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Wild Cherry Orchard Every Breath You Take - Printable Version

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RE: Every Breath You Take - Huddy - Feb 04, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

Hudson wasn’t surprised when the man said he didn’t have humans where he was from. Honestly, he didn’t really either, it was just a chance encounter that had left him who knew how many miles from home. He hoped he wouldn’t ever have to see the ugly bastards again in his lifetime.

His company said he’d talk to his brother, Hrun, about Hudson’s offer, introducing his name as well. Maugrim. Two interesting names if he’d ever heard them, but maybe they were normal where he was from. He supposed his name was the generic one anyways. “The sane ones gotta stick together,” he replied to the man’s comment about there being unhinged wolves running about. “There’s 6 of us so far. I came ‘cross a woman who was travelin’ with another man and my companion came across a young woman. We all ended up joinin’ together for a hunt ‘nd it turned out the man ‘n the woman were siblings who’d been lookin’ for each other. The guy ended up findin’ a kid with healin’ skills wanderin’ ‘round, so he joined in too. Its eventful couple of days you could say,” boy, saying it out loud made him realize that it really had been a lot.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 


RE: Every Breath You Take - Maugrim - Feb 05, 2021

Snorting at the 'sane wolves,' comment, Maugrim listened attentively to the description of the wolves that Hudson had in tow. Six was an impressive number: wolves that could hold territory and maintain a border. Because, contrary to what the old woman claimed, two wolves was not enough to stake claim on more than a forsaken leaf. And, Hudson had some sort of medicine wolf with him, which was very useful. A noise of approval slid from his mouth, "Whooooo."

"So you guys are going to be over in the fields? Do you plan to settle somewhere else?" The fields had seemed perfectly fine for being what they were: open land; but it worried Maugrim to be so exposed. It was the exact opposite of having every single branch and pricker of the Thicket running through his fur. "I ain't explored much around here so far but it seems deserted. I'm sure there's a choice pick of land somewhere thats not a field."

RE: Every Breath You Take - Huddy - Feb 12, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

The sound of approval the man gave received a snort of amusement from Hudson, though internally he felt a sense of pride. Yeah, he reckoned he hadn’t done too bad in carving out a little safety net for himself. Now, with the 6 of them, he was almost guaranteed a full belly and a warm nest to rest in. Not that he got close with the others besides his original travel companion. Hudson had never been the cuddly type, but if the weather got even colder than it had been that was subject to change.

Maugrim asked where they planned to settle and the salt-and-pepper man raised a brow. “Nah, no plans of settling down other n’ when th’ herds do. It’s more of a...what’s th’ fancy word…symbiotic or whatever kind of relationship. We’re just makin’ sure th’ other doesn’t freeze or die of starvation until th’ winter’s over. They aren’t a bad lot or anything, just not in the plans,” he explained with a shrug. Hudson didn’t even really know what a pack was like, being that he wasn’t raised in one. He wasn’t sure how all that came about, other than pissing on some trees and calling it a day. But, the little gig they had going on didn’t seem too bad so far, so if a pack was like that...maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 


RE: Every Breath You Take - Maugrim - Feb 14, 2021

"That's cool... that's cool." He wasn't too interested in settling down anyway, at this point. He had not seen enough of this place to know when he had found a good spot. He hadn't even been to the mountain to see the lay of things. Maugrim did not know what symbiotic meant, exactly, but it was cool that this older guy knew some big words. He was probably a big, knowledgeable guy that Maugrim could hide behind while he figured things out. Surely, Hrun would be interested in that.

And there would be babes it sounded like. At least one or two. "Let me talk to my brother and I'll get back to you," he said with a grin.