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Swift River gather round - Printable Version

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gather round - Marsh - Mar 25, 2012

It had been exceedingly inconvenient timing on his behalf; Marsh had been beyond the border, restless and occupying himself with extra scouting tasks. When Corinna's summons rang out, his purpose shifted automatically, and he turned to lope obediently back towards his home. He did not take too long, but was still displeased with his delay, a disgruntled rumble in his chest aimed solely at himself. When he appeared on the scene, he was indeed one of the last to appear, but hopefully his leader would forgive him. Without hesitation he approached Corinna, a wag of the tail to accompany the customary chin-lick, a soft, brief whine on his lips as apology. It had not been intentional lateness. She knew that he would never let her down.

Sitting further back, slightly set apart from the others and closest to Corinna, Marsh momentarily glanced over those present. Most he knew, in one way or another, either through familiarity or through scent; he had never been a social creature, but their musks had always been all he needed of a wolf. Yes, he knew them all well enough. His gaze lingered on Triell, and he nodded very briefly. They may have been at slight odds of late, but the young Tainn was still his favourite. Perhaps it was time to get back to showing that.

gather round - Corinna - Mar 28, 2012

Thanks everyone! Next round will end April 2nd. There is no post order, so post when you can.


Gone Tomorrow

Perhaps her timing had not been as good as she had hoped, but it had been high time for them to meet with one another officially. So many strange scents wasn't good for pack unity, and that in turn impacted the pack's moral. Nevermind that Indru had not been himself late, and it was with some dismay that Corinna noted that the first form to emerge at her summons was not the tawny male with the fiery eyes that sucked her in. Instead, it was the cool gray body of Ice, with his smooth silver eyes. Though not the wolf she was expecting, his presence there was hardly a let down, and as he approached her, Corinna couldn't help but wag her tail. A friendly lick to the cheek was given, an acknowledgement of his submission and his presence there. "Thank you for coming," she whispered right back, the excitement in her voice growing. This was what being a pack was all about, gathering together, taking joy out of one another's company. She had missed it, greatly.

Finn and Naira were next in line after Ice, coming to take their seats in the circle that was beginning to form. Her youngest son, caused the lightest of laughs from the female. Fenru was all excitement, physically showing what it was she was feeling inside. As he bumped his nose against her's, she licked his forehead in a tender gesture. Nudging his shoulder as he laid down directly in front of her, eager whines holding her attention, Cori grinned at him. "It's time to meet the rest of the family, my love." She meant it figuratively, of course, but they were a family, blood related or no.

The rest slowly came out of the surrounding woods, offering their respects to her in some form or another. More than once, her muzzle was bumped against the strange fur of another, and she felt herself growing more determined that her mission was to fix that unfamiliarity. Affection was given where it was due, and Corinna found herself smiling once again as she was greeted by her other two cubs, now almost fully grown. Kisla, dainty and lovely, was greeted with an affection nudge to the base of her ears. Rihael, covered in mud, caused his mother to duck her gray head as mud flew at her. Catching her in the chest anyway, she shook herself, trying to dislodge the debris. Not all that successful, she rolled her eyes, snapping playfully at her son's hindquarters as he sauntered off to join his siblings.

Finally, a familiar body appeared, coming into the circle. Her loyal second, Marsh, greeted her, his apology for tardiness acknowledged with a nudge to his tan cheek. Tail wagged, and the leader looked around at her group of followers. They were a strong bunch, having suffered through a relatively mild winter with apparent ease. Her young ones were in spectacular health, alive with the youthful energy that only wolves of their inexperience possessed. It was her greatest wish that she would be able to bring more of that energy into the world in the summer, but that remained to be determined.

Indru, of course, being the one to determine that particular goal. Of all the wolves who had appeared, he was the one who had not shown his face. He had grown distant from her, odd, considering the season and what it would mean for them. Face not hiding the worry, she threw her head back once more. Her voice was sharper, more demanding, calling specifically for her counterpart. He had not told her he was leaving, and words would be had if he did not show.

Quieting, Corinna turned her head to the attention of the wolves around them. Not wanting to waste time, she spoke up, voice demanding attention. "Thank you everyone. I've called this meeting as a chance for everyone to introduce themselves. Given the recent attention Swift River's borders have had, it should be no surprise that there are familiar faces here. That said, in addition to introductions, this is a time to speak up for a duty, if wanted. Guards along the border are needed, to help weed out the worthy and the not so worthy. Likewise, a teacher for the cubs," she paused, casting a look at Naira. "There are many skills useful to life, and I'd like them to have as many as possible. If you have any other skills to offer to the pack, this is your chance to say so." Falling silent, she cast her eyes around the circle once, waiting to see who would speak up first.


gather round - Ice - Mar 29, 2012

you do not know who is your friend

or who is your enemy

until the   ICE breaks.
For a moment, everything was simple - it was clear, easy, like a fresh spring wind in the decay of autumn. Contentment and warmth nestled in his belly, eyes closed at the sound of her voice, basking in the essence of pack even as others flowed in. His birth pack had been a harsh affair that had sorely skewered his whole perception of life and family, but here, barred in by rivers and led by the greatest pair alive, he'd found what he had lost, regaining his footing and.. what? Emerging as a new wolf? Such a thing was childish fantasy, he was still the rambling, stick-chewing Ice that had come down the mountain. Polite, well-mannered, devoted.. a stargazer and a dreamer. But, now he dreamed with eyes open. He didn't recognize the first female to join, but then came Naira and more familiar faces, and Ice felt his heart swell, as if trying to suck them all in to a single mind, a single heart, a shared eudemonia that would encompass all of their souls; embrace all of them, hold them, permeate them.. the heart of the pack.

Naturally, all he felt was his own heart beat, his own breath, his own pulse.. but they were here, all of them, from Naira and her herbs through rangy Rhysis - why is he here? - to youthful Rihael spraying mother and sister with mud. He leaned forward to nudge Triell in passing, but said nothing, not wishing to interrupt the many greetings Corinna was given. But where was Indru..? His missing presence was like a knife in the eye, a stab in the heart, a septic wound that not even all the newcomers here would understand.. they wouldn't see it bleeding in those who had been here a bit longer. Ice's heart hardened to keep from breaking, and he inclined his head ever so slightly to the quiet second, even though his back was wound tight as a spring, resisting the movement. He wouldn't let it loose here, though. Not now, not in the middle of the pack. Ice hadn't even spent two minutes alone in the wolf's presence... but spring had woken a need, an aggression in him, in that aggression demanded that he climbed to the post just below Indru and Corinna. He hoped it would pass with spring, and without bloodshed.

Corinna's voice snapped him out of his musing, and when she was done, he brought his head up higher so he'd be easily spotted.. in case someone didn't know him and couldn't use their ears to locate who was talking. "Ice," he simply said, thinking back on the loners he'd met at the borders previously. Precious few of them here... "I'd like to officially be made a guard." He'd been winging it as a guard unofficially for a while now, but.. perhaps being named guard would soothe the restlessness breeding in his soul.
.ice aesir

gather round - Naira - Mar 30, 2012

It actually hurts to back-write this stuff D:

She observed each of the wolves as they arrived with some interest, happy to know she was acquainted with more of the gathered faces than those that were unfamiliar, the younger members being less familiar to the second than any of the others. She had managed to catch a clod of mud on her snout and a small understanding grin passed her face as she used her paw to swipe it loose, a small shake of her head finishing the job.

Corinna's second howl and Ice's tension at her side was a small sign that perhaps not everything was as perfect as it seemed on the surface. The male alpha's absence not unnoticed by many of those gathered, but she paid it little heed. She was yet to meet Indru and thought Corinna was doing a marvellous job anyway. They were a strong pack, they would do just fine with or without his presence. Although the timing was odd. Her father had refused to let her mother from his sights during breeding season... a thought she pushed away annoyed at herself. It was none of her concern.

Her attention focused sharply on Corinna as she began and stated the purpose of their gathering on this night, her chest swelled with pride knowing she was a part of something larger, a small piece in a well oiled machine. She instantly took the hint her leader was throwing her way and after Ice had spoken his part, she flashed him a smile and took her turn. "Naira." she began with a short glance at each of the gathered. "I would be more than willing to teach the young ones all I know. Every little bit helps." she added with a tilt of her head to her leader and a small smile to the gathered young. They seemed to adore Triell and she may need to enlist his help to reign them in. But now was not the time or place to bring up the how's or when's. That would fall to the offerers later.

Having said her peace, she sat back looking pointedly around the gathered, waiting to see who would speak next.

gather round - Triell - Mar 30, 2012

    Why do they think I never change, they're the ones that stay the same.

The male was rather relaxed encircled with those whom he liked, trusted, and protected. There was only one missing from the group that paticularly disturbed him. Indru. His eldest brother, leader, and father figure should be here, and he did not miss Cori's call asking for his presence. Where was Indy these days? Triell had not seen a lot of the peppered wolf, and worried what had him keeping his distance. Far as Triell knew everyone had made up, and things were the way they should be. There was no time for further contemplation. A wolf he did not quite expect to see was striding forward as if this was his home. Then it hit Triell he was here. Why? The question burned across his brain. The male had not acted interested before, and why now? Triell kept his face blank, his eyes merely watching as he respectfully greeted Corinna. There was something so weird that unsettled Triell about it, but he buried it deep within him not knowing in whence they feeling had come.Maybe, Rhysis had changed his mind. He noted Ice's nudge, but ignored it for the time. Answers would have to be later. When Rhysis turned to pick a spot Triell returned the man's smug grin with a half smile, watching him move. Soon enoug hTriell was going to be more disturbed by the place in the circle the male chose, next to Naira. It took all of his control not to meet her eyes and question this. When Kisla scrambled from the den he did not have to.

After greeting her mother the young girl seated herself near him, and began grooming the only white patch upon him. He in returned nuzzled the base of her ears affecionately, waiting for the meeting to begin. Athena was next, chosing a spot next to the other dark male of the group. Likely aquaintences he might presume, but this did not strike any red flags as of yet. Then Mr. Rihael was next to grace them with his presence, a muddy mess trying to impose it on everyone gathered. Triell took up guard against Kisla, a soft growl brushing along his throat while he nosed the boy to sit beside them. The chestnut elder Marsh did show, and Triell's tail beat to see the vetran of the Grove at this meeting. He had not spoken to him, not that they did much of it any way, for a time and he hoped he was well. Seeing him now he appeared in fine shape, and Triell caught his silver gaze. It was then a grin sprouted, and he tipped his muzzle both respectfully and in greeting to the man of red.

He was quick to become a figure of stillness, and quiet when Corinna began trying to set an example for the children. Corinna spoke her piece laying out the importance of things, what she expected, and what she wanted out of this meeting. Ice was the first to speak, and Triell let his attention shift to the silvery wolf he called friend with a respectful lilt to his yellow eyes. He had requested to be a Guardian just like Triell wanted to do. Naira took the lead to follow, offering her medical skills for the pups to learn. Right then Triell decided he wanted in on that too. Boldly he raised his head, his deep tone finding it's way from his muzzle. "Triell Tainn, and I'd much like to be a guardian Corinna," he spoke letting his eyes fall back to her hoping for approval. Then he turned his attention to Naira, "When you teach, I'd like to be there too," he quietly murmured, hoping to encourage the pups as well.


gather round - Angier - Mar 31, 2012

For the past six days Angier had been traversing about the paths that the guards and Corinna had set. On an evening like this one he had spent his time memorizing specific landmarks, hunting and creating caches as he went. It was a skill he was rather good at, or so he thought, and he felt that he owed it to Indru's family that he would help prepare them for the weeks to come. The dark, gray clouds overhead had him worried; rain storms in the east where he had hailed from sometimes did not stop for a few days. Any food he could hideaway in the heart of the pack lands could very well be of value should their usual selection of prey drift away from the river towards higher ground.

He had been a good distance away from the pack den when Corinna had called for a meeting, and he was elbow deep into a hole that was meant to hold the well-padded beaver he held tightly in his muzzle. Through the Grove he trotted between the trees, forging his own path through the mud and verdant grasses until he successfully located where the gathering had assembled. He had arrived in time to just hear Corinna offer the floor to her subjects. Any skill was better than none and he assumed she was hoping the children would pick up certain techniques through coaching or emulation.

The Lyall quietly placed the beaver at his feet, opting to deliver it to Corinna and the pups after the meeting, then sat down as Ice, Naira, and Triell spoke up. While caching and hunting were probably his best assets, he kept quiet. After his encounter with Vlarindara he could not afford to bind himself to Swift River when he ought to be looking after her. As Triell finished, he cleared his throat courteously and offered a respectful nod to the silvery leader. "Apologies for arriving a bit late, but I am Angier and should a hunter be considered useful among your ranks, I will gladly help the young 'uns with their techniques with tracking and such. Surely, they've been on a pack hunt or two by now and could simply use some practice." His eyes sought out the upcoming yearlings in the small group and he gave them each a small smile. "If and when the caches are full, I'd be more than glad to look after them with Naira in my spare time and keep the borders free of unwelcome visitors."

gather round - Fenru - Mar 31, 2012

{Cringe} Double-post, sorry. So. Much. Muse. -_o;

Looking up into his mother's face, the pup merely beamed, his tail still waving about behind him. He gave her a smile, more than ready to acquaint himself with the new faces he had seen about their home. Uncle Triell seated himself nearby and Fen turned to exchange a happy grin with him before his siblings turned up. Kisla had been fine, daintily seating herself at their Uncle's side but as soon as Rihael turned up, he wrinkled his nose as flecks of mud hit him in the face, chest and neck. Though he was not truly bothered by the mud, he still shot his brother an expression that questioned his motive, Really, Hael?

The youngest Tainn snorted then turned to look over at Kisla. A snicker crept up into his throat but he successfully suppressed it as Corinna's voice overtook the clearing. A call for skill sets was announced and he wondered for a moment what each of the wolves before him would offer him and his brother and sister. Mum, Dad, and the Uncles had shown them how to hunt for the most part, but Fenru knew he could do with some coaching. Tempting birds to abandon their perches with sprigs of nesting material and food was not exactly the best way to fill an empty stomach. While everyone had their eyes on his mother, the youth's eyes shifted to the back of the group where the scent of beaver and the sound of someone approaching caught his attention. The large man, made more daunting under the cover of night, made Fen shudder. If his assumptions were correct, this was the being he had seen loitering by his parents' markers a few days ago. The brute's size and proximity alone was enough to startle him.

The sound of the first voice (which belonged to another intimidating fellow) requested that he be made a guard and pulled Fenru's attention away from the tawny male completely. Then, Naira offered to become a teacher; what she would teach, however, caught Fenru brainstorming. In his young mind he was already set to become a full-fledged member of the pack; it was just his hunting skills that needed honing. Triell was next to speak up after her. Triell chose to be elected as another guard, which was something Fen was rather grateful for. Aside from his parents, the dark man had always made him felt safe, even if he was far away on the other end of their lands. The formidable man that Fen had eyed only moments ago was the last to speak, announcing that he would gladly help with teaching hunting skills. On top of that, he volunteered to keep tabs on Fen and his siblings.

His ears lowered anxiously and he sought his mother's face for comfort. Maybe if Triell and Naira could occupy themselves with teaching him whatever skills they had to offer, he could manage with teaching himself how to hunt.

gather round - Rhysis - Mar 31, 2012

Annoying. I was looking forward to this role too. Warping childrens minds. :c

Rhysis wasn’t a paranoid wolf. So when he felt the creeping of many eyes on the back of his neck, he knew he was being watched by quite a few. He hadn’t made a scene, hadn’t even spoken to have of them, but he felt as if they were curious about him for reasons other than he was a complete stranger. He was sure his tall height might play a factor in the stares, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that the other wolves just didn’t feel right about him. He should have applauded them, they were right in their beliefs for he wasn’t normal, he didn’t fit into the pack scene and he never had. Sitting here now, as he almost towered above everyone here, he felt uncomfortable and itchy. It didn’t matter that they looked at him, he was a member of their pack too now and therefore to be treated as one... for the time being at least.

As the lead lady took to the stage, he couldn’t help but take a chance to glance around at the other wolves. Some he recognised but most he didn’t. They seemed to be searching for something, like someone who hadn’t come but he couldn’t tell who. He had assumed that the lady lead the pack alone, he had never seen the presence of another male here and with breeding season upon them, the female certainly wasn’t carrying young. A brief thought of Valiant fixing her little problem crossed his mind and he had to hide the smirk he wanted to flash. Now that would be amusing.

When silence fell, he took the opportunity to speak and offer his services. He figured whilst he was here he might as well keep himself busy and in top condition. ”Rhysis.” he simply stated as he looked back to the lead female, though was sure not to meet her eye. ”I’d like to offer my tactical services, as both a guardian to your borders but to also teach the young how to fend for themselves. Whilst he might not like children, it was the only skill he had ever really learnt. Of course, he doubted that they would appreciate his methods so he’d have to tone them down, but if he worked alongside Naira he was sure should we help control not only the pups, but himself as well. The position also had its benefits, teaching the new generation of a pack to fight meant he’d know their strategy, each of them to the bare bones and of course they would see him as a teacher, a guide... These were the future warriors after all. Having them onside could only be a benefit.

gather round - Marsh - Apr 01, 2012

Corinna graciously accepted his apology, and Marsh settled comfortably, attentive. Meetings such as this were a mixed blessing, for he enjoyed the sight of the pack all together, and yet dreaded the speech which would follow. At the very least, he found it easier to comprehend his master, if only due to being so mentally tied to the lady.

He noted the lack of a certain wolf beside Corinna, but did not fret over it. His leader was more than capable on her own, and Marsh would do his best to take up the slack where possible.

Corinna's words came, and their content intrigued Marsh; introductions, tasks? He had no intention of making a fool of himself in front of so many, so hopefully his leader would understand if he remained silent. As for a role, well, he had been fulfilling that of Guardian whether or not it was official, but, if necessary, would attempt to convey that to Corinna in a more private conversation later. As the others gathered spoke, he noted how often the word 'guardian' popped up, and was pleased with Swift River's dedication to its own protection. Ice and Triell's decision satisfied him, though withheld further judgement on the two who he did not know as well. But he trusted Corinna completely. Though the black male stirred suspicion in his gut, a purely instinctual drive, he did not act upon it. Swift River had been quiet so long.

His gaze remaining held evenly on his leader, the brute kept quiet, for reasons she would doubtless understand.

gather round - Finn - Apr 01, 2012


nniF listened as each wolf took their turn in saying what role they
would like to obtain within the pack. She tilted her head, feeling pressured.
What did she want to do? She was always a good hunter, but was there
an 'official' position for such? She did not want to speak up and become
embarrassed if such a position did not exist within the pack. She swallowed
a lump in her throat, feeling as if she was being watched- judged.

"Lady anniroC" her sweet, western toned voice cooed out
among the wolves "I can serve as an excellent hunter and scout."
Relief. She spoke. She was glad she did not hold her words back, for
the leaders may not be pleased with such lack of actions. Her light
chocolate eyes flowed around the gathering of wolves, taking in the
detail of each and every one of their faces. This was her new home.
