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Lost Lake Its been too long my dear - Printable Version

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RE: Its been too long my dear - Moonshadow - Feb 03, 2021


I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

There was no mistaking his tone, that sigh. Moon stifled a chuckle, not wanting to embarrass the boy, but knew exactly what emotions were causing them. He told her how Neha told them they were all family and that they would make a home. Love and a bit of pride swelled within her at this knowledge, her heart knew Namid would feel the same. The young shadow pawed the frozen ground before asking if Namid was as beautiful as Neha is. There is was, the confirmation for the tone and sigh, not that any was needed. Moon hummed a moment before answering "Neha looks very much like her mother, though Aleister is the one whom inherited her mismatched gaze." Smiling at her boy Moon saw the beginnings of a crush. Though she would not bring this discovery to light because she wouldn't want to make him uncomfortable. But she would try her best to guide him. "Why do ya ask love?" she asked hoping to shed light if that was what he was looking for.

Word Count: 000


RE: Its been too long my dear - Nash - Feb 03, 2021

It was funny, Nash thought, that the mismatched eyes seemed to run in both families of the Cove. Nash and Chan looked almost like twins, though he knew his mother loved Tagg completely, and Chan was very nearly the spitting image of their father.

Nash scuffed a paw on the ground. "No reason, really," he mumbled. "Just wondering."{b} he looked back up at his mother. {b}"How are you feeling? Have you been getting enough rest?" he was constantly worried about her. She'd been so skinny when they brought you home, and he and Chan had needed to support her coming up the mountain. The brothers had taken it upon themselves to bring her food and ensure the den was warm and cozy for her, but the dark man worried it wouldn't be enough.

RE: Its been too long my dear - Moonshadow - Feb 04, 2021


I think I need help, cuz I'm drowning in myself

His paw scratched the frozen ground once more as he stated there was no reason for his inquiry other than him just being curious. Moonshadow's silver tipped tail brushed the ground behind her as she pondered his response. Perhaps her youngest didnt know he had the beginnings of a crush, that would be a topic for another time. For now her youngest son asked how she was doing  and if she was getting enough rest. She had been frail as a loner and deteriorating quickly for someone her age but since reunion with the children she was in much higher spirits, which significantly improved how she felt on its own. Silver met green with a mischievous gleam as an equally mischievous grin adorned her maw. Though Nash would only have mere moments to register this before Moon nipped playfully at his ear. Finding her mark she gave a gentle tug before releasing the appendage and bounding away. Her coral tongue hung from her inky maw as she moved into a playful bow with her banner wagging happily behind her. "Plenty love" is all the mother responded with. Just because she was getting older didnt mean she was helpless and she intended to remind everyone of that.

Word Count: 000


RE: Its been too long my dear - Nash - Feb 07, 2021

Nash was busy worrying about his mother and was taken by surprise when he suddenly found her looking at him with a gleam in her eye and a grin on her face. Before he could ask what she was doing, her teeth were tugging on his ear in a friendly nip and she was bounding away.

"Hey!" he said, jumping to his feet and playfully glaring at her, tail whipping out behind him. He bowed back and considered her. She was still larger than him, and clearly feeling much better. He wouldn't hurt her if they played, right? It had been so long since Nash had just had fun. He could ruminate on past times later.

For now, Nash bounded after his mom.