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Wild Cherry Orchard Running with the Wolves - Printable Version

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RE: Running with the Wolves - Huddy - Mar 09, 2021


Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

Riven, Rhaegara and Saga were quick to arrive on the scene after his little...misplacement of his paw to Hrun’s face. Each seemed to be wary except for Rhaegara, who seemed to have come across the other brother before that moment. This got a raise of a brow from the salt-and-pepper man, but he didn’t comment on it. His attention turned back to Hrun as he spoke, clearly not as good with words as his brother but Hudson would be the last wolf to hold it against him. He allowed a grin to settle onto his features as he finished, amused at the other man trying to cover his tracks. “Nice t’ meet ya, Hrun. Th’name’s Hudson, but ‘m sure yer brother already told ya that,” he began. “I think I’m a pretty friendly guy...most of th’ time. Unless ya disrupt m’ beauty sleep. Saga over there’s been on th’ receiving end of that b’fore, she can probably attest to it.” A nod was given in the direction of his original silver companion before he turned his attention back to the man and his brother to see if they'd reply on whether or not they were just looking around or sticking around.

Ashbash 2016 - Ian Schneider 
