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Sanguine Cove my family lives in a different state - Printable Version

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RE: my family lives in a different state - Stella - May 17, 2022

She trailed after the others down to the shore, uncharacteristically quiet for the generally excitable girl. Stella had already grown to dislike goodbyes, or rather, she did not like the thought of someone she cared for being far away. It brought a bitter knot to the back of her throat. Still, they didn't have to say goodbye to Chan quite yet, she could pretend this was all some grand adventure, or just an enjoyable field trip to gain experience and break in their young paws. It was a chance to hang out with her family and new allies out on the open road, and she wanted to make some more memories to treasure while they still had the chance. And yet, she still found herself trailing behind this morning.

Eventually she found a place behind Leo's familiar flank, mumbling a quiet hello. Chan's question was met with a nod, though she really did not like that word he used. She didn't want to say goodbye to anybody, but she had promised papa she'd be home again soon.

RE: my family lives in a different state - Nash - Jun 02, 2022


As the others filtered in around them, Nash surveyed the group. So many pups, and his own pack members would be leaving among them. One wouldn't be coming back at the end of the two weeks. He forced his mind to return to the matter at hand. He murmured a greeting to Archer with a smile.

His mother wasn't long in arriving and Nash followed his brother's lead in giving her a brief embrace before nudging his godfather affectionately. He was glad Kajika was here to help Moon cope with her eldest son's departure. He hoped Chan would come back for a visit before long. The less time he was away, the better, especially with Nash and Aquene's goal to become parents this year. He wanted his children to be able to know their uncle as much as they could with his wander's lifestyle.


RE: my family lives in a different state - Archer - Jun 05, 2022


Archer Valle

Archer's greeting was returned by the pair of men, who then turned their attention to the others slowly gathering. The Valle boy observed the crowd, surprised by just how many Cove wolves were gathering to see them off. He'd had no idea they were that important; how many were going to be walking down the mountain with them? It seemed an awful long journey for such a large portion of the pack to make.

When the older woman appeared, who looked nearly identical to the dark man beside Chan, a new mood settled over them and Archer looked between her and Chan. He assumed by their interactions she was his mother, but why would she be sad? He would be back in a few days. He was only leading their neighbors back home - and taking the pups of the Cove with him, he supposed, but they would be back too.

Wasn't this whole exchange supposed to be exciting?
