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Dead Empress Backwater hopeless fountain kingdom - Printable Version

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RE: hopeless fountain kingdom - Vayko - Nov 15, 2021

what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko had taken the time to learn the intricate ins and outs of the territory, just as he trusted the younger Valle was doing. It became a matter of not only what could hide ones body, but what would hide their scent as well. Scent would give you away long before fur color would. He was more than happy to give his nephew attention. He was sharp, even if there was some honing around the edges that Vayko knew he could do.

On their way, a question rang out and he tilted his head to the side. “What has your dad told you about the Estuary?” He asked, curious as to what the young pup already knew. He had expected Viorel to have told their history to him, but it seemed like he had gaps in his knowledge that Vayko would now have to fill. “We didn’t leave by choice… about a year ago, your aunts and uncles and grandma were all kidnapped by strange creatures and put in these traps that a wolf would break their teeth on!” He explained, hints of displeasure in his voice. He still hated that incident. “We had been ambushed so we couldn’t fight back… and they dropped us here. We still don’t know why, but we didn’t know how to get back home, so instead, we settled here. We claimed the Backwater as our new home, our new kingdom.”


RE: hopeless fountain kingdom - Archer - Dec 14, 2021

His question succeeded in garnering him more of Uncle Vayko's interest as he asked a question of his own.

"Not much," he said, thinking back to his first dreadful fishing lesson. "Just that there was lots of water and fish."

The story of how they were taken made Archer's hackles rise. That anything could take them and drop them miles away from home, so far they couldn't find their way back, terrified him - though he wouldn't admit it. Uncle Vayko had just said that Valle boys didn't feel fear, after all. He was going to be a good Valle boy.

"Is anyone going to look again some day?" he asked. He didn't want to leave the Backwater of course; it was his home. But maybe Da would like to visit his old home some day if he got the chance.

RE: hopeless fountain kingdom - Vayko - Dec 14, 2021

what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko frowned with dismay at the mention of not much. Sure, their home was here now, but the Estuary was such an important part of their family history that he felt it should have been fully addressed before this. He would have to remedy this by supplementing their education with stories from their homeland. They needed to understand where the Valle family came from, and the role they played in their legacy.

He saw the boy’s hackles rise and nipped lightly at his ear to try and get him to calm down. The question came and Vayko shrugged. “I would like to… but your father and I decided when we could not find our way home that we would make our new home, and our new legacy, here. It would be different than it was in the Estuary and it would be ours… the Estuary was our home, but the Backwater is our home… a home you very well might one day inherit.”


RE: hopeless fountain kingdom - Archer - Dec 14, 2021

Archer ducked away from his uncle's nip, batting at him with one paw. He was fine, nothing to worry about here. Just excited. Yes, that. Excited.

He listened to Uncle Vayko talk about the Estuary, but rather than telling him much about it, he explained that it was no longer their home. Archer had so many questions; how long had they looked? When did they finally give up? Why did they give up? Archer decided he would never travel far from home, so he wouldn't get lost. He'd never stop trying to find his way back.

At the mention of inheriting, Archer's ears perked. He wasn't sure that he wanted to lead, like his Da, but he liked the idea of directing things. Maybe he could prod Eros that way, if the older boy ever calmed down enough to make rational decisions.

"It's a good home," Archer finally said, and he meant it. He loved the Backwater, and he'd do everything he cold to protect it.

RE: hopeless fountain kingdom - Vayko - Dec 16, 2021

what i really need now is a double shot of crown

Vayko smiled softly at his nephew, enjoying how attentive he was to the details that Vayko had chosen to share with him. He was thoroughly surprised that Viorel had not told him more, and considered bringing it up for conversation. Archer reminded him much of… well, him, when he were younger and he would no doubt keep an attentive eye on his future development. “It is a good home, it’s our home and regardless of the role you take in it, Archer, you are a Valle and that means that you will always have a home here.” Even if he left, even if it was for a long time, the Backwater would always be his home like the Estuary had been Vayko’s.

