Ruins of Wildwood
Wild Cherry Orchard Don't go there 'cause you'll never return - Printable Version

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RE: Don't go there 'cause you'll never return - Marguerite - Feb 06, 2022

And there it was, the other side of the coin. Sure, Margo could make it her own personal mission to learn all that there is to learn about Deer, but realistically speaking would that make it hard for the wolf to then eat the creatures in the future? Sure, she could survive off of small game if she had to, but then maybe rabbits mourned for their friends and family too. Sharlee could be right about it perhaps being better to just not think about it. But that was kind of hard too, wasn't it? Just ignoring how other creatures feel because thinking about it made you sad? Margo was growing more and more frustrated and confused the more she thought about it, so for Sharlee's sake she'd save this battle of morality for her father to deal with when they returned home.

"Yeah, you're prolly right..." She sighed. "I think I'm gonna go back home now so dad doesn't worry too much bout me. What're you gonna do?"

RE: Don't go there 'cause you'll never return - Sharlee - Feb 07, 2022

The more she thought about it Sharlee decided that she would rather not know more about deer. She understood that it was the cycle of life for wolves to kill the deer for food. Leaving it at that was better for herself and the pack. Though she did worry about her niece and what effect this talk might have had in her. She thought to ask but just as she was going to Marguerite spoke stating that she should probably get back to the backwater. She also wanted to know what Sharlee was going to be doing. She most certainly wasn't going back over that hill.

"Thats probably a good idea. We definitely don't want him to worry," she agreed, "I think I'll continue exploring some more, see what's out there. If you want to come along I can explain things to your father?"