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Iridescent Lagoon up in flames - Printable Version

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up in flames - Triell - Apr 16, 2012

    Don't look out your window.

He could breathe again! He savored the cool air, tasting it on the tip of his pink tongue, and forcing it deep within his lungs. Alive, he was alive, but not just him.... He cast his head to make sure the smaller dappled wolf was not about to fall apart. She seemed on the edge of a nervous breakdown, and if she did his mind was empty of how to draw her back to the light. Thankfully she appeared only cold, and when his yellow eyes settled upon her she seemed quite thin. He was shaking more from the rigid movement of his muscles, the fight against the lagoon rather than the cold. He pushed himself up to his paws, ready to try to help her again, much like he'd done Ice after his failed fishing lessons. He could not bring himself to move, his legs did not feel his own. His tail wagged, and he ushered a bright smile upon her thanks, and her name. It was a sweet name, suiting her. The time being he did not want to disturb her in her small, curled up ball. He figured he would shrug off the gratitude an offer his name, but his tongue felt like the sand he sat upon. The sound from Ava had him twitching around to see if she was going to make it. The sputtered out a name, not water, and his tail gave another beat.

"Triell, he offered, his tone rough and deep from the toll of his ventures. He had his usual broad smile managing to light up his dark face. It could have been much worse, and the simpe reminder kept him from grumbling and complaining to himself. The thank you did not surpise him, but her last sentence did. It was clear on his face he was not sure how to take it, what to say, or if he should accept it. No one had said that to him before. Ozera had promised him three wishes of sorts, but someone owe him a life? It was amusing and disturbing to the Tainn wolf. He was quick to recover from the brief shock and shook his head, a smirk at the side of his muzzle. "No, I'm just glad you two are okay," he said, putting a serious note to what he said. He did not expect anything in return nor wanted anything. He was quite sincere in only wanting them to be okay. Worriedly his head shifted to the distant fire, trying to see if it was smoldering to an end. His past memories were reminding him how wild it was, and how quickly it destroyed.

If the subject did not exist any more, he calmly exchanged glances with the females. "Think we are really safe here?" He asked no one in particular, but wondered if he was underestimating both rain, and the fire.


up in flames - Aniu - Apr 17, 2012

She suddenly realised she had allowed herself to settle in a completely sodden state and rose herself to her spindly legs before giving a good shake. Luckily she was far enough from the others that her errant drops wouldn’t add to their own saturation, but the rain was still falling. It was hopeless. She contained the howl she wanted to throw at the sky and sufficed with small whimpers instead as she settled on her hindquarters and tried to muffle the small whines that were trying to escape from her chest.

She listened through shakes to the other two wolves, keeping her ears pinned and beginning to settle back into her usual ridiculously submissive self, focusing on the mud beneath her paws. Would she ever be free of the sticky stuff? It seemed like the rains hadn’t stopped for weeks. Would she ever see the sun again? It seemed these wolves were ok, so she didn’t quite feel the need to throw herself on her back for the first time but her nose told her tales of packs and she remembered her last encounter with pack wolves. The male smelled stronger than the female, in fact the girls smell was muted. She thought she could recognise some of the scents, but she could certainly recognise the males and slowly started to inch lower.

At his questioning of whether they were safe, a low whine really did escape her throat. She couldn’t take much more. She just wanted to go home, wherever that may be.

up in flames - Ava - Apr 17, 2012

She turned her eyes upon the male when he spoke, his voice sounding so much different coming through clean air, unblemished by the crashing waves or the raging fire. Triell was a name she would not soon forget. Ava was certain he was just being modest, or perhaps he just didn't realize the resonance of his actions. Either way she swore to it that somewhere along the line she would pay it forward, not only for her life but for the tiny grey creature trembling opposite to her. There came a slim smile across her dark face as reality began to return to the she-wolf. Once again she felt the drops of rain and the cold ground beneath her body, the way the storm winds made her cold and the weight of the water in her fur. And regardless of all these bad things, she was just happy to be alive.

That's why Triell's words created such an... interesting reaction in the dark she-wolf. In a very psychotic break-esque manner, Ava's jaws suddenly broke apart and a trill of laughter escaped her throat. She snapped them back shut before the sound had finished, a muffled giggle sounding a moment longer before she swallowed and transformed it into a smile. "I swear I am not crazy. It's just... I mean, we are safe. That's crazy. We didn't die!" Her tone became so optimistically celebratory toward the end of her ramble that it gained in pitch to an obnoxious tone she was quite surprised and a little embarrassed to hear flying out of her mouth. So she just laughed again, trying to distract them from the noise as quickly as possible. The tip of her tail had begun an involuntary twitch of utter joy, one so concentrated it couldn't possibly translate out all the way into her tail. Desperately she tried to shake the utter excitement out of her, in case they really did start to think the water had drowned her of all sense, but the stupid smile was awful difficult to control.

She shifted her attention, hoping they would both do the same, landing her bright gaze on Aniu once again. Softly she called, "Fire's gone, Ani. Where's the problem?" It was difficult to discern whether or not her actions were caused by the cold, or the rain, or the fact that they almost died, or perhaps something else completely unrelated to the issues at hand. She swung her head around, searching for some form of shelter to perhaps ease the grey female's pain, though she shuddered at the far-off trees. Ava wasn't sure if they ought to trust those while the sky was still black. Maybe talking would work off a little of the pent up neuroticism, much like Ava's laughing fit had done for her. She didn't discard the idea of finding a place out of the rain, but she did turn back to Aniu, hoping for an answer to show the way to a solution.

up in flames - Triell - Apr 20, 2012

I keep picturing Ani like shrinking behind Triell, and like slowly inching away from them xD

    We'll be alright.....

He briefly noticed the silvery wisp of a wolf moving. Staring at her seemed like a bad thing, and he watched her indirectly when she shuffled herself about. First ridding herself of the rain, and than almost looking like she might shoot off lickety split. His ears thought he might of heard her crying, the small pelts of rain, and his own shaken comfort zone had him wondering if they were coming from his own throat. That would be ridiculous. He hadn't whined since he was a child. He felt much like one now.

When she whined, he snapped his head around just to see if she was real, if it was real, and to make sure she hadn't taken flight. He'd feel bad if she ran off in this weather, and got herself hurt. Or worse caught in pack grounds, and ripped into. The River wolves were itching to bite. He was overwhelmed to want to console her, and felt a twinge of pain in his chest. Ozera had never been very fearful, but if she had he would have wanted to make her feel he did Ani now. Ava was much more steady of the two, and he faintly made out her smile despite this new hell they had all been thrown together in. Misery loves company. When this twinkling laugh spilled from her, he spine twitched shooting him up straighter, and his soggy ears flipped up. Maybe, they were equally sane. Where there was fear there was no room for reason and logic. What she said did make sense, and he did some how believe her overall feeling better. He found his tail wagging behind him, not in a large arc, but a tiny sweep. "You're right I guess, I'm just....still trying to comprehend it, and half believe one bad thing follows another just like this sick pattern of my life." Once the words were out he wanted to retract them, but could not. The other half of him was partially relieved to let his thoughts be known. Maybe they wouldn't hear hims drawn at sentence, or care.

He was grateful Ava became worried about the meek, and mild wolf. He would put his own attention there, not sure how to help. He had dealt with pups shyness, but it was easier to melt children's fear. He did not know what Ani's fear were. She might have every good reason to act like the world was about to get her. He sure was wondering about it himself. The way she asked the question, brought some sort of grin to him though it was a hidden one. He waited for some response, but tried not to stare expectantly at the lady. He did not quite understand why Ava was looking around, then it dawned on him. It'd sure be nice to get out of this rain, and be warm. Where or where would they go? His own eyes squint, pressing against the falling rain, willing for something to show itself. Finding his body more collected her stood, very carefully walking over to the grey ball of fur. "It'll be alright," he half cooed like he might to his niece or nephew. "I bet there's somewhere out of this damn rain," he lightly chuckled, his eyes scanning around. It was in another flash of lightning he thought he spotted an open in a nearby hillside. He stared at the same spot afraid to lose it, that it wasn't real.


up in flames - Aniu - Apr 22, 2012

His words caught her attention, all her fear forgotten for a short moment as another flash of what she had been coursed through her body. The realisation just left her dejected though. She had friends, and she had lost them, and now she didn’t know where to find them. Maybe if she ever did, she would ask to join their pack, but her experiences with the packs so far hadn’t been the greatest. Apparently they had little need for the meek.

She wondered about the dark males life before now, if his life was a sick pattern and how hers might be if she had never left her home. For sure, she wouldn’t be pelting from lightening and fire or nearly drowning in a lake. There were no lakes near her home, and she would be curled up in her stone den in the event of a storm.

The more she thought about home the lower her head sunk until her face threatened to high five the muddy ground between her paws, but that wouldn’t be very becoming. Shaking herself off again she listened to the cooing of the other male and picked up her feet to move a little closer. She was still a stranger to these lands and had never been here before. She hoped one of her companions would know roughly where to go. He seemed to have his eyes set on something...

up in flames - Ava - Apr 22, 2012

Though Ava was elated that they had survived the perils of flame and water, she couldn't help but heed Triell's words about the sick pattern of (his) life, her worried amber eyes flickering back to the groups of trees nearby. They had survived one unfortunate event, but the storm was still reeling on with all the words: rain, thunder, and that bastard responsible for their mess, lightning. Who was to say it wouldn't rear its ugly head for a repeat performance? The longer she laid there, heaving breaths and being pelted by rain water, the more likely the reoccurance seemed. Ava knew she had to remain calm, but her racing mind was certainly doing all it could to push her over toward the edge of sanity. Desperate to put her attention somewhere else, she glanced back over to Triell.

The black male had taken her lead of looking around for someplace safe and dry to take Aniu to, lest the suffer a mental breakdown the next time a drop of rain smacked her in the forehead, but he had suddenly stopped looking and was instead staring resiliently at a further hillside. Ava squinted into the darkness, her brow furrowing as she saw nothing. If he suddenly went loony too, she would go ahead and let herself lose it. Then there would be three water-logged psychos in one place - what fun! But as it turned out, Triell was not looney. Another bolt of lightning crackled through the black clouds and, much like it had done for the other black wolf, gave Ava a glance of a depression in the side of the hill. Duh, he had found shelter. How could she have been so obtuse?

It worried her that the grey female had nothing to say in response, but her sides were still moving - there was still life in that little body yet. Ava half expected whatever flame was left burning in her soul to snuff out at will, though, so she rose to her paws and lifted her head, eyes on the prize of shelter. "Triell's found something, Ani," she announced, loudly, in case the girl was lost somewhere in her head and needed to be jolted back to reality. "We can make it to that little nook in the hillside and we'll be out of the storm at last, I promise." Then she stalked forward, paws squishing into the soaked earth with a grimace. Yuck, they really needed to get out of this rain. Over her shoulder she glanced at Aniu, hoping she would make it to the hillside in one piece physically and mentally. If not, she and Triell would have to get her there somehow.

Ava did her best to remain positive, to try and think of it as an adventure... but damn it, when was the adventure going to end?

up in flames - Triell - Apr 27, 2012

    If I go crazy then will you still
    call me superman?

The more silver female did not seem any less scared, she was not total hostage by fear. His voice had done the trick in coaxing her closer, and some how he thought in time she would become a different wolf before his eyes. The moment was not now, and upon another flash of lightning the hole in the hillside became more real. It was then he took his chance, moving directly toward it with his eyes fiercely upon it. He was not going to die in this storm. And he repeated this in his mind.

His large, dark paws squishing in the mud, his ears were twisted back trying to make the best of the pouring rain. He did not want to leave the females behind, and half worried if they would see him. He blended in, much like they did. He did not want to lose sight of their one hope. Ava's voice broke against the ruckus of the clouds, trying to get Ani to follow them to the place out of this wet hell. He did not turn his head yet to check, they could follow his scent trail if he made it.

After feeling more dirty, and soaked he peered into the shallow hole. It would hold them, but where had it come from? How had it been formed. Worried some other creature might be using it, his nostrils began twitching in hopes of more knowledge. It appeared to be a den, possible first bear, and then wolf? There was nothing recent, but a rabbit who had mindlessly wandered in and out. Finally a bit of good news. Somehow he grabbed that little good thing, and his tail soak and wet as it was wagged at his hocks. Turning he let out a loud, brief howl beckoning his company they could be safe and sound. He did not yet enter, waiting for them to make their way, and see if three wolves could really fit.


up in flames - Aniu - May 03, 2012

Sorry this has taken so terribly long...

It was probably fortunate the static coloured female was so small. Inching her way forwards as quickly as her shaking body would allow, she made her way to the back of the opening in the hillside. Thankfully it was larger inside than it looked but she still attempted to make herself disappear into the earthy wall to make room for the two larger wolves. Another crack of thunder rolled across the lagoon but it was hardly heard within the confines of the abandoned den.

Using her nose she scented stale bear. Surely if a bear could fit, three wolves wouldn’t have an issue. Although now she was looking at the dark silhouettes outside she wasn’t sure that the male wasn’t close to the size of a bear... Why was everyone so damn huge? It was the same at home, and it was the same here. ”Get out of the rain you two” she chided with unexpected confidence. Being safe from the loud noises and flashing lights seemed to work wonders for her.

up in flames - Ava - May 04, 2012

(shall we wrap up? <3)

Somehow it all worked out this time - Triell took off ahead to scope it out and sounded the all-clear. Thank the stars that their trecherous day wouldn't include an encounter with a bear. Aniu took off at a surpisingly quick pace she hadn't thought her to be capable of, though she was still skittish as ever, and as such Ava took up the rear. She only bared the pelting rain and rumbling clouds and the mud that splashed upon her with every step that she took by hoping this was the absolute last of it. Such a mantra running through her head gave her what little strength she used to trudge across the messy earth, all the way up to the give in the hillside. When the little one chided them to come inside Ava couldn't help but give her a quizzical look, unsure of what had just happened. Perhaps the female was extremely different outside of a panic attack? Who knew. It was a consideration for a time when her brain was actually fully functioning, she decided, creeping within the cave. The bear scent was plenty old and that was all the confidence she needed to call it a night within its walls.

It wasn't a roomy fit, but it was comfortable enough. Truth be told Ava didn't really care how many wolves they were trying to stuff in here, she just cared that they had escaped the storm finally. Like their salt-and-pepper colored friend she would scooch against the wall as well as she could so there would be plenty of room for their savior to rest as well. After all, his comfort had to matter more than their's for the sheer fact that he had saved their sorry asses. Who knew that such a wild adventure would really take everything out of you? Now that she was safe exhaustion could take her, immediately as she curled up on the dirt floor of the cave. With the last of her slipping consciousness she would budge up as much as possible so everyone else could do the same as she. Then her eyelids fell and it was all over for her, basically passing out at that very moment right there.

She'd sleep soundly as if the storm wasn't still wailing outside, which it would for hours still. By the break of dawn's grey light the storm had come to a close but left in its wake toppled branches (plus the smokey tree), a high level of water in the lagoon, a gentle layer of mist and of course mud. Mud everywhere. Beneath the smell of smoke and dirt and general moistness there was a hint of something she knew, vaguely, coming off Triell. It took a second of intense staring to realize what it was: Swift River's pack smell. Eyes wise, she rose as silently as she could to her paws. He had done the greatest deed of all, saving her, but that didn't mean he did not owe it to the loyalty of his pack to seek and destroy the very scent of Naira and Rhysis, which Ava carried among her own nasty post-storm rank. Briefly her amber gaze flickered to Aniu, ears flattening on her head. Hopefully they wouldn't think terrible things of her for running this morning, but they could sort themselves out, couldn't they? Not a moment to lose, she set off on her flight paws away from the cave and the lagoon and the charred remnants of that insane storm to return to Poison Path packlands, sorely dreading the mountain passes that would take her home.