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Whisper Marsh No where to go - Printable Version

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No where to go - Thanatos - Feb 25, 2012

He smiled when she accepted him and his smile grew even bigger as she rubbed his shoulders, mixing her scent with his. Thanatos wagged his tail as he spoke. "It is an honor to be accepted into your pack Jaysyek." He stepped forward with his tail tucked in, head lowered, and ears flattened as he licked the corner of her mouth, submitting to her.

He looked back in the direction he had come from when she asked if there was anything nearby. "I picked up the scent of a doe back the way I came if you would like that. Otherwise there were a couple rabbits as well." He sat down, waiting for Jaysyek to choose what she wanted for a meal.

No where to go - Jaysyek - Feb 25, 2012


She accepted his offer of submission, hoping he would not change his mind about being honored. None the less it made her proud to hear, and she kindly smiled in return. "We'll see what time does," she merely stated aware how change was often inevitable. Elettra had been loyal even with all that had been thrown at her. In the pit of her stomach she felt uneasy with just how many men where in the forest now. Least Trisden, and Arlette would not have to worry about it, not exactly. It wouldn't keep her from worrying about if either of them might catch a male's eye. They appeared to young to realize such things, and she tried to settle herself believing between herself, Kade, Borden, Elettra, and Raigo it would be okay.

Her energy pent up, she shifted her weight eager to move. There was chance of a doe or rabbit. Hmm, both sounded good, but the deer seemed the best idea. If she had his help she could easily take it, and with a new mouth to feed it'd be good to stock up. "You up for a hunt for her?" She asked, her eagerness glimmering in her eyes. This would be a good opportunity to see him in action, and see how well he worked. She was going to hold a meeting, and needed to assign everyone to appropriate tasks.

No where to go - Thanatos - Feb 25, 2012

Thanatos waited patiently for her to choose what she wanted to go after. He nodded when she chose the doe and took off in the direction the scent was coming from. He was excited to get a chance to prove his worth. Thanatos stopped when he started to get close. He crouched down low so she wouldn't see him. He picked up the scent of another deer, a buck, not too far away from the doe. Thanatos thought about it and figured if they could get both they would have plenty for the rest of the pack as well.

He waited for Jayse and looked over at her, wondering what she wanted to do. He figured they would be able to get both. He could sneak up on the doe from behind, bite one of her hind legs and twist his head sharply so it would break, and then he could start to go after the buck while Jaysyek finished off the doe. He had taken down a doe the same way before with Kama, he didn't see any reason why it wouldn't work this time. Thanatos would just have to make sure he kept up with the buck. He waited to see what Jayse would want.

No where to go - Jaysyek - Feb 26, 2012


Upon his lead, she quietly stretched out her frame and followed behind him. She was mindful in which direction he chose, and she tried to use the cover they had. The deer must be somehwere getting a drink, or feeding where the snow was not so deep. She kept her eyes peeled, her nostrils often twitching to check they would not surprise their prey too soon. When he lowered his from she did in sync, and she seemed to crawl letting her stomach loom just above the rough crust of snow. He stopped she could scent the buck's scent, and her eyes fell to her companion's. She was not to keen to try, and get both. She rather get one, it was better than nothing. She wasn't sure how quick she'd be in the snow like this.

Calming her pulse, or attempting to she stared against the brush that kept them hidden debating. It would be nice to have two as than everyone would be full, and them some. She did not want to risk it. Maybe another day. She gently shook her head. "We'll get the doe, it seems like something is ailing her." She couldn't be sure, maybe the female was just young, and struggling, she wasn't sure. Well today was not her lucky day. Her body tense, she pointedly stared conveying for him to stay, and taking her time she took off around the edge of the marsh. He could ambush, and she would lead them there. If the buck got in the way so be it.

With precise movement, fluid, and very drawn out she circled the two deer, making sure there were no others. It appeared they were alone, and once she spotted them she felt her mouth salivate for a bit. She waited until there large ears were flicked away from, as well as their dark eyes. It was than she pushed herself from her hiding, and speed out into the open -her target the doe. It took both to realize the white blur was alive, but once they did not hesitate to bound. A sharp bark she sprang at the doe egging her on to where the black coated wolf waited. It took a bit of her strength to keep up with the deer's leaps, but she did her best. While they ran she was aware the buck was ahead somewhere.


No where to go - Thanatos - Feb 26, 2012

Thanatos waited where he was as Jaysyek made her way around. She snapped at the doe and barked, leading the doe straight for him. The buck was faster and was running right at him. It didn't seem to have noticed him and the doe was still a little ways off so he took the opportunity to lash out at the male. He sank his teeth into the bucks front leg and twisted his head to the side sharply, breaking its leg.

As it fell to the ground, unable to move, Thanatos turned his attention back to the doe who hadn't even noticed him. She was paying more attention to Jayse and didn't see his large black form leap towards her until he was almost at her throat. He bit down, holding a firm grip on her neck. Thanatos dragged her to the ground and tightened his grip until her body stopped moving. He nodded to Jaysyek, motioned for her to eat before her went back to the buck who was struggling to try to get up.

He walked up to the buck and watched out for his hooves or antlers. Thanatos jumped to the side, avoiding a hoof but was unable to avoid the antlers. The buck managed to rake Thanatos' shoulder and back, the wound deeper at the shoulder. It wasn't serious, more annoying. It would heal with time, probably scar but it didn't faze Thanatos. He leapt forward and bit into the neck, cutting off its airways. It lashed out with its front hooves, kicking Thanatos a couple of times but he only tightened his grip more until the kicking stopped and the body lie motionless. He licked some of the blood from his shoulder, trying to clean his wound and examined the rest of his body, making sure nothing was broken. His right shoulder was sore from being kicked but the pain would ease once he laid down.

He bit into its neck again, getting a good grip, and slowly dragged it over next to the doe. Thanatos let it go once he had it close enough and looked up at Jayse and submitted to her again. "I know you said to get the doe but the opportunity presented itself and I figured we would have plenty to feed the whole pack. I am very sorry for disobeying you Jaysyek. I will take any punishment you give me. He sat down, waiting for her to lash out at him like his father always did.

No where to go - Jaysyek - Feb 26, 2012


Like a black shadow he jumped from the faded yellow brush, and make a reach for the doe's fragile throat. She made her own lunge, angling her jaws at the side haunch of the doe. A hoof grazed her shoulder, but her her teeth penetrated deep, tugging, and throwing the balance off the doe. Mean while Thanatos brought her down with his strength. The lady did not loosen her grip until the doe stopped struggling. Her eyes lifted in time to see one of the buck's tines dig against the male's withers. She licked the blood from her lips, ready to dart to his aid when he finished off the deer. She winced as hooves failed at him, but admired his tough exterior. Letting loose a breath she'd been holding, she took a step in his direction. She couldn't tell how badly wounded he was, but when he began dragging the buck it appeared he could still move. Her white tail wagged in her relief. She wasn't sure how she'd help him back if he couldn't move. She had a feeling he greatly outweighed her.

Her head jerked backward in surprise, her brows creased in bewilderment. Disobeying. Punishment?A light laugh peeled from her throat, and pale mask was only wrinkled with mirth."Thanatos, I only wanted to play it safe," she kindly put, "Besides if I gave you an order you'd know." She gave an impish grin, but soon grew serious feeling the own burn in her shoulder. She casually looked seeing just a thin slit of blood. She licked away the crimson liquid, her attention to the deer before them. The pack would have quite a feast. She only couldn't figure if they should drag them, or simply call them to come eat.

"Shall we try to manage them home, or tell everyone where dinner is?" She inquired for his opinion. The hollow wasn't to far away, maybe she could ask for some assistance instead. She imagined he was sore from the blows he'd taken.


No where to go - Thanatos - Feb 26, 2012

Thanatos smiled as Jayse chuckled. He wouldn't receive any punishment. He noticed Jaysyek licking blood from a wound on her shoulder. Thanatos stepped forward and licked her wound, cleaning it, and nudged her cheek as he smiled. He turned back to his own wound and tried to clean it but the wound extended from his shoulder to his back and his was unable to reach part of it. It was bleeding quite a bit but the flow of blood soon began to slow. He would recover just fine. Thanatos had so many wounds worse than the one on his shoulder that the pain didn't faze him at all.

He looked at the two deer before he spoke to Jaysyek. "It might be best if we take them back to the den, otherwise other predators could try to steal it. I can manage the buck but maybe since we both have an injury we should call for a little help?" He hoped he was helpful. His body was a little stiff from the beating he took from the hooves but it was more of an annoyance and wouldn't slow him down.

No where to go - Jaysyek - Feb 27, 2012


She flinched from the physical contact, but for the most part tried to hold still when he cleaned the fresh drops away. She offered a quick smile in return. It probably looked much more like a nervous lip twitch. Since he was much closer her eyes narrowed over the own lines of red. There was one that seemed close to be more a gash than cut. She in turn cleaned it up swiftly, before drawing away in need of some space. Intimate contact was hard on her, and she was often wary of any contact for too long. "If that bothers you, my second Elettra might have something to help. You'll have to ask her personally," she said, looking at the open wounds. It was winter, and she wasn't sure what Elettra had in her stash. She felt maybe they would get along. She was aware her Second needed more wolves she trusted. Somehow Jaysyek was ready for him to dismiss it, and she said nothing more. She could offer, but she would not insist.

When his eyes cast to the deer hers did too. They weren't the healthiest, or fattest of things. They would surely eat every bit they could. She nodded at his statement, happy to see he was capable of putting his own input in. Her muzzle soon lifted, and a loud call for Grizzly Hollow wolves rang from her lips. She wasn't going to wait for them. Her howl could likely attract loners in need of food, and they best get going. "We best get going, I'm sure someone will come. We'll take it quick as we can back, hmm?" Her tail swayed behind her, and she grabbed the thick neck of the deer, and began the process of taking it back to the hollow.


would you like to post? then we can end it here?

No where to go - Thanatos - Feb 27, 2012

Jaysyek didn't seem too fond of physical contact. She had flinched when Thanatos stepped forward and cleaned her wound. She allowed him to do so though and she cleaned his wound in return. He gave her a smile before she put more space between them. "It's more annoying than anything else but I will speak to Elettra." The wound barely fazed him even though it was close to being a deep gash rather than a wound. Pain didn't bother him much anymore.

He waited as she nodded after he gave his input on what to do with the deer. She lifted her head and howled for the pack. He nodded as he spoke. "Alright Jaysyek." He grabbed the bucks neck and dragged it to his new home, following Jaysyek.