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Driftwood Surge Out of the Light - Printable Version

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RE: Out of the Light - Lachesis - Oct 24, 2018


He nodded, grimly, at his wife’s words. The Kingswood held too many painful memories for the river wolves and, despite his unwavering loyalty to the fallen king of Hearthwood, the pack had never truly belonged to Lachesis. He had only stepped into the role of leader after Maksim had fallen ill and remained on the throne to keep the pack together. But the pack had always been the Baranski’s. Lachesis continued to feel like a placeholder no matter how long he remained at the top. The river wolves needed to start somewhere fresh where they could thrive. There were too many ghosts in the north—one being their son, Laddeus. The Surge held infinite possibilities for them. It definitely has, he confirmed with a soft nod as he returned his attention to Cheedo. And I hope the Tarn does the same for you.
