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Secluded Spring New Days - Printable Version

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New Days - Nina - Apr 10, 2012

The golden brown female waited patiently for the younger wolf's answer. It seemed that he wasn't sure, unusual for such a big pack, but not uncommon. She didn't know how long Kash had been in the pack, so she didn't know if he knew all the rules. With a quick nod in answer to her first question she listened to what the younger wolf had said about knowing something. Pricking her ears slightly she was happy to hear that he actually knew something. That was quickly replaced by the sight beore her. The poor young wolf had lowered his ears as if discouraged and as a teacher she supposed she should help him out someone.

WIth a small, reassuring smile at the younger wolf she said in a cheery, soft voice, "Good, good! I'm glad you know about the willow branch! I am impressed and moss and cobwebs do great for soaking up blood! I'm glad you know about this, other wolves that I have met couldn't have said something educational like that to safe their tails." Nina hoped that what she said was enough to boost the young wolf's spirits back up. With a small twitch of her ears she figured that something else should be said too and with a small clearing of her throat she spoke, "You still have much to learn though. We can go over some of the basics now, Kashi."

New Days - Kashikoi - Apr 15, 2012

Kashi lifted his tails and ears again in surprise. How was she surprised about what he knew? He had only been around for one complete cycle of seasons. According to her alot of wolves around here were not educated at all but he had no room to speak. He wouldn't know the stuff that he did if it wasn't for Kano's slight knowledge in healing and the opportunity that was presented to him.

"I know that the path will be long to learning this stuff but I need to know and I am ready when you are." He would not let up on learning what he needed to untill he was too old and feeble to learn anymore. He had once seen an old wolf in his old pack but he just dissappeared one day and never came back. Is that what happened to all old wolves? Did they just dissapear?

New Days - Nina - Apr 15, 2012

The golden brown furred female was happy that the younger male had lightened up, that was good, it was harder to learn and concentrate when your mind was somewhere else. Tilting her head slightly to the side she sniffed the air and her head instantly snapped towards her right. Perfect for teaching Kashi. With a small nod towards Kashikoi, Nina took the lead and bound towards her right looking back quickly at Kashikoi and stopping slightly, "Come with me," she spoke in a soft voice, "we're going to start now."

Turning away from the younger male she leapt forward again and dashed through the trees her eyes scanning the area, sniffing the air as she ran. She could only hope that Kashikoi was on her tail and if he wasn't then well, he could always follow her scent. Stopping in a nearby clearing a little farther away from the spring lie a different variety of bushes and trees. Some with simple leaves on them, others with berries spread among them.

New Days - Kashikoi - Apr 22, 2012

Kashi watched as she sniffed the air and snapped her head to the right. He didn't know what she smelled but apparently it was interesting. All he could smell though was the regular smells of plants and such and no animals. He dipped his head slightly as she told him to follow her and that they were going to start now.

As Nina turned away from him and leapt forward running into the trees. He followed her as she dashed through the trees. He had no idea what she was running towards but he was fast enough to keep up. He stopped in the clearing next to her with a variety of bushes and trees. What was so important about this place?

New Days - Nina - Apr 22, 2012

When the younger male finally came to a stop beside her she could easily tell that he was obtuse when it came to the smell and sight of herbs.  The thought didn't bother Nin though because she was going to teach him, and she knew that no matter how long it took she would teach Kashikoi, with or without the help of her pack-mates. The younger male continued to stand there, confusion sprawled across his face as he stared at the bushes and trees in confusion, most likely trying to figure out what was so important about them. Her past pupil had told her the same thing and she had the same experience when she first started learning to be a healer. Nin let Kashikoi soak in the herbs once more before opening her maw to speak, "This, Kashikoi, is one of the sanctuary's of herbs around here. Many herbs grow here, thank goddess, and they are both for physical and mental usage."

The female did not doubt that this would or would not click in Kash's head, but she had to he patient, something she was good at when it came to it. She would eventually need to be very patient and calm. No matter what happens, she knew she would have to help Kashikoi through the process of learning while trying to be strict at the same time, he would definitely have to learn and remember his studies, meaning he couldn't just forget what she would say and throw it away, brain dumping everything that she had taught him. Focus was key in what Kash was about to learn, memorization, sight, and smell important.

New Days - Kashikoi - May 01, 2012

Kashikoi looked at the female with confusion on his face. Was she trying to make him out to be a fool? All he saw among the aphotic of the plants was more plants. He was utterly confused, and what was this sanctuary? "Is a sanctuary some kind of animal or plant?" This place was just bringing him more confusion.

Kashi did his best to hold back his self doubt but he was starting to feel like he was too young to learn all of this when he knew very little. He knew that animals ran, plants did not and the stuff above the green was white and blue. He also learned this year that the white in the blue above would sometimes drop more white stuff that was cold. How was it possible for there to be many types of plants? He continued to look up at his teacher for an explanation.

ooc:what happened to wille?

New Days - Nina - May 05, 2012

The brown lady saw confusion on the younger male's face, confusion that brought a small smile onto her face. What was a sanctuary? Hmm. . .this male in front of her was curious, a good thing for a future healer if he pursued his dream. She herself, had not realized what a sanctuary was until awhile ago, and that was from a distant teacher from outside of Relic Lore. Opening her mouth to speak, her voice was calm, collected, and soft, "A herb sanctuary is a place where many herbs grow, particularly a large amount, say lavendar, williow, enlightened empress, and ergot. This is actually where I do most of my personal herb collected and perform some experiments with different herbs. Doing expierments are important because if you learn something new it is muh easier to find a remedy if there are a variety of them."

As all of those words tumbled out of her mouth she had to stop herself from gasping. She hadn't even had to think about her answer much, the answer pretty much just came automatically. That was good though. . .well at least for her. . .perhaps she wouldn't be such a bad teacher after all. She wouldn't besot the male with too much information in one day, that would be bad, cramming things into one's head was not good for one's soul. She had to keep herself from smiling as she remembered a friend of hers words. It was time to finally put what she had learned into good use.

OOC: I don't know Kash. . .I just know she disappeared. She came back to the site, but she is under the category of lone wolf at the moment. I think she said she has been extremely busy.

New Days - Kashikoi - May 07, 2012

Kashikoi listened closely to his lesson he really did try to understand. He listened as names he had never known before flitted throughout his mind. He couldn’t help it but he started to feel antsy probably due to the fact of his youth and he wanted to see these wonders laid out in his head. He would learn this; he would prove his worth yet. He knew one thing for sure now; a sanctuary wasn’t an animal it was a place for plants to live and him to get.

Kashi shuffled around trying to relieve some of the pent up energy but to no avail. “Nina could we actually find the herbs so I can see them and learn them like that?” He hoped that she would say yes because he usually learned things by doing it first-hand. “I think I will learn the different herbs better that way.” He raised his tail a bit to show he wanted it set up like a short of game. This was of course his lingering puppy years that he had missed showing up a little.

New Days - Nina - May 07, 2012

If something had been going on Nina couldn't have possibly said no to the male in front of him. He was too sweet and adorable and she figured she needed to help Kanosak out somehow since he got here. She had heard of the little bound between the two wolves and with Kanosak's recent disappearance Nina had made sure to keep an eye on her superiors little shadow. Teach him the herbs? Perhaps a few of the herbs would be enough for the younger wolf for the day. . .she didn't want the little boy to forget everything in one day. Then she saw it, the raise of his tail, one that told her many things in words. One of them being he was higher in dominance, but she was almost positive that the meaning behind the boy's body language was he wanted a game. . .perhaps a game would even be a good idea for Nina. She guess she couldn't judge what she thought until she tried.

Smiling and nodded her head she picked around looking through the bushes of herbs and what not. Finally after awhile of hunting for herbs, the golden female turned and hopped back over to Kashikoi laying down a few herbs. Nosing them into four different piles of herbs. The lavender, s long green stalk with many purple sprots growing on top of it. . .the willow, just a simple little shrub. . .but something so simple could be extremely useful in a bad situation. Enlightened empress, a simple green stalk that one would have to memorize by scent. . .and then was the ergot. . .one of the most important things of all. . .ergot was a fungi, one that was very useful for bleeding and what not. Too bad she hadn't said this all out loud to Kash. . but she was more curious to know what he knew about the simple plants that she lay out in front of them instead of hearing herself talk for what she already knew. Opening her mouth to speak her voice came out small, "What do you know about the four herbs that I have just lay down in front of you?"

New Days - Kashikoi - May 17, 2012

Kashi watched as Nina walked throughout what he now knew was an herb sanctuary. It wasn't before long that she came hopping back to him with four plants. He wondered why out of all the sanctuary she had picked these four. It didn't look like their was anything special about them but he knew that there had to be something about them at least. Kashikoi even tried to smell them if their was anything special. All in all they all seemed like normal plants to him.

"What do you know about the four herbs that I have just lay down in front of you?" As Nina asked this he looked up at her and frowned a little. He thought he knew two of them but that was it. "The branch is a willow I think, and it's bitter and relieves pain a little." He nudged the fungus one after he nudged the willow with his nose. " I think that is moss?" He wasn't sure about it but it looked like most of the moss he had seen.