled for friends and their victory of the hunt. She glanced at Hartt seeing if she would join in.

Who is there? - Hartt - Feb 26, 2012

Hartt waited as Yela dug into the deer. She was older so she had the right to eat first. Yela grunted, telling Hartt she could eat too. She walked around the doe and started to rip into its belly. Blood dripped from her lips as she devoured the deer. She hadn't realized how hungry she was.

Once Hartt was full she stepped back and sat down. She watched as Yela began to howl and lifted her blood-covered muzzle and howled with her. Hartt howled for her newfound friendship, the successful hunt, and she merrily wanted to sing. She looked at Yela after the howl, wondering what she would do with the rest of the doe.