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Red Fern Forest why you gotta be so talkative? - Printable Version

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RE: why you gotta be so talkative? - Riven - May 19, 2021

I'm so sorry for the wait!

The whole process was pretty quick, and Riven soon found himself pressing the remaining poultice on the pad of his own paw. Which was much less weird than licking someone else's, he assumed. He settled down afterward, stretching his forepaws out so that they didn't touch the snow before they dried fully. It stung, but it wasn't too bad, and he knew it would help in the long run.

A light laugh escaped him when the other boy declared himself not a digger. "I'm definitely not a digger. I'm only good with plants," he explained, resting his chin on his forelimbs as he looked over at his packmate.

His ears perked at the thanks - it was uncommon to genuinely thank your healer, back where he was from. It was just a job - like what the guards did, or the hunters. Not really customary to show gratitude, but it made him feel nice, all the same. "You don't need to thank me," he informed him with a smile, ears twitching at the mention of the girls. "Saga and Rhaegara? They were picking at you," he reasoned thoughtfully. It would be horrible if they had accidentally made one of their newer members feel unwelcome. "Maybe you could talk to them about it. I was pretty sure they were just playing, but it's not funny if it upset you."