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Wild Cherry Orchard The wide open sky - Printable Version

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RE: The wide open sky - Bellavinne - May 06, 2021

One more round?

Vinnie had grown to discover that it felt nice to be protected - and it was nice to be able to protect. She liked being a partner even more. She'd spent all her life avoiding making decisions for fear of messing up and getting punished, and she'd always tried to stay out of the way and unnoticed. With Neo things didn't work like that. He all but forced her to make decisions, to give input, but he was gentle about it. She felt safe.

She liked it. She liked having a voice.

So when Neo asked to make sure his plan was okay, so smiled and nodded. "I'm not as worried as I used to be," she told him. "I'm ready to leave when you are, but I don't want to waste was caches we have."

RE: The wide open sky - Neo - May 13, 2021


Neo smiled reassured by her own words.  Vinnie was growing strong, much stronger than when they first meet. She'd become a formidable young wolf if she kept growing, he was sure of it and he'd help her become that formidable young wolf as much as he could. "We'll make sure that you won't have to be worried at all, maybe not today but eventually" he offered or promised even Neo wasn't quite sure himself. He allowed the smile to grow on his lips as Vinnie seemed willing to leave whenever but shook his head "Let's spend a few days getting ready, filling up and resting our bodies for the trip. We will get further and be stronger if we are well rested before we go" he told her.

Even though Neo wanted to go he wouldn't rush them out of what had become a safe spot. Vinnie might seem like she was growing but right now they were in safe familiar surroundings and he didn't wanna push her too far in one go. She'd already been forced to make decisions today, that was not to say he'd keep them lingering. He wouldn't push her beyond her comfort zone but neither would he allow her time to doubt her own decisions.

The blond Hevok yawned and slid down onto his belly rolling onto his side. "I'm gonna a nap then head out to hunt" he told her wondering for a moment if he should ask her to join him.. in the hunt.

Neo Hervok


RE: The wide open sky - Bellavinne - May 22, 2021


Doing this "Talking about it"

Vinnie appreciated Neo's support more than she could fully express. His kindness and the gentle way he proposed things while pushing her to make her own decisions helped her to feel safe to voice her opinions. She wasn't used to having her own opinions.

Vinnie smiled at Neo and then yawned. "I'm going to finish eating, and then I might follow your lead on the nap. It's nice today." She might get up and see about joining his hunt, or maybe not. That depended on how nice her nap was, really.


RE: The wide open sky - Neo - Jun 03, 2021

A muffled laugh escaped his lips as Vinnie replied to the thing he hadn't intended to offer. But he guesses it wasn't that bad, having a nap in the middle of the day under the shade of the cherry trees. He could always ask her to join him on a hunter later. Neo yawned again and closed his eyes humming in his own sorta-kinda answer to Vinnie. It was really a nice day.

Exit via sleep

Neo Hervok