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Skyfall Glen Danger noodle - Printable Version

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RE: Danger noodle - Jenessa - Sep 22, 2018


Jenessa stared up at the yearling, unrelenting. He thought he could tell her what to do? Oh boy, he had another thing coming. A wicked smile tugged at her lips as she turned, her tail flicking to the side in an obvious dismissal of his remark.

"Or what? Tell them I don't care." And that wasn't a bluff. "They don't even like you."

Now that...she had no idea whether that was true or not but it felt good to say. Even for just that brief moment of smug satisfaction, he'd bared his teeth at her and this was her way of firing back. Nothing more and nothing less.


RE: Danger noodle - Daesamar - Oct 06, 2018

It was pointless, he realized that by her reaction. He wondered just how lenient Lenae had been with her daughter. She really didn’t care if he told her, it infuriated him even more. When he had been her age he would have gotten a harsh chewing out and a strict punishment just for saying half of what she had. The last thing she said though, that caused him to flinch as if she had physically cut him.

He didn’t know if it was true but Daesamar wasn’t always the most social wolf, but he did harbor a hidden fear that it was true. He tried to just be himself around others, it always had him wondering deep down. What if one of his packmates didn’t like him? He was angry with Jenessa and fed up with her. He had tried to teach her something but clearly, she was n’t receptive to learning. “Fine.” He said through gritted teeth “Get back whenever you please, even if you get back.” trying to hide the bitterness in his tone failed and he folded his ears back and turned to start the long trek back home to the mountain.

Daesamar’s exit unless stopped.

RE: Danger noodle - Jenessa - Oct 07, 2018


Jenny's smile was wicked, all teeth and devious intent. Good, he wasn't as silly as he appeared then. Maybe she'd gone a little over the top but his harsh response did little to cause her any guilt. Maybe if he seemed upset she would have back tracked a little but at this point he was just fighting her fire with his own. A recipe for disaster really.

"Bii!" She waved her tail in farewell, her voice sickly sweet. She didn't need him to get back, Jenny was fine on her own, she always would be. Now where had that stick gotten to?

