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Dead Empress Backwater crocs cosmetics [s] - Printable Version

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RE: crocs cosmetics [s] - Vayko - May 12, 2021

what i really need now is a double shot of crown

He had his sister and Vana going with them. He caught the concern for all of them but noted how Vi’s eyes remained glued to his second floozy of the season. Still, he chose not to comment on it, where normally he might have teased him for his open affection. There could be time for that later once they had handled the disaster that had so easily swept through their lands. “Shar, Vana, follow me.” He called out as he motioned with his head and broke into a run. It would be a little tight with just the three of them, but he had seen them hunting before, both in the pack hunt and before with Sharlee because he had grown up learning to hunt alongside his sister.

It would be tricky, but he knew one of the fawns in the herd he had been tracking was injured and sickly… taking it down would no doubt be doable for the three of them. “The herd is fairly small compared to the sizes of others in the area. One of the fawns was injured in an accident. She’s a decent size, and she’d do well in the caches.” He explained to them once they had gotten closer to the herd in question. “I was thinking you two chase and I intercept for the take down.” He offered, looking between them to see if they had any other suggestions.


RE: crocs cosmetics [s] - Sharlee - May 15, 2021


There would be a lot to get done so that they didn't have a shortage on food. It was especially important with two litters on the way. Sharlee was of course willing to help in anyway possible. As much as she didn't want to have to stock a cache again it was a necessary evil. So she waited to find out what her assignment would be. In the end it would be up to Viorel as to what she would do to help. 

In the end it was decided that she, her brother, and Vanadis would be going to hunt. Viorel and her aunt Modesto would ve going to find a new location for the cache and digging it out. She thought that did seem like the most logical way to do things. Her ears perked when her brother spoke her nickname. 

She was soon running alongside him as he spoke of the herd he had in mind. "Then we'll go for her. It might not be too difficult to get her away from the rest of the herd either." Since they were a small herd amd the fawn was injured the rest may not want to stick around to protect her. It was sad to Sharlee to kill a fawn but they needed the meat and the fawns chances of survival were too great. 


RE: crocs cosmetics [s] - Vanadis - May 23, 2021


She nodded at Viorel's plea, too spent emotionally to muster up any sort of quip or playful reply. "We will be." And then she was off, chasing after Vayko and Sharlee in hopes that they might be able to replace what was lost, though she knew it would take more than a single hunt to replenish.

Vayko had a plan, a good one at that, having already scouted a potential kill from a nearby herd. "Sounds good to me. If she's injured then she'll be quick to fall behind once we get the others moving, just be ready to defend in case the mother tries to follow." Sometimes they were quick to abandon their fawns if it meant sparing themselves, which Vana hoped would be the case here, but there was really no way to predict what way the mother might go until the fawn was separated from the herd.

Time would tell.

