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Secluded Spring Eyes on Fire - Printable Version

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Eyes on Fire - Aeylen - May 01, 2012

You mustn't apologize to me about lateness, love - it's my middle name :) I hope your wrist is feeling better by now?<3 Ready to wrap this one up and move along?

The half smile upon her companion's face at the leadess' words was reassuring, though it did little to make the situation any lighter.

"He will kill... he will destroy this place, everything you and Ruiko have worked for. He wants me, but he won't stop at anything. And... I'm sorry."

Such a statement was fittingly grave, and it was then that Aeylen truly solidified the notion that Copper Rock Creek may burn in the fire that was going to, at some point, be set to their lives. But Volkan was every bit a part of her, and Ruiko's family, and she would see the static colored wolf throught to the very end.

"It is not your fault, Volkan," she returned calmly, allowing a moment for the pardon to set it. "It will take more than that snake and an army of the most skilled warriors to raze Copper Rock Creek to the ground." Even if she and Ruiko had to rip their throats out one by one.

On the same note, it was crucial now that each member of the pack be on the highest guard. Although the Tainn had faith that they would survive this, it would certainly be foolish to dismiss any hint of a threat. Volkan continued, mentioning Ruiko and offering another unnecessary apology. Aeylen canted her muzzle, a grin of her own breaking her hardened exterior. The first time she'd met the young woman, Volkan had nearly put her in her place - she was bold, seemingly afraid of nothing - and to stand before her soaking up her 'sorries' seemed almost comical now.

Her head would tilt at the thought, and she wanted to break through the part of the Aquila that was ridden with worry. It was late, and they both needed rest. Soon, the news would be broken to the Creek pack's King, and though she knew Volkan feared Ruiko's reaction, she was sure he would extend his support and protection as well.

"There is hope, still, my friend," the female attempted to choose her words carefully. "It may feel as though your...worst nightmare has come true, are not alone anymore, nor will you ever be." She was unsure if anything she'd said would serve to sooth her pack mate - probably not - but she'd offered words of encouragement nonetheless.

With an easy, determined sigh, the Leader would turn her head and stretch the stiffness from her neck before looking to Volkan's electric eyes with a deep sincerity. "Our future may be unclear, but tonight we are safe. Let's go home." Affectionately nudging the dark female's cheek, the leadess leaned in the direction of the den site, waiting for any response her companion might have.

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