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Lost Lake Way down we go - Printable Version

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RE: Way down we go - Gwendolyn - Apr 20, 2021

A cold feeling travelled down her spine as Flair said he died when she was a pup, the other barely able to look her in the face as she spoke. And to be perfectly honest, Gwendolyn didn't blame her. How could she? The red girl was breaking news of someone's death to their kin, even if neither of them had really met said kin.

And it was true that she was expecting the man to be dead, to find him buried wherever he'd returned to. But to hear the news, to actually hear and have it confirmed was something else entirely. So why was there a small part of her that was still searing in pain?

"It's...okay. S'not your fault he died and besides, I did say that I wasn't exactly expecting to find him alive." Trying to comfort Flair a little with her words, Gwendolyn sighed slightly as her thoughts finally slowed down a bit. "And I did really never know him, just heard stories from my mother. Suppose I just wanted to meet the guy she seemed to love, once upon a time."

That's probably the closest reason she'd ever come to having a want to meet him - her mother spoke so lovingly of him, when she did, that Gwendolyn wanted to know what all the fuss was about. He'd left so why had her mother cared all those years still? Silver eyes turned back to Flair, as she offered to show her where her father was buried.

"I'd like to know, if you remember where he is." Gwendolyn spoke softly, eyes blinking slightly as a heat burned slightly in them. It'd be a nice piece of closure, to know where he was buried and see where he wanted to return to. "it'd be...I'd like to see where he finally found his peace, if that's okay with you?"  Cause it sounded like wherever he was buried was once her friend's home and while Gwendolyn would like to visit him, something felt wrong in traipsing around Flair's old home without permission. Even if it sounded like she lived there no longer.

Re: - Spirit of Wildwood - Apr 20, 2021

Vultures are circling something out of sight. Hunt Oppurtunity! +5 Health

RE: Way down we go - Flair - May 18, 2021


Despite Gwen’s many reassurances, Flair felt quite guilty, watching her new friend processing the news. It was like she had taken something away from the other girl, her father having spend his last days in Secret Woodlands, with Flair and her siblings rather than his own daughter. Of course, she knew, it hadn’t been anything like that, she hardly even remembered the old man, but it was still an uncomfortable truth that he had left his own family behind, in exchange for the Smokes.


And yet, all of a sudden, the grey woman was comforting her, speaking in a way, clearly meant to soothe, like she had been the one to upset Flair, rather than the other way around. Feeling heat flush to her cheeks, the fiery girl snapped her head back up, amber eyes seeking to meet the others’ silvers; Why are you… You’re the one who should be hurt…! And yet, Gwendolyn really seemed to have been prepared for the news, despite having travelled all the way here to make sure. There was a melancholy to her voice, and perhaps a glint of tears in her eyes, but nothing more, as she answered acceptingly.


Flair cleared her throat, trying to gather herself and her thoughts. She’d made her offer without really thinking, simply eager to make some gesture to try and comfort her friend. Now, she racked her brain for the few memories she had of Rayne, or anytime her mother had spoken of him; Is he in the Glen…? It would make sense, seeing as he had been part of the pack when he died, though she also remembered some animosity between him and her father, which made her unsure. But then; There was something with the Orchard… She knew for a fact that her mother had made frequent trips there, to gather herbs, but whenever she’d come along, Aideen had made mention of her oldest friend and they’d always stopped under one particular tree.


Realizing she’d been staring into space for far too long, the russet girl shook her head, once more feeling heat rush to her cheeks. She coughed nervously and ran a paw along her muzzle in fluster, before finally settling enough to speak. “I can show you,” she began, voice eager as she tried to make up for both having brought the bad news, and her little daze. Then, furrowing her brow she continued, more thoughtfully: “But it’ll have to wait ‘til spring proper, or I won’t recognize the tree…” She made a grimace, eyes apologetic as they met the others; “m’sorry.” It was the best she could do though; Hopefully it’s enough.

Word count: 440

”Speech" Thoughts

RE: Way down we go - Gwendolyn - May 31, 2021

Feel free to wrap this up, I tried but Gwen is being rather difficult atm

Gwendolyn shook her head as Flair apologized, knowing it was neither of their faults that either knew where he was buried proper. At least Flair had an idea of where he was and merely needed a refresher. Plus she knew she herself had been acting weird, jumping here and there so that could be throwing the other girl off. Gwen knew it made others feel weird but quite frankly, most of the time she found she didn’t quite care.

“Ain’t your fault. Besides, I can’t blame your brain if it needs some spring cleaning, you old lady.” The words were said as light-heartedly as possible, in an attempt to clear the heavy air between the two. “I...thank you anyway, for offering to show me when spring comes. And for telling me, I probably could have gone on forever without knowing, if I hadn’t run into you.” Gwen was forever grateful to flair for telling her about Rayne, instead of not saying anything at all.

“Any particular spot you want to meet, once the thaws are mostly gone?”
The large woman wasn’t very familiar with the land yet but if Flair gave at least a rough idea of where and when to meet up, then they could work from there.

RE: Way down we go - Flair - Jun 06, 2021


She wasn’t sure why it mattered so much to her, especially after Gwen’s many, many reassurances to the contrary. Perhaps it was her own complicated relationship with her father, making her empathize – after all, Flair’s own return to the Lore had been primarily to visit his grave. In fact, although they had only just met, there were a lot of clear parallels between the two shewolves, looking for their own place in this world, despite their scars.


The Fiery girl chuckled hoarsely at the jab, a ghost of a smile reappearing on her face as she recognized it as an attempt to lighten the mood. “You’re one t’ talk,” she muttered, gently bumping the larger girl’s shoulder. She was thankful though, for the joking as well as the ensuing thanks, further easing her feelings of guilt. It was true as she said, if they hadn’t happened upon each other, Gwendolyn could have gone on for months – maybe forever, without finding the answers she sought. If one believed in fate – which Flair decidedly did not - it could have been chalked up to that; Or just dumb luck…!


Regardless, it was a positive thing, but her stomach still felt heavy; Death sucks! Flair breathed heavily, shaking off the gloomy thoughts to offer her new friend a more genuine smile. The question however, pushed her back off kilter. She’d wanted to suggest that Gwen stay with the Cove wolves for the rest of winter, but the one mention of ‘meeting up’ was enough to pull the wind from her sails, killing what nerve she had managed to muster.


“Oh, uhm…” She let out a few, breathy laugh, giving herself time to think. Then she turned, pointing her muzzle north-west; “th-the cherry orchard, it’s down on the west side. If y’ head back down and then follow the creek north, you should get there, no problem.” She continued gesture as she spoke, avoiding the silvery eyes all the while. Only once she’d finished, did she finally force herself to meet the other’s gaze, offering a half-smile; “Guess I’ll see you there!” She managed to keep her tone light, parting from her new friend with a genuine smile on her lips. Though on her way home, she would mentally kick herself for being too insecure to make that simple offer.

Word count: 386

”Speech" Thoughts