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Red Fern Forest just here to do some good - Printable Version

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RE: just here to do some good - Woya - Dec 14, 2021

Woya's ears twisted along with the words passed by the two men, catching on that the duo had some sort of understanding between them. Was this someone Adelard knew, then? Her curiosity continued to grow, but she did not allow expression nor stance to change until the unknown wolf spoke of her. Eyes narrowing further, she couldn't help but erroneously assume he was taking a jab at her size, as so many other wolves had before throughout her life.

Fucker, she thought bitterly to herself, but Adelard's signals did not go unnoticed and she was able to temper her irritation. Had she been a yearling again, she'd more likely be on her way to find Huds to knock the kid around for her.

"Toys," she corrected curtly. The only use she could see in him was finding something new from outside the territory for the children to play with, learn from or treasure.

And now that he'd offered, he'd better follow through, if he cared to ever be in the good graces of the guard at least.

RE: just here to do some good - Adelard - Dec 15, 2021

When he thought the younger man would scurry in fear, Sawyer did the exact opposite. He fought to level the smallest of smiles. Wanting to play the messenger meant that improvisation ought to come easy. The stranger found himself unfazed by the guard's standoffish stance. Even Adelard's insistence on making sure the situation didn't get out of hand did not make him flinch.

"Sure," he repeated. Points given for having the pluck to butter up his fellow grump.

"D'ya like salmon?" the man played it cool and puckish.

Woya seemed to give him a run for his money, "Toys."

The paw Adelard had set out in front of her relaxed and he couldn't help but grin with a raised brow.

RE: just here to do some good - Sawyer - Dec 15, 2021

"Toys," she had said.

"Consider it noted," he gave her the kind of smile a pup gave when asking Mom and Dad to stay awake just a little while longer. He took a step backward, pausing briefly one more time in case the duo tacked on another request.

He looked from leader to subordinate and back again, "Will that be all?" His tone was light, unsullied by exasperation for the addition of a request.

Another step back to give himself enough space to stand up tall. To avoid any implication of challenge towards the pack wolves. Confidence and casualness became him. This was where his father's silvered tongue had come in handy, "I may be only one wolf, but I'll do what I can."

RE: just here to do some good - Woya - Dec 17, 2021

Woya couldn't help that he continued to rub her thoroughly the wrong way, from the expression on his face to his choice of words. She did not answer nor bid him farewell, simply staring him down with a coldness that was familiar to her features. Were she a little less stubborn, she'd likely dismiss herself as well, requesting that Adelard simply meet with her when he was finished with the encounter. The point was simple and steadfast within Woya's mind, however: why should she get out of the way?

Once at last alone with Adelard would she relax considerably and drop all pretenses of being ruffled and aggressive.

RE: just here to do some good - Adelard - Dec 18, 2021

Adelard watched as the red-furred man took his leave. It seemed the Fates either thought to be lenient on the pack this winter or had pity on what Huddy had left behind. He supposed the full moon would be the judge of whether Sawyer was truly a trustworthy associate or not.

The Leader's eyes finally found Woya's silvery pelt when they were alone. The footsteps in the snow were quickly fading from earshot. With a pace like that, the stranger would probably return on the night he promised. A smile tugged at Adelard's whiskered maw. At least, she had relaxed some.

"Not sure if I've ever told you this," he shifted his weight from one forepaw to the other but did not draw away from her. "But, I appreciate you. Didn't think anyone else would show up."

RE: just here to do some good - Sawyer - Dec 18, 2021

Sawyer gave the pair another look over after neither of them said anything else. A connection from one pack to another and... toys, of all things... Well, it was a start, and a pretty good one, too. Adelard could have easily ripped his head off but didn't. The pale woman at Adelard's side could have harried him well away from the borders but didn't. Most inhabitants the redhead had encountered so far were hostile. Ravenous ravens, badgering badgers, mischievous minks, rambunctious raccoons, covetous coyotes... At least the wolves of Relic Lore had some decorum, especially when it came to their own kind.

Without another word, the Archer turned, trusting the pack wolves to let him go. He supposed they had to if they wanted him to make good on his promises and return with the requested items.

Once some distance was set between them, he set off at a run, eager to tell Vanadis, Viorel, and the wolves of Dead Empress Backwater who and what he had discovered...


RE: just here to do some good - Woya - Dec 27, 2021

When the fox-like wolf was well and far away, Woya eased. Her black lips quirked upward with a smile as Adelard spoke.

"Likewise. Others're prolly chasin' after pups."

Saga and Rhaegara, anyways - who knew what that weirdo who'd glommed onto Riven was up to. He didn't much count as a member, in her opinion, and wasn't good for things like acting tough anyways. She turned, ready to head back inward. When they were fully inside their borders, she could bring up another attempt at contacting @Aleister's pack.

RE: just here to do some good - Adelard - Jan 03, 2022

A scoff escaped him, not in derision but rather in a chummy sort of acknowledgment. "Mmm," he merely hummed. She was probably right about that. With every passing full moon, the pups were getting more and more out of control. It was hard to keep track of them at all anymore. They would be full-fledged yearlings with their own opinions, wants, and needs.

By now it was apparent that Sawyer had gone. Adelard could neither see nor hear him anymore. Only then did the Leader, himself, let his guard down. His shoulders softened and his neck eased from holding his head up high.

"Walk with me?" he angled his head to one side in invitation as he continued heading inwards from the pack borders. He still openly smiled at her, his tail held high but loose, "Catch me up on some things before I let ya go..."
